What Are Your Earliest Memories as a Tennessee Fan?

How long have you been a Tennessee fan?

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Volosaurus rex

Doctorate in Volology
Dec 2, 2009
As we prepare for another season of Tennessee football, this is a tribute to those who have stood by the program, through thick and thin, for decades on end. It is also a bit of a competition to determine who, among us, has stood watch longest as a member of the Big Orange Nation.

My personal allegiance is now approaching, hard as it is to believe, half a century. I first began to follow Tennessee football in 1967, Doug Dickey's first SEC championship season and the year before John Ward became the beloved "Voice of the Vols." I vaguely recall the 1965 Bluebonnet Bowl vs. Tulsa and clearly remember the 1966 Gator Bowl in which we defeated Syracuse 18-12, despite Larry Csonka and Floyd Little amassing nearly 300 yards rushing.

So, I presently stand at 46 years and counting as a proud member of the Big Orange Nation. How long have you been one and what are your earliest memories of Tennessee football?
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I'm 26 and have been a UT fan as long as I can remember. My most vivid and early memory was Joey Kent getting demolished by Lawrence Wright. I was 8 or so that year and for most of my childhood (and possibly even now) I considered it the hardest hit of all time lol
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My earliest memory was when I was around 5 years old. My dad started taking me to all of the home games around that time. IIRC, we were beating a team 45 to 0, and I asked my dad who we were playing and he said this horrible team from Nashville named the commodores. After that I was hooked and from that game to present have only missed 3 home games in 25 years.
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Heath Shuler and little man Stewart taking Spurrier's 4th ranked Gators to the wood shed in the '92 downpour.
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I remember my first game was the 1979 Notre Dame game when I was 6. The first memory that I was excited about was beating Bama in 1982, and going over to The World's Fair and realizing that the rides sucked.
I remember sitting on the porch in Reliance, TN trying to listen to the Vols about 1950 on a static filled AM radio. We only got one station reasonably clear and that was from Etowah, TN. I remember some of the players such as Doug Atkins and later ones included Jimmy Wade at tailback, Tommy Bronson at fullback. Of course I remember Johnny Majors, Bill Anderson, Gordy, Rader, Burnham, Cartwright, etc.
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I'm the ripe old age of 25....1992-1993 is when I actually start having clear memories of UT football
Went to the TN/UCLA game in Memphis in 1965.
Most called it the Rosebonnet Bowl as TN was headed to the Blue Bonnet Bowl and UCLA was headed to the Rose Bowl. Great game from start to finish with Vols winning at the end. Interesting note, TN DB intercepted on the final play of the game and fullback for UCLA came off the bench to give him a forearm shiver as he ran down the sideline.
Almost started a fight.
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29 and I don't remember not being a vols fan. My favorite memory is my Aunt took me to my first game. I think i was like 10. We parked and started walking. I remember it was Cold. We were playing Kentucky. I saw houses and a few people walking in the same direction we were then all of a Sudden.....my jaw dropped. We hit the strip and i saw an ocean of Orange. People were playing music, grilling food, drinking, laughing etc.....everyone seemed like they were so happy and having a good time. Orange flags, Orange Jerseys, Orange Coats, Rocky Top was playing.......i loved every minute of it.

God I Love being a Vols fan!
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29 and I don't remember not being a vols fan. My favorite memory is my Aunt took me to my first game. I think i was like 10. We parked and started walking. I remember it was Cold. We were playing Kentucky. I saw houses and a few people walking in the same direction we were then all of a Sudden.....my jaw dropped. We hit the strip and i saw an ocean of Orange. People were playing music, grilling food, drinking, laughing etc.....everyone seemed like they were so happy and having a good time. Orange flags, Orange Jerseys, Orange Coats, Rocky Top was playing.......i loved every minute of it.

God I Love being a Vols fan!

