What if you could know 1 (political) thing?



Extra and Terrestrial
May 19, 2014
If you could know the actual truth about 1 thing in our government/history/politics what would it be?

Who killed jfk?
Trump/russia connection?
2020 legal vote results?
Where Covid came from?
Are we in a simulation?
How deep does the CIA spying/actions go in America.

Not talking what ifs, or how tos. Just actual, or at least alleged, events. Not looking for a poll, just responses and reasons why.
Aliens- because if there was actual evidence and contact with aliens, our world would go theta dramatic change
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Tough call…..either 1) true tally of JFK vs Nixon, especially in Chicago or 2) why in the heck inner city residents keep voting Democrat when they can clearly see the lack of improvement?
It’s JFK for me. My grandfather was a huge FDR Democrat, and he always said he thought LBJ & the Military Industrial Complex had a hand in it. If so, that’s a scary thought.

How different would America be had JFK not been killed?
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Honestly, if you pick CIA, you might end up knowing about most of those other issues by association.
If you could know the actual truth about 1 thing in our government/history/politics what would it be?

Who killed jfk?
Trump/russia connection?
2020 legal vote results?
Where Covid came from?
Are we in a simulation?
How deep does the CIA spying/actions go in America.

Not talking what ifs, or how tos. Just actual, or at least alleged, events. Not looking for a poll, just responses and reasons why.

9/11? Oh good grief not another 9/11 “Truther” 🤦‍♂️. It’s JFK and everything else is a distant second
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A searchable inventory of everything in every government storage facility and the ability to buy anything I wanted (within reason).
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I would like to know why there is such little desire to clean up and simplify legal code and law books. The fewer the laws, the easier the remaining ones are to enforce.

I would also like the government to answer who put the bomp in the bomp shebomp a domp.
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If you could know the actual truth about 1 thing in our government/history/politics what would it be?

Who killed jfk?
Trump/russia connection?
2020 legal vote results?
Where Covid came from?
Are we in a simulation?
How deep does the CIA spying/actions go in America.

Not talking what ifs, or how tos. Just actual, or at least alleged, events. Not looking for a poll, just responses and reasons why.
LMFAO at the Trump/Russia connection.
If you could know the actual truth about 1 thing in our government/history/politics what would it be?

Who killed jfk?
Trump/russia connection?
2020 legal vote results?
Where Covid came from?
Are we in a simulation?
How deep does the CIA spying/actions go in America.

Not talking what ifs, or how tos. Just actual, or at least alleged, events. Not looking for a poll, just responses and reasons why.
Confidently? Numbers 2, 5, 8 and 9. Humbly, through experience

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