What country has the highest crime rate in the world??

The only thing I could come up with it was something to ruffle LG's feathers..........

I will say so myself, some of these links and pictures are full of bigotry.

Actually, it's not even funny considering how ludicrous it is.

I'm not sure he realizes how ridiculous these pictures are, in terms of photo-shop credibility and conspiracy theorist drivel.
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it would appear that Southern Africa is still a pretty crappy place to live.

Top ten most dangerous places in the world.

Any nation described as the ‘rape capital of the world’ should be one to take extra special care in. Although rape had shown a declining trend to 113.7 in 2004, it increased in 2005 to 118.3 per 100 000.

Another damning statistic for South Africa is its appallingly high murder rate. The 2010 World Cup host is consistently in the Top 5 list of countries by homicide rate. Most crime is confined to poor areas but it hasn’t stopped gated communities springing up all over South Africa and armed guards protecting wealthy tourist groups.

Farming in South Africa has become one of the most dangerous professions in the world. The murder rate for farmers in South Africa is 313 per 100 000 – about 8 times the national average.

And like anywhere, sex can be very dangerous in South Africa, where more than 10 million people are infected with HIV.
Wait, so seriously--and respectfully-- where is this thread going? Was this just a sharing of information, or was there a specific point?
I wouldn't put much stock in any of those rankings. Many countries have different cultural values and I would imagine something that would be reported as a crime here would be ignored elsewhere. I know for a fact killings we would call murder here are called justice in other places.

One can misrepresent a lot with statistics and also with rhetoric.

For instance the murdered man was portrayed as a supremacist, he was actually a seperatist and people really should have followed more closely what he said.

He is portrayed as a supremacist but public statements by those who played a part in his murder have been far more vehement in their own racial supremacist statements.

There's so much wrong with that rebuttal that I'm not even going to spend time on it. If anyone wants to fact check that garbage, then they will. Otherwise, they can believe whatever you want to spout as the gospel.

Do yourself a favor and go back inside where it's safe.


Your own UN link had SA second in murders per capita, what are you trying to say??

You fact check snopes and I'll stick with the "Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development," I know I'm right and you are FOS!

The only garbarge in the thread is your constant drivel.

Do yourself and everyone else a favor and pull your head out of your ass.

I am actually being quite honest when I ask this. What is the point of this thread?

What is the point of any thread?

What is the point of your avatar??

I thought we might have intelligent discussion of world events.

What do you think?

I will say so myself, some of these links and pictures are full of bigotry.

Actually, it's not even funny considering how ludicrous it is.

I'm not sure he realizes how ridiculous these pictures are, in terms of photo-shop credibility and conspiracy theorist drivel.

Photo-shop these. (warning, not for the squemish of heart.)

Just what is ludicrous??

Look up 'bigotry' in your dictionary.

I think you will find the most bigoted comments in this thread come from the current president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, pictured here on the right:


Wait, so seriously--and respectfully-- where is this thread going? Was this just a sharing of information, or was there a specific point?

Where do you want it to go??

You mentioned the muslim angle, well here the hell you go.

Happy now???

Not mentioned in that biased account is the fact that those Israeli shipments were foodstuffs and it is really tragic that South Africa which has been and still should be a bread basket for the world has lost half of it's farms to satisfy demands from black supremacist nutcases.

What I think is more important than the direction of this thread is what will be the direction of South Africa??

Closer to home, what will be the direction of America??

Besides stating blatantly obvious facts from years of apartheid, and blaming this on Africans, I have no idea.

So the guys who commited the murder are not guilty because of past wrongdoing by a government the victim had no control over??

The ANC killed more black Africans in it's first six years in power than the apartheid government did in forty.

Not only that, Winnie Mandela in the terrorist lead up to the ANC takeover was killing more black Africans that the the apartheid government ever thought of, in a most cruel and heineous way, the necklacing of black policemen, clerks, suspected informers or anyone else who cooperated with the ligitimate government.

The necklacing consisted of tying the victims hands behind his back, tying his feet and forcing old used tires over his torso, filling the tires with gasoline and tossing a match.

Winnie Mandela's motto was; "Liberating Africa one match at a time."




Whoever it is, it's certainly a photoshop.....and not a very good one, at that.
And this thread is exactly why I don't take the /Politics forum seriously anymore.
We need more Rhodesian Ridgebacks, the only lion hunting dogs in the world.

