What do you want to see today on the field?



Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
I want to see HEART!! Something that these players collectively have lacked to represent as whole in the last 4 years.

I want to see a team and not a bunch of individuals. I want to see A bunch of players that will run through a wall for what they believe in, for their coach, for each other, For our fans, For our university, FOR OUR STATE........and most importantly FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

Team: If you want to be someone else...all you have to do is change your minds! Leave nothing on the field!!! Give your all for Tennessee. IF you do nothing but that, then you will have made us all proud. Win or lose.

BUT.. if YOU have the courage...the intestinal fortitude..the guts, will, and most importantly the HEART to leave everything you have out on the field......THEN you will never lose.

It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the FIGHT in the DOG that wins the day. Make us proud!!

Later rednecks.
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Oh..and if it is at all posible Dear Lord......A wardrobe malfunction by the hot Florida Blonde Cheerleader during halftime wouldn't be a bad thing either.

Go Vols!
you guys crack me up..ie oregon cheerleaders. really dont get expectations too high this team is going into the swamp...the pit of hell...these people piss into balloons and throw them at opposing fans...we have a long losing streak going in to this game...we will see what butch and staff is made of after this one..GFBO!
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i failed to mention that FL has one of the nastiest defenses in the nation :eek:hmy:
Here is a serious answer. I want to see some coaching creativity. A couple of years ago we played Florida in the swamp. We clearly had a better team, especially on offense against their young secondary. The UF coaches were able to nullify our advantage by committing pass interference every time a DB was beat, better to give up 15 yards than a TD. Eventually the refs got tired of calling it and UF went on to win. Clearly a coaching tactic that had some risk but led to a win.
I want to see this type of creativity to help equalize the difference in talent and experience and depth. These do not always work, but better than sitting on the sidelines clapping your hands and getting pounded over and over.
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I want to see HEART!! Something that these players collectively have lacked to represent as whole in the last 4 years.

I want to see a team and not a bunch of individuals. I want to see A bunch of players that will run through a wall for what they believe in, for their coach, for each other, For our fans, For our university, FOR OUR STATE........and most importantly FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

Team: If you want to be someone else...all you have to do is change your minds! Leave nothing on the field!!! Give your all for Tennessee. IF you do nothing but that, then you will have made us all proud. Win or lose.

BUT.. if YOU have the courage...the intestinal fortitude..the guts, will, and most importantly the HEART to leave everything you have out on the field......THEN you will never lose.

It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the FIGHT in the DOG that wins the day. Make us proud!!

Later rednecks.
We have HART, Dave Hart that is part of the problem.
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If the Vols are in the game, then obviously I want them to win. But at the very least I wanna see fight from the Vols. They need to go into this game with something to prove. And they need to come out of the game with clear message to everybody to watch out.

Go Vols.
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Tennessee Win. That simple. I don't care if refs butcher the game as long as to our favor or what. I feel we still are owed one for the 2000 refs debacle on the Jabar Gaffney No catch but ruled TD.
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I want to see discipline on defense. I'm sick of watching two defenders cover the same man when they're running a zone and leave the seam wide open. It's basic mental breakdowns. Tons of them last week. And when they do it once, it starts a landslide of it. Discipline. I want to see discipline and focus.
Fundamental blocking and tackling. No blown assignments. Solid football, win or lose. I really hope we look like a football team that came to bring the fight to them right from the start.
I want to see HEART!! Something that these players collectively have lacked to represent as whole in the last 4 years.

I want to see a team and not a bunch of individuals. I want to see A bunch of players that will run through a wall for what they believe in, for their coach, for each other, For our fans, For our university, FOR OUR STATE........and most importantly FOR THEMSELVES!!!!

Team: If you want to be someone else...all you have to do is change your minds! Leave nothing on the field!!! Give your all for Tennessee. IF you do nothing but that, then you will have made us all proud. Win or lose.

BUT.. if YOU have the courage...the intestinal fortitude..the guts, will, and most importantly the HEART to leave everything you have out on the field......THEN you will never lose.

It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, but rather the FIGHT in the DOG that wins the day. Make us proud!!

Later rednecks.

"Put me in coach I'm ready to play, today.":pepper:

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