What happens to the two QB's that don't become starter or backup?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
I'm just curious..

Not that we've gotten anywhere near that point but do those guys stay and keep learning or are they headed elsewhere?
At least one will redshirt. I believe Dobbs will play. He is a play maker. Wins will get people back in the stands and he will be our best shot at wins.
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At least one will redshirt. I believe Dobbs will play. He is a play maker. Wins will get people back in the stands and he will be our best shot at wins.

The only way Dobbs will play this year is if Worley, Peterman and Ferguson get hurt.

See I can make a dumb statement biased off nothing too.
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Decent chance someone transfers, but I hope not. I think they all can be really productive in this system
The list of QBs that turn into WRs and DBs is long. Also a good chance at least 1 and maybe 2 of them aren't on the roster in 2 years.
The list of QBs that turn into WRs and DBs is long. Also a good chance at least 1 and maybe 2 of them aren't on the roster in 2 years.

Well worley is a junior so you are correct that 1 will not be on roster.
One of the frosh qb's will redshirt. Then, whichever qb doesn't start between Peterman and Worley will be gone.
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One of the frosh qb's will redshirt. Then, whichever qb doesn't start between Peterman and Worley will be gone.

That's what I think. We will lose one QB most likely. If for some reason a freshman started, we probably lose 2 QB's.
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See I can make a dumb statement biased off nothing too.

I think you mean based, unless you're Australian, in which case it sounds the same.

Also, while you're at it, say the phrase "rise us lights" and it sounds like razor blades in an Australian accent.
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The only way Dobbs will play this year is if Worley, Peterman and Ferguson get hurt.

See I can make a dumb statement biased off nothing too.

Dobbs is a play maker (non-biased observation from actually looking at *ALL* his highlight films from HS). Whether he is an SEC level playmaker remains to be seen. Now, unless you have personally been on the phone to Coach Jones and know otherwise, perhaps the other poster's observation isn't so dumb. Clue to you--just because you post a lot does not make you football brilliant, the least ways knowledgeable, or even entertaining. All it means is you have a lot of free time that you should probably be devoting to something you do know about. Dobbs is a playmaker, to all the level we know about at this point, so you need to get over your bias and hope that he is. Because if he is UT will be the better for it. GBO
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Should they not become the starter...

Worley will probably stay since he is a junior and most likely will not transfer for his senior year. Don't really see him dropping below #2 anyway.

One of the 2 true frosh woll red shirt but uktimately, two of the other three most likely transfer. I could see Dobbs sticking it out for the Academic program though.
Every year someone here overestimates the "new kid in town's" chances to become an immediate "impact player". Every year, they will write those guys off after they fail to meet those lofty expectations.

Physically, Peterman and Worley are ahead of the freshmen. Stronger arms. Bigger. More muscle development.

Mentally, they understand the pace of CFB vs HSFB. They understand the competition level. The actually have some experience running a CFB level offensive system with CFB level personnel vs CFB level personnel.

EVERYTHING, even the compliments being given to the two Freshmen, reflects them being behind the two returning guys. Peterman was a "playmaker" in FL HSFB. Worley set records at one of the better HSFB programs in the country. I am very high on Dobbs. I am far less confident in the physical talent/potential of Ferguson.
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One of the frosh qb's will redshirt. Then, whichever qb doesn't start between Peterman and Worley will be gone.

I disagree. If Worley wins the job and keeps it through the rest if his career, Nate would be able to be starting by his RS Junior year.
All 4 stay, all 4 may play this year depending on injuries

Yes, we hope we don't have so many injuries that all 4 play this year ...

... but during Peyton's first year, at least 4 QBs played for us, so they all better be ready.
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Why all the backlash on the Dobbs excitement? I don't get why people feel the need to slam the idea that this kid may be the best option on a team with no real experience or stand out talent at the position. Isn't this the time of year to wear orange colored glasses and hope for greatness from unproven guys? Are you going to be proud you were right if this kid is a bust?
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