Don't be such a reactionary.

"Revolution is the duty of every citizen."

Judicial activist, Supreme Court Member, Sonia Sotomayor and member of the national council of La Raza (the race), that received $15.2 million if federal grants in 2008.

Global warming advocate rino Lindsay Graham of South Carolina could have killed her nomination in committee but did not.

Key among the secondary organizations allied with La Raza is the radical racist group Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), one of the most anti-American groups in the country, which has permeated U.S. campuses since the 1960s, and continues its push to carve a racist nation out of the American West.

The National Council of La Raza and its allies in public office make no repudiation of the radical MEChA and its positions. In fact, as recently as 2003, La Raza was actively funding MEChA, according to federal tax records.

You probably understand enough Spanish to interpret the the La Raza motto; "For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada," how do you react to that??

“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…”

“…assimilation is a crime against humanity”

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who is described by Barrack Hussein Obama as a 'close personal friend.'

Don't believe it: are you lion?:biggrin:
LG has averaged like 20 post a day for the past 4 years. I doubt he has been very busy with the law profession.

What can you expect from an ambulance chaser?? :birgits_giggle:

The one in the middle, a photoshopped Charlize Theron?


And this thread is exactly why I don't take the /Politics forum seriously anymore.

My grandmother used to say; "If the stove's too hot, get out of the kitchen.'

I'll play along, why is South Africa's crime rate an important world event?

I guess that would depend of where you live and what you may or may not care about specifically, organized genocide against a particular minority.

You must think the topic worthy of comment since you commented.

If you want to know what to think, check with your nearest thought policemen, they are well represented in this thread.

Don't believe it: are you lion?:biggrin:

If I'm lion I'm Dion!! :)

I used to travel around a bit when I was younger but about thirty five years ago I moved back to the country and having been away for a while, I thought I would get all caught up on everything right away.

I don't know how I thought I could fish all morning after running my trap line, bird hunt all afternoon, coon hunt at night and still work and support a family while keeping up all the honey dews and other homework that I was very enthusiastic about keeping abreast of in those days.

After a bit of prioritation and considering the fact that I needed to sleep sometime but before I cut out the coon hunting part, I heard about a dog a guy wanted to give away and went to visit him.

I had a half blue tick and half mountain cur and this guy supposedly had a Rhodesian Ridgeback female that I thought maybe I could breed my dot with and maybe hve something unique.

The man with the dog to give away was really interesting and I spent all afternoon with him, he lived alone and seemed a bit lonely. He had been a WWII fighter pilot, flying P-40s and later P-51s out of England and after Germany capitulated he flew P-38s in the South Pacific.

He showed me several photo albums and various trophies he had won. He had won several world championship coon hound competitions and had developed five different strains of Walkers and had won a championship with each of the five.

He was good friends with one of Britians most famous fighter pilots who had given him a prize fox hound from the family estate that he had bred into one of his strains of coon hounds.

When he was in the South Pacific near the end of the war he was sitting in his tent with another pilot playing cards and noticed a dog walk by the tent and asked what it was.

The other pilot thought it might be a red bone hound but he thought not and found it out to be a Rhodesian Ridgeback and brought it home with him and bred it into one of his championship lines.

The Ridgeback is so named because the hair on it's back from the base of the tail up to the shoulders runs foward rather than back toward the tail as in all other dogs.

He had obtained the dog he was considering getting rid of as a present from a Chinese man from Taiwan who had paid him to optain from local saw mills a particular kind of lumbar, the dog was a gift to show appreciation from the Chinese man.

As the sun began to set we went out to look at the dog, he described what a great hunter she was and that he had on several occasions seen her crawl on her belly hundreds of yards across fields and leap ypon a deer and bering it down. She wasn't big enough to keep a grown buck down but could hold down a doe easily.

He also explained she was definately a one man dog.

After I looked her over he asked if I wanter her and when I said yes he gave her to me and said he hoped I understood he wouldn't just give her to anyone. (I had had the feeling he had been sizing me up all day with some of the questions he asked etc.)

She was absolutely a one man dog, it was three months before she would even sniff the back of my hand when I offered it, she wasn't friendly with any of my other dogs and didn't like to be touched or petted at all.