The 1st game I vaguely remember going to was 1979 Utah. I remember being in section W at the 1980 USC game. Best early memory was 1982 Bama.
I saw my first game on September 29th 1945.We beat Wake Forest 7-6 in Knox ville. We lost only one game that year, Alabama 25-7. We beat Vanderbilt 45-0 and were 8-1. I think John Barnhill was coach then, but Neyland came back in 1946. Barnhill was hired by Arkansas in 1946.
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I'm 28 and my earliest memories are going to my grandmother's house in the fall where we could see and hear the fireworks from her house. So, even if for some reason the game wasn't on (almost always was) we would know when the game kicked off and when Tennessee scored. We also drove home by the stadium after we left her house and I can remember passing over the Henley Street bridge and seeing the stadium full of life underneath the lights.

Also, there was a guy who went to my church who went to my (eventual) high school that was Heath Shuler's backup. I can remember him telling me about the blisters he had on his hands from warming up with him. I don't know if he was embellishing or not. But I sure remember it. His name was Lance Wheaton if any of you remember him. Always held on PATs.
I'm 23, and I vaguely remember the '98 championship game. My dad is not a sports guy, so it took until I was in the 5th grade and started playing to get me real interested. The first games I remember a lot were the Clausen years and beating bam.
In 1953 selling Knoxville news with the game lineups outside the stadium.Then going in to sell nickel cokes in the stands .Would sell a couple trays full and then watch the games usually after the halftime ended.

Have more memories of great games than this ole brain can conjure up.And I can't wait for the next one.

Been through more highs and lows than an old wooden roller coaster and dang ready for the next HIGH.
VFL :twocents:
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I think I was probably around 8 when I started watching and rooting for Tennessee on my own (not just because my dad rooted for UT). That's probably around the 1989 season. I can vaguely remember playing Auburn and LSU that year.

I remember bits of 1990 season fairly well, with us tying Colorado, beating Florida, and winning the Sugar Bowl vs. Virginia.

Guess that makes me a Vol fan for around 23-24 years.

1993 vs. Alabama is probably when I realized I was a hard-core Vols fan. That was the tied game that we "won", back when Bama had David Palmer and was ranked #2.
I am 42 and actually remember Jimmy Streeter playing in the Peach Bowl against Purdue when I was little. My biggest early memory was 1985. Tony Robinson led the Vols early on to a win over then #1 ranked Auburn and Bo Jackson.

At 14 yrs of age all I wanted for Christmas was to go to the Sugar Bowl. It was the most exciting event I have ever been too including the Super Bowl. Ever since then I have been waiting on the Vols to go back and I definitely make the trip back to Nola.
The first game I remember being at was the '97 Citrus bowl where we beat Northwestern when I was 6. Fun times with my dad.
I'm 59yo, and my first game at Neyland was the '66 UK game, which featured UK's Dickie Lyons, one of the most feared return men in the game. Of course we had Dewey "Swamp Rat" Warren at QB and chalked up a good win that day. Never forget how big Neyland seemed to my 12yo eyes at the time. Miss the Walking Horse and the view of the Hill with the cannon after each TD.

Best memory was at the Fiesta Bowl winning the NC in '98. FSU had a LOT of talent, but we got the early breaks, and Peerless Price was "Peerless"-- on the cover of SI.

Times have changed!
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I'm 59yo, and my first game at Neyland was the '66 UK game, which featured UK's Dickie Lyons, one of the most feared return men in the game. Of course we had Dewey "Swamp Rat" Warren at QB and chalked up a good win that day. Never forget how big Neyland seemed to my 12yo eyes at the time. Miss the Walking Horse and the view of the Hill with the cannon after each TD. Times have changed!

I miss the Walking Horse as well
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I am 54 now. My first time with the VOLS, I was five my dad was in Vietnam, my grandfather called me over to his house to listen to THE GAME on the radio. We sat on his front porch (My grandmother did not like all the yelling we were doing so she did not let us listen in the house) every Saturday he wasn't working. I do not remember a name, a play, or who was the announcer all I new was it's Tennessee and we loved them. Thanks to my grandfather for leading me to the VOLS.
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