What happens to the two QB's that don't become starter or backup?

In 1994 there were I believe 5 scholarship QBs shown in the same picture on the front of the KNS..almost the exact same scenario as today..A couple of injuries and poof..
...Peyton Manning vs. Brandon Stewart
Mike Grein I recall was the odd man out and transferred to Memphis ..outside of the plethora of RBs from that year this team kinda sets up like that to me..
CBJ and staff will narrow things down.There will be transfers.Won't be Dobbs that's for sure
There IS real experience AND talent at the position.

Worley was just as well thought of as Dobbs coming out of HS if not more so and a better prospect than Ferguson. IIRC, he was a Gatorade HS player of the year at the QB position. His recruit ratings suffered because his throwing motion was a little odd. His production was nothing short of incredible. He ran a spread offense... faced and beat Clowney's team in HS on the strength of Worley's stat line. Kiffin and Chaney both loved him. He started games as a true Fr. He's now in his 3rd year of development in college football.

Peterman according to Rivals was a better HS prospect than any of the other three. He ran a HS dressed down version of an O very similar to Jones' O. He's probably the fastest of the 4 QB's in question and the most accomplished runner in HS. He's a year+ ahead of the two Fr in college level development.

NONE OF THIS is a disrespect of Dobbs. I think he is a great prospect with a great future... that will probably start in a couple or 3 years at UT.

I admit having limited info on the two Fr in particular. However every video including the recent practice videos I have seen of Ferguson... he shows a fairly average arm. He was consistently throwing low in the video recently posted here. Those were 7 yard button hooks... and he was consistently off target low. He may have a future. It may be at UT... but my guess is that he's the odd man out of this group. And I personally believe that Jones and staff saw this before NSD which caused them to go after Dobbs as hard as they did.

Don't really claim to know bunches and bunches of stuff except what is released publicly from as many sources as I can find.... and of course going from being someone that makes stupid statements like the one I responded to to someone who recognizes them.

Which just means I have more experience at this particular thing han you and reason and collate facts "bunches and bunches" better than you.

Lets see. I'm stupid because I questioned your knowledge about knowing the actual physical strength of our QBs (Do you have a spycam in the weight room?)
I'm stupid because I'm amazed at your wondrous ability to make emphatic statements about the mentality levels of our QBs (Do you do mind melds or something.)
But what the heck. At least you got a like for your post, you silly ol'collater of facts, you.
I question my decision to read anything on this board everytime I start reading a thread. I am pretty sure some of you guys would argue about who should be the first string jock strap washer. As far as what happens with the QB's I would say that it is probably completely up in the air at this point. Those who are saying the Freshmen high school film is awesome for Dobbs need to look at the high school film for the other three guys, guess what, it is awesome. That's why they got scholarships. I truly hope Worley wins the job and Peterman is 2nd string, with the 2 freshmen redshirting. That would by far be the best scenario for Tennessee. At this point it is all speculation though. So I myself am personally going to hope for the best and assume nothing, because when you assume all you do is make an azz out of u and me.
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Nobodys thought of this what if old Worley kicks azz right out of the gate and lights it up, then we can start a tread whats going to happen to DOBBS.

Best case scenario is Worley does just that and we RS both Dobbs and Fergeson.

That was kinda coherent...you feeling ok pedigo?
If Worley wins and holds it for 2 years, All 3 will stay for 2 more years and battle again going into their Junior or RS Sophomore years. The losers would probably transfer then.

If Peterman wins I see Worley transferring before or after the season to a FCS program so he'd have 2 years of eligibility. One of the other freshmen would redshirt and the other would be a the backup. (If Worley transfers pre-season.)

If Dobbs or Ferguson wins I could see a scenario where the other 3 transfer eventually. Maybe Worley or Peterman would stay to be a back up, but most kids want to see the field in their college years. The other true freshmen woudl redshirt.

Worley would only have one year to play if he transfers. he will play some this year even if Peterman was named starter for game one..
Worley would only have one year to play if he transfers. he will play some this year even if Peterman was named starter for game one..

You don't have to sit out a year if you transfer down to an FCS school. He would be able to play this year and next year.
And you misspelled, "misspelled"... then called him a retard. Classic.

Lol thank you for defending me, on myself calling myself a retard. And no that's old English. What now?
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The best way for a qb to get to the NFL from U.T. is either to stick it out on the bench like Pat Ryan and Matt Simms, or to sit on the bench and then transfer, like B.J. Coleman or Nick Stephens. If you are the starter at U.T., it's more difficult.
The best way for a qb to get to the NFL from U.T. is either to stick it out on the bench like Pat Ryan and Matt Simms, or to sit on the bench and then transfer, like B.J. Coleman or Nick Stephens. If you are the starter at U.T., it's more difficult.

Unfortunately, from a look back at history, you are correct. However, that does not mean that history HAS to repeat itself.
You don't have to sit out a year if you transfer down to an FCS school. He would be able to play this year and next year.

that would be true but I don't think it is anything that will come about. Worley is going to start and unless hurt, play out the year as starter IMO
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that would be true but I don't think it is anything that will come about. Worley is going to start and unless hurt, play out the year as starter IMO

I really hope this is the case. By that I mean, I hope Worely really is the best option. I think it's in the team's and the program's best interest that Worely be the guy. If he's named the starter, it all but guarantees that all the other QB's stay. However if Peterman or one of the true freshmen is named the starter, I fear that Worely and/or Peterman would transfer, creating depth issues.

Having said that, I still say you start the guy who gives you the best chance to win, regardless of what year they are.
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