What is 'Retirement'?

Sorry, not following your line on this.

The idea that retirement should be a right granted by the government and that it is unethical to have children are two ideas that are mutually exclusive.

How does one retire without a work force to continue providing? Where would the products you require come from
The idea that retirement should be a right granted by the government and that it is unethical to have children are two ideas that are mutually exclusive.

How does one retire without a work force to continue providing? Where would the products you require come from
Pretty soon it'll be machines until they destroy us.
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Pretty soon it'll be machines until they destroy us.

Not sure we will see self replicating machines within the next 2-3 generations and yet many today believe having children to be unethical
Definition of retirement is in two parts:
1) It is something I SHOULD have been able to do within the next decade if my investments wouldn’t have nose dived due to……
2) It is something Joe Biden SHOULD have done 30 years ago
or more succinctly, retirement is something I CAN’T do because it is something Joe Biden WON’T do
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Retirement for me means 30 years and out. I don't care if I'm not financially secure as I want to enjoy life without feeling old. In reality I didn't feel this way but I've had family recently who died younger and never got to experience life without work. Mind you I have tons of hobbies that'll keep me busy. I don't work because I like to, I work so I can enjoy my hobbies. Healthcare is the wild card that is the unknown
Retirement for me means 30 years and out. I don't care if I'm not financially secure as I want to enjoy life without feeling old. In reality I didn't feel this way but I've had family recently who died younger and never got to experience life without work. Mind you I have tons of hobbies that'll keep me busy. I don't work because I like to, I work so I can enjoy my hobbies. Healthcare is the wild card that is the unknown

I have 0 interest in “life without work”. I see that as a synonym for death
Every time I go to my dentist, he asks me if I have any plans for the weekend. I always tell him that I'm retired and there are no weekends in my life anymore.
I'm happy to be retired, and it is really enjoyable to wake up in the morning and know that I can get up whenever I want and do whatever I want every day for the rest of my life.
I retired right after Covid hit. I can tell you every day isn’t Saturday but there aren’t any more Mondays.
I've got some guys I know with planes, one is a 172, another has a piper lance and another has a twin commander (sweet ass plane). But yeah, let's grab some beers and go flying.
172 will almost fly itself. Awesome aircraft! My trainer was N80247.
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It's kind of a stepping stone for the young guys to get to the major airlines, but I think more and more retirees are going there as a post retirement job as well. I know it seems weird that I could go there and fly, but they are under a different part of the FAA code which allows any age to work there. I have looked into that as well.

You hit on a big part in your earlier post that I didn't mention and that was health care. Huge... part of the equation, but I guess it dovetails into financial security.
I've known people that lost their health insurance at 55. Once you get in your fifties the cost of private health insurance sky rockets. 1 of those people decided to risk not having insurance, and went bankrupt when he had a heart attack and couldn't work(carpenter) for several month. .

I retired the first time at 53, and My wife and I had Private Insurance . That was around 2005, and the insurance for both of us was abou $6-8000 per year. Wife got sick and the insurance started going up 15-25% , sometimes twice a year. The insurance cost almost $30,000 annually before I hit 60. So I went back to work at age 59 for health insurance. Dam, dam, dam.
I worked at that job about 4 years when i could quit and keep the health insurance until age 65.
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Tax rates were manageable until a bunch of dumbass Kalifornians moved in and way over paid for properties. In our neighborhood I saw two sales north of $900k that aren’t worth a penny over $600k

Yeah, well many of them now are trotting right on through Texas on their way to Tennessee. 5,000 per month moving to TN. Craziness.
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I have 0 interest in “life without work”. I see that as a synonym for death
Work being something Im getting paid to do and not making my own schedule to do it. My hobbies of making maple syrup, fishing, wood working will keep me alive. I actually think traditional work because I sit behind a desk all day is shortening my life more than not working.
I have 0 interest in “life without work”. I see that as a synonym for death

I don’t go that far, but yes, whatever I do work wise after retirement will be what I already do on a limited basis or something entirely different just for the experience and hopefully something meaningful.
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Yeah, it's been crazy in ET and surrounding areas. The rest of the country is bailing out of certain states and everyone seems to have discovered Tennessee and Western NC. I can't believe what I can get for my house today, knowing what I paid for it 22 years ago. It's gotten completely insane.

Upstate SC is awful now.
Upstate SC is awful now.

I’ve been to Greenville fairly often. I love GSP area. Talking to locals there that’s the message I’ve gotten as well. Hmmm….why, oh why would ALL these people be wanting to move to the RACIST South?? It’s a horrible place, full of uneducated, small minded bumpkins. Can’t imagine why they would all want to move here.

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