In the mean time I had disposed of my coon hound and so when she came in heat I took her to a friend who had some Rodesian Ridgebacks to see if I could get some pups.

Even though we put her in a big male's pen and left her for a week she wouldn't let him cover her.

My friend said that even though she had the ridgeback hairing on her back she wasn't a pure RR and he should know since his dad sometimes flew over to South Africa to judge the breed in dog shows.

(His dad's spending of $6,000 for round trip airfare to judge a dog show had me immediately thinking one of the two of us had screwed up priorities.)

I had to agree with my friend, she was smaller than his hounds and his were of a tawny tan/brown color while mine was much more reddish.

So I did some research on my dog and I found that she was of a unique breed of wild dog found only on one island in the Gulf of Thailand.

The clincher was than she had double canine teeth top and bottom, the second set behind the front ones are curved backwards like hooks.

That is as to the best of my knowledge the only breed with that characteristic, the opposite running hair along the backbone is shared with the Rhodesian Ridgeback and no other breed has that as far as I know.

Well to make a long story a bit shorter, I'll try to wrap this baby up.

This dog was a picky eater and liked to leave food in her dish to much on later and I had some chickens at the time and they would come along help themselves but she would hide behind her house, jump out and kill them and place them in a neat stack.

I didn't like that and tried to break her, she didn't accept scolding at all.

After I had her for a little while I had turned her loose one afternoon and she disapeared for about two weeks and finally returned as thin as a rail, I assumed she had been chasing deer.

After I had her about six months and taking her for walks on a leash I finally developed enough rapport with her to let her course the fields and had even her coming when I called.

One day I caught her killing another chicken and scolded her for it and told the kids not to turn her loose but they did and that was the last I ever saw of her, I supposed she joined the coyotes, she always seemed closer to them than to me.

So the red wolf killed by Mrs Old Vol may have been from the land between the lakes or it might have been a Phu Quoc - coyote cross.
GS, we should start a VN Fur Trappers club.

As someone who peruses African Newspapers every now and then, I have to agree with the gist of GS's posts, though not as outwardly 'r word'.

The UK for a while mid-century had a process that lead towards majority rule on the continent, and those countries, though poor by world standards, are successful by sub-saharan measuring.

The most public outbreak of "inter racial" violence against Africans was in Rhodesia, where the cold war opponents both supplied arms to African 'nationaists'. 4 of 10 members of the R.L.I., who were one of the greatest irregular units ever, who fought for property rights and democratic rule, were native Africans.

But, the left leaning world would never believe that blacks would fight alongside whites in Africa for a representational government on the Continent, instead handed the country to Mugabe. The nation with the best standard of living on the Continent now has a life expectancy of 33.

Posted via VolNation Mobile
GS, we should start a VN Fur Trappers club.

As someone who peruses African Newspapers every now and then, I have to agree with the gist of GS's posts, though not as outwardly 'r word'.

The UK for a while mid-century had a process that lead towards majority rule on the continent, and those countries, though poor by world standards, are successful by sub-saharan measuring.

The most public outbreak of "inter racial" violence against Africans was in Rhodesia, where the cold war opponents both supplied arms to African 'nationaists'. 4 of 10 members of the R.L.I., who were one of the greatest irregular units ever, who fought for property rights and democratic rule, were native Africans.

But, the left leaning world would never believe that blacks would fight alongside whites in Africa for a representational government on the Continent, instead handed the country to Mugabe. The nation with the best standard of living on the Continent now has a life expectancy of 33.

Posted via VolNation Mobile

Correction, the dog I mentioned was a "Mah Thai Lung Ahn" and not a Phu Quoy, guess they are three breeds of ridgeback, although the two I mention in this sentence must be related and surely went into the breeding of the Rhodesian Ridgeback lion hound, live and learn.

Takes a pretty brave pack of dogs to surround and bay an African lion wouldn'd you say?

Give me a reply in the 'wolf shouldn't be on the endangered species' thread and I'll tell you a funny story about the first bobcat I ever trapped. The one that got away.

Back to the subject ot the thread.

Here is the best short article on the topic that I've found.

All those statistics quoted earlier in the thread mean less when one considers;

(from 2007)
The SA government forbids the publishing of South African police crime statistics without their permission. Media crime reports are vetted by the police. The world’s media want to pretend the new government is responsible ........................................

