I kind've liked his response.
He didn't cuss at the interviewer, he cussed aside at the question. And, c'mon, admit it, you'd've cussed if you'd gotten such a papparazzi question- the way it was asked- right out of the half-time tunnel too.
Personally, the only thing that ticks me off about his response is that it was clearly a goading question, and Miles gave the interviewer and her bosses exactly the reaction they were hoping for. He wasn't low-class, he was momentarily stupid- stupid to be surprised-into-anger that he'd get such an obvious, needling question.
I'm not saying one way or another whether Miles is low-class or not, I'm just saying that interview & his response isn't something to judge by; It's better material for saying the interviewer & her bosses are muck-raking bitches than that he's got anger-problems if you consider the question and situation...