What Has the Biden Administration Done For You Lately?

1.8 million people got vaccinated yesterday. And we'll go up from there. COVID Relief Package coming to get America moving again as the virus declines with mass vaccinations. God I love the smell of competent government in the morning!

Thanks to trump lifting regs. What a dolt.
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We're not gonna suddenly "open up." We're going to open up as the virus gets more under control, which will be done by mass vaccinations, which Biden is crushing (1.8 million vaccinated yesterday alone). That, coupled with getting cash in the hands of desperate families, state and local funding, small business relief, etc., will get us back on the right track. And don't, Trumpers can continue to complain about gay rights, black people voting, etc while all this happens.

Your narratives just show you believe so much s*** that isn’t remotely close to true. Carry on.
LOL ....... sounds as if you're the one w/the butt-hurt on a daily basis. Joe sucks bigly & everyone knows it.
I'm retired & don't GAF what happens with the daily stupid of a Biden admin. Yea for back to America Last....

Yet, you're posting daily about Biden and how America is going down, etc.
1.8 million people got vaccinated yesterday. And we'll go up from there. COVID Relief Package coming to get America moving again as the virus declines with mass vaccinations. God I love the smell of competent government in the morning!

Certainly not here. The Hamilton Co Health Dept obviously couldn't figure out how to distribute free money if the treasury was in danger of burning. Idiots.
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Dude, get a grip - Biden hasn't even played one round of golf. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever know how to president right.

Biden can't lift a golf club - much less hit a ball with it.
Ummm... wrong quote?

I didn’t mask up out on the lake yesterday either 🤷‍♂️

But Fauci hasn't had time to confirm that human to fish transmission cannot happen. It's anecdotal, and you could be killing off fish forever ... contaminating the atmosphere, and darkening the sky.
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But Fauci hasn't had time to confirm that human to fish transmission cannot happen. It's anecdotal, and you could be killing off fish forever ... contaminating the atmosphere, and darkening the sky.
Based on how many fish I got close to I’d say they will be just fine... 😥
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I said Biden, himself, has nothing to do with the supply chain, especially only 3 weeks into his term

He is still busy signing every executive order they place in front of him

Its a question whether he actually knows what day of the week it is

Its like we have William J Le Petomane as President

Pres Joe Willie Ketamine and the Pens - the left's new rock band.
Except he absolutely could yet hasn't made any changes in his 3weeks. The last guy had months and made very little progress either. This is a complete sham
The US has administered more vaccines than any other country. And besides China, no other countries are even close. What would you have them do differently? This is a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. We discovered our first case in the US less than a year ago. Within that single year, tests were created; more tests have been conducted than we have citizens; multiple vaccines have been created; and 37 million doses have been administered. So, no, it's not perfect. But what they have been able to do is pretty miraculous honestly. And Trump and his team deserve a lot of that credit.
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The US has administered more vaccines than any other country. And besides China, no other countries are even close. What would you have them do differently? This is a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. We discovered our first case in the US less than a year ago. Within that single year, tests were created; more tests have been conducted than we have citizens; multiple vaccines have been created; and 37 million doses have been administered. So, no, it's not perfect. But what they have been able to do is pretty miraculous honestly. And Trump and his team deserve a lot of that credit.
I've given Trump admin credit multiple times for cutting the red tape but it appears they had no plans to get it distributed quickly. The logistics part was horrible
I've given Trump admin credit multiple times for cutting the red tape but it appears they had no plans to get it distributed quickly. The logistics part was horrible
What about all of the news coverage showing the vaccine being loaded onto Fedex and UPS trucks? I think they ship it out as fast as they can, but the failure comes at the state and local level since they had no idea how to distribute it to the local level and get people vaccinated.
I couldn't begin to tell you how, when or where I can get vaccinated or sign up to get vaccinated or even if I'm eligible in my county. Apparently they think everyone here takes the local newspaper and if they don't they have to subscribe to the online edition to get their info, because it's not on the local county website.

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