In 2006 there were 55,000 reported rapes in South Africa but official estimates are that another 450,000 rapes were not reported.

At the beginning of the decade there were 40,000 White farmers in South Africa and there have been is 3,037 murdered in racial genocide and more than 20,000 armed attacks perpetrated by groups of militant, young Black racists on commercial farmers, since the ANC came to power in 1994. This is certainly higher as the South African government and police, with the world’s press keep it covered up.

Jimmy Carter is very much responsible for helping over throw the Rhodesian government, (that had a duly elected black prime minister btw) in favor of his crooked commie cohort Mugabe.

Best book on Rhodesian history, the great betrayal.

Going back to the original Rhodesian constitution of 1923, there was no racial connotation to the franchise, and from that date there have been people of every race, colour and creed on the voters’ roll. The next step came forty years later with the 1961 constitution, and this embodied the addition of a ‘B’ roll with a debased franchise qualification especially designed to cater for our black people. The normal roll, or ‘A’ roll as it was now called, remained open to all irrespective of race, colour or creed.

So this new constitution, far from trying to entrench our white people, did the reverse, and facilitated and encouraged the participation of our black people. The constitution was accepted by, and carries the signatures of, representatives of the British Government, the Rhodesian Government, and the black nationalist leaders.

It enshrined the principle of ‘unimpeded progress to majority rule’ and the British representatives involved in drawing up the constitution estimated that it would culminate in a black majority government within ten to fifteen years. If this is the manner in which white Rhodesians attempted to perpetuate their rule of the country, their incompetence, not to say stupidity, was most remarkable. (p. 103)

Carter’s hypocrisy and rank dishonesty was unbelievable and unforgivable. He advanced the reason that the removal of sanctions would be to the prejudice of our country... it was obvious to any thinking person that he had only one objective in mind: winning himself black votes in the coming presidential election. (p 306)

Lord Soames conceded that he had received over one thousand affidavits, many of them endorsed by British observers, confirming massive intimidation by ZANU (Mugabe's organized marxist murderers) comrades canvassing while pointing their guns at voters. (p.409)

We'll never see anything like that in America....oh wait, Philadelphia, home of the liberty bell.

Carter was also responsible for helping to overthrow the only government, other than Israel, that was a real friend and ally of the US in the middle east, ie the Shah of Iran in favor of the mad marxist mullahs who have been a scourge on the Persian people ever since.

BTW, our own present teleprompter in chief aka Carter lite did his best to help overthrow the democratic government of Kenya, which is one of the best places to live in Africa, for black or white, in favor of his commie/muslim friend who claims to be a cousin.

Most people in this country seem to be afraid to call Louis Farrakhan a racist but if he isn't a racist then there is no such thing as a racist. Same goes for Jeremiah Wright.

Thomas Jefferson said; "the man who reads nothing knows more than the man who reads only newspapers."

Perhaps we all need to read some of Greg Stanton who outlines his groundbreaking theory on the eight stages of genocide: classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination and denial.

South Africa is in stage seven and eight?

Where do you think we are in America?

"It is easier to resist in the beginning than in the end."
Leanardo Da Vinci
Whoever it is, it's certainly a photoshop.....and not a very good one, at that.


That was only ancillary to the point and would be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer.

Of course it is photoshopped, to illustrate a point about many other victims who are faceless because the PC American media never reports about it and the communist South African government censors their own press.

Here is another faceless victim;


Just because the American media doesn't report this genocide, does that mean it isn't happening??

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, is there a sound??


VolinMn I thought you were all about minority rights, fair play and justice, equal rights, non-violence, human rights and all those other liberal bleeding heart ideals??

Guess I was wrong.

I now understand you are in such denial (stage 8 of those complicit in genocides) that you cannot bear to face the truth, for what ever reason, but here are two more appalling articles that maybe someone else will read and take note of.

The South African government is keeping the true state of black on white racist crime away from public scrutiny.

One of the most shocking recent examples of two anti-white racist hate-crimes involved the April 1, 2009 torture-murders of Alice Lotter, 77, and her daughter Helen, 57, which caused a wave of abhorrence amongst the entire white community because of its incredible cruelty. The women, both frail, were tortured to death at their farm in Allenridge near Welkom in the Free State on April 1, 2009.

