What did you break out of anger?

I didn't break much of anything. Although, I managed to scare off my G/F on that last drive. She claimed she walked in the door and saw me absolutely furious as I slammed a stress ball, then ripped it in half. Afterwards I took a good 30 minute cruise.

I didn't sleep much.
I broke a beer bottle against my tree. I thought I had missed it but in the dark all I heard was...CRASH!!!!. It tore my Back Door Tavern huggy too. (It was on the bottle) The wife was not impressed. I am still so pissed I don't know what to do. I'm trying to block it out but I can't. This sucks.
Me .....I moved to MA....put 1000 miles between me and the call in shows and other post mortums in Knoxville....I have reduced a loss to 30 mins of foul mood, calling for the usual coaching changes, ect..

In K-town, I lived each loss for a week, until the next game....that was part of the life there for me (and everyone I associated with), It was great...I think.
Because UT lost the game in such a frustrating fashion, I now have a hole in the coat closet door of my apartment. I thought the remote would break, but now I know the door is made of something slightly thicker than cardboard. My wife wasn't happy with me.

What did you break?

Nothing. I wasn't surprised when the most talented team in the country finally won a game against a quality opponent.

They beat both Auburn and UF everywhere except the scoreboard... they just didn't do quite enough to beat themselves this time.
I threw nothing this time. I have thrown two things in anger over the Vols in the past. One was the TV remote, which exploded on impact. Thank God it hit the wall and not the TV screen. And the other time I threw my sandwich, which I immediately regretted as I really wanted to eat it.

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