You can't be serious. Butch took over a team that had no experience at QB, WR,
Dooley tookover a team that had no QB at all... literally. No QB returned from the previous year. The best RB and there was only one had about 300 career yards. He had no DT's returning. Two Fr started at LB, one at S, and another at CB. Four different Fr would start on the OL.
That team played a schedule just as tough and still made a bowl game.
No playmakers any where. No quality DBs for SEC play. No backups. What did you expect this team to do?
I expected them to be well coached. I expected to see improvement over the course of the year. I expected to see them to beat teams with less talent. I expected to see some sign that this staff could coach a team up.
Plus we lost to all top 10 or 15 teams before the Vandy game.
Yeah.... UF and UGA really turned out to be great, huh? The other 4 losses were blowouts that weren't competitive after the 1st qtr.
This team is beat up. We did beat a top team in S Carolina did you forget that.
Yes. One good game saved by two circus catches.... vs a loss to Vandy and 4 FCS school impressions. Sorry. But if you win one like that then follow it up with 4 games like what we saw through VU.... you have proven NOTHING.
Something Dooley never did and he had Bray, Patterson Rodgers and Hunter.
And.... Dooley proved to be a bad coach, right? Against a very similar schedule and with even less talent... Dooley won more games. He went to a bowl game and should have won. THAT is what has me so concerned and not very positive about this staff. Added to that.... the roster does not appear to be getting better next fall. In fact, it looks worse.
Maybe you will answer where others won't. What would you have me put my hopes in? Can you give me a good, well thought out reason to believe in this staff's ability to coach and develop players? One game that looks alot like a fluke at this point isn't enough....