According to forensic evidence, the Lotter mother and daughter died excruciatingly painful deaths: First tortured by being stabbed with broken glass bottles into their vaginas; one of the women also had her breasts cut off while she was still alive - and then both women's blood, police forensic experts found, had been used to paint the ANC's anti-Afrikaner hate slogan 'Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer' on the walls of their homestead.

The silent genocide.

In the last decade 31,000 white South African farmers were tortured by roving bands of black racists. Three thousand of them suffered beyond degree, having their tongues severed while they were still alive and worse, begging for a death that was slow to come. Three thousand were robbed of their basic human right – their lives, yet no international aid is being sought to stop the massacre.

In fact, as an article from Genocide Watch points out, there is an international effort to deny South Africa’s ethnic cleansing by blaming the victims. The South African government as well as the U.N. and the United States are content to consider the lives of white South African farmers as an offer of atonement for the policies of a government long buried in the sands of time.
VolinMn I thought you were all about minority rights, fair play and justice, equal rights, non-violence, human rights and all those other liberal bleeding heart ideals??

Guess I was wrong.

I now understand you are in such denial (stage 8 of those complicit in genocides) that you cannot bear to face the truth, for what ever reason, but here are two more appalling articles that maybe someone else will read and take note of.

He would fit in well at Hyde Park.

Indeed, VolinMn would fit in well at Hyde Park.

Glad to see he has abandoned his pathetic denials of the genocide of Dutch Boer farmers by the communist inspired ANC in South Africa.

Boer hate speech;

In the golden warmth of summer,
In the chill of winter's air,
In the surging life of springtime,
In the autumn of despair;
When the wedding bells are chiming,
Or when those we love depart,
Thou dost know us for thy children
And dost take us to thy heart.
Loudly peals the answering chorus;
We are thine, and we shall stand,
Be it life or death, to answer
Thy call, beloved land.

Politically correct speech acepted by the media, the South African government and the US State Department:

"Kill the Boer"......"take their land," and "rape every trespasser, namely white whores … till the last breath is out. … white kids will be burned, especially those in Pretoria and Vrystaat." and is characterized as an "anti-apartheid song."

You probably didn't know the Boers settled the area about the time pilgrims and puritans settled in North America and that the Boers had a much better record of treating the natives than did the ancestors of many Americans.

You probably didn't know the Dutch Boers were living peacefully in South Africa a hundred years before the first warlike Zulu even arrived in the area.

You probably didn't know the Zulu had a record of exterminating (with the exception of the more desirable breedable females) whole tribes that found themselves in the way of the Zulu migration.

You probably didn't know the Boers were living in South Africa peacefully for two hundred years before the British decided to usurp the area as part of their colonial empire.

You probably didn't know the first mass starvation in prison camps was perpetuated on the Boers by the British and the vitcims were mostly captured Boer women and children or that even more black African Boer allies were starved to death in those camps a little over a hundred years ago.

You probably didn't know the largest hospital in South Africa was built specifically to exclusively treat members of the Zulu tribe who one might think would have the least amount of gratitude.

You probably didn't know that just past a year ago that the mid-seventies aged formula one driver Jackie Pretorius died in a coma in a South African hospital after beaing beaten senseless in his ancestral farm home or that two years prior to that he was severly injured fending off another such attack in which his aged wife was murdered.

You probably didn't know that an ancestor of his led the Boers in fending off an attack by ten to fifteen thousand Zulu warriors at Blood River in 1838, Zulus who intended to kill all the Boers and that was the beginning of 'aparthied' and was an agreement between Boer leader Pretorius and the Zulu chief that they would live apart (apartheid in Africaans), it wasn't about racial prejudice, it was about living in peace in two distincly seperate areas.

You probably didn't know the first British expedition against the Zulus, despite the better advice of the Boers scouts, the whole British force was anihilated to a man.

You probably didn't know the reason for the battle of Blood River to begin with was that the Boers finally refused to live under the harsh taxation of the British and thus migrated inland to unoccupied land and the Zulu siezed the moment to attempt a genocide that it still means to accomplish today.

You probalby don't know much of anything but at least I have offered you the opportunity to know a little.

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Not that many Muslims there... So what is your angle on this?

The muslims had a strong influence in South Africa over a hundred years ago.

