What are you listening to? Vol 3

Guess who is watching the movie Eddie and the Crusiers lol.

We saw this one in the early '80's. Sometime. Dates blur.

We saw these guys in Knoxville in the late '70's. Weird night. I'd never seen them before, so we pushed through the crowd until we were up front. One of the security guards in front of the stage recognized me and came over. Got any smoke? The band needs some. They got beer? So, we traded during the concert. And, afterwards.

We drove forever to see them. Well, I drank, she drove.
We caught this guy during a cross country trip to visit her grandmom.

Probably one of her favs in the top 10. I use to know all the licks. Same concert. Sat on the Northern part of the Great Divide on that trip.


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