What did you break out of anger?



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
Because UT lost the game in such a frustrating fashion, I now have a hole in the coat closet door of my apartment. I thought the remote would break, but now I know the door is made of something slightly thicker than cardboard. My wife wasn't happy with me.

What did you break?
Because UT lost the game in such a frustrating fashion, I now have a hole in the coat closet door of my apartment. I thought the remote would break, but now I know the door is made of something slightly thicker than cardboard. My wife wasn't happy with me.

What did you break?

Fortunately I have an orange football filled with very soft material, so I hold on to that during the game, and it can't break anything when I throw it.
threw the remote when they scored the TD and broke the batter cover on the back. so now there is tape instead :rock:
Borrow a baby to hold. I had my grandson so my house was safe. I am not a football scholar by any means. So I have a question for those of you in the know. Is there some reason why we did not have our defensive players all over the checkerboard at that last play - just knock the ball down? I know that sounds simplistic, but I would like to know.
It is pretty amazing that there were two guys that wide open in the middle of the endzone. Heck, as crazy as it sounds, it wouldn't have been all that bad an idea to just jam all the receivers and hold them on that last play. The worst thing that would happen is a flag and half the distance to the goal line for a FG attempt.
I vomited. I cant help it. This team boils my blood and i cant take games like that.

I wanna go on a cussing tirade right now but i wont.

I am really upset that our players went out and got arrested. Way to stay mature guys.
Didn't break anything, kind of saw it coming unfortunately after that 4th and 8... very upset, but it was a great game nonetheless.
i just had to take a ride, about a 45 minute ride just to calm down and clear my head... i was sulking more than anything
I broke open way too many beers. My body woke up in Memphis this morning - my head, on the other hand, woke up in Dante's fourth ring of hell...
if i'd had one more drink i probably would have broke something. however i was sober enough to realize the game was over long before it really was. just had the same feel of the end of the florida game. just knew their offense would find a way. they played hard without some of their best players. lsu just picked the right week to play us this year and the wrong week last year.
i was working in a bar last night so i just tossed a bunch of shots in my mouth
I cussed for probably 45 minutes to an hour straight. its cold outside but i was so mad i stood outside for 30 minutes cussin and kicking sticks around in the back yard, every now and then i'll throw one and cuss the stick. now hearing that we had 3 morons arrested who are guys who actually play, that makes me even more sick, screw them suspend them for the rest of the year. when i lost in college i might have had a few drinks(at my house) cause i was to pissed and embarrassed to freaking leave my house.

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