(Gleaning from my memory of 'Ghandi, an autobiography) At the time the muslims in South Africa held prestigious positions, many were wealthy merchants, most owned their own business but the immigrants from India were mostly 'coolies' or manual laborers, government clerks or in Ghandi's case a litigator.

Ghandi who had been educated in England and was practising law in South Africa, protested that he as a Hindu had to remove his native headress in court whereas the muslims were allowed to wear theirs and there were many other areas where his people were discriminated against in favor of muslims under British rule of South Africa.

The reeducation of Ghandi from an Indian perspective.

“Hindus should never be angry against the Muslims even if the latter might make up their minds to undo their (Hindus’) existence. If they put all of us to the sword, we should court death bravely. … We are destined to be born and die, then why need we feel gloomy over it?” (speech delivered on April 6, 1947).

“If those killed have died bravely, they have not lost anything but earned something. … They should not be afraid of death. After all, the killers will be none other than our Muslim brothers.” (Shri Nathuram Godse, Why I Assassinated Gandhi, p-92,93; as quoted by Koenrad Elst in Gandhi versus Godse, Voice of India, p-121).

This sort of thinking introduced into America by MLK who first drew his thoughts from Christian teachings, has been a huge factor in the highjacking of his civil rights movement by muslims and their ever eager communist allies such as the ACLU and the NAACP.

The Muslims whenever they attack a Hindu settlement, in addition killing innocent people, setting their houses on fire, loot and burglary as their routine work, rape Hindu women. It is evident that, they commit all such oppressions according to the instructions of the Koran, revealed by Allah. During the Muslim rule that lasted for nearly 800 years, raping Hindu women became a common affair. To save their honour and sanctity from the lecherous Muslims, millions of Hindu women used to sacrific their lives in flames. In the wake of partition most of the Hindu families became victims of Muslim oppression and raping Hindu women was an inseparable part of their attacks. When Hindus were butchered in Noakhali in 1946, thousands of Hindu women were raped by the Muslims.

Many Hindus of this country do not know, what Gandhi, the Great Soul and the Apostle of nonviolence, thought about this behavior of the Muslims. In the 6th July, 1926, edition of the Navajivan, Gandhi wrote that “He would kiss the feet of the (Muslim) violator of the modesty of a sister” (Mahatma Gandhi, D Keer, Popular Prakashan, p-473). Just before the partition, both Hindu and Sikh women were being raped by the Muslims in large numbers. Gandhi advised them that if a Muslim expressed his desire to rape a Hindu or a Sikh lady, she should never refuse him but cooperate with him. She should lie down like a dead with her tongue in between her teeth. Thus the rapist Muslim will be satisfied soon and sooner he leave her. (D Lapierre and L Collins, Freedom at Midnight, Vikas, 1997, p-479).

A brief history of muslim incursion into India.

Islam and slavery. Muslims probably took more slaves from India than anywhere except perhaps Africa. They captured slaves as far west as Newfoundland and 800 from Iceland in one raid.

In present day South Africa muslims (along with the ever present communist party) are a very strong influence on the native population to incite anger and agressive, violent action against anything the see as Christian or of a western non-islamic sharia dominated society.
Sorry IP, I missed putting in a link in the above post about why Gandhi got the beating from the muslims in South Africa.

There was a whole list of things but one gripe was that the hindus had to pay a higher rate of tax to the British than did the muslims.

Currently Hillary has chosen to exercise her exemption authority to grant a ten year visa to Adam Muhammed Habib of Johannesburg, SA to visit and teach his brand of islam in American universities even though he was previously banned for connections to muslim terrorists.

Hitlery never made public why he had been banned.
The ACLU did their best to get him into the country.

I can tell you this much, there is no doubt in my mind that he didn't do his best to aid the Palestinian Liberation Front's advances in South Africa. (remember the PLO, they brutally murdered two American diplomats in the Saudi Embassy in the Sudan under the direct orders of Yasser Arafat, among their too numerous to mention event history of using terror tactics to achieve their goals.)

No doubt this is all coupled with Presidential Determination No. 2009-15.

An interesting side note is that the daughters of GW Bush made an unpublicised visit to SA during his first term and the sibling of a guy that used to be a frequent visitor to my abode was a secret service agent on the security detail on that visit.

When that SS agent was married a couple of my children attended the wedding and one of them remarked to me later; "first wedding I ever attended where everyone was packing heat."

VN Store
