What is your opinion of the New World Order/One World Govt theory?

What is your opinion of the New World Order/One World Govt theory?

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It is coming...................................................... it will be ushered in under peace and all of that other garbage.
“We are gratful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directores have attended our meetings and respected their promises of descretion for almost forty years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government.” -David Rockerfeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

It is all just a matter of time.

Who knows, maybe Iran will start it off by using a nuke some where.
Over the course of evolution of mankind, there has been one consistency: We've become less and less cloistered.

It's just about inevitable and is probably a requirement for the advancement of mankind as a species as we move more and more into being a galactic civilization.

I'm using a bit of imagination, but, keep in mind if you told someone 500 years ago all of Europe will be, for the most part, one government and has just about abolished religion and people are communicating using 1" screens and boards they'd probably string you up and burn you to death.
I think I'd rather have a new world order run by the capitalist-friendly military-industrial complex as opposed to an NWO run by green leftists carrying Che Guevera signs.
I think I'd rather have a new world order run by the capitalist-friendly military-industrial complex as opposed to an NWO run by green leftists carrying Che Guevera signs.

Both would be disasterous IMO. A happy medium would be ideal, somewhere around middle-right.
Both would be disasterous IMO. A happy medium would be ideal, somewhere around middle-right.

so you want either capitalist-friendly Che supporters or a green lefty military :question:
so you want either capitalist-friendly Che supporters or a green lefty military :question:

Free market (with fiscal responsibility), strong military, liberal social agenda, and I couldn't care less about the green stuff until it costs me money, then drop it.
Another crackpot conspiracy theory?
Is real and coming to pass?

"Evil thinks not to beguile us by unveiling the terrible truth of it's festering intent, but comes, instead, disguised in the diaphanous robes of virtue, whispering sweet-sounding lies intended to seduce us into the dark bed of our eternal graves."
Koloblicin's Journal

Have you read "Tradgedy and Hope" by Carrol Quigley??

If not, you should, it is very revealing.

Couple of facts about Quigley.

Slick Willy Clinton mentioned his mentors in his first inaguaral address, Quigley was the only one he mentioned by name.

Quigley was voted 'most influential' (on their thinking) by the students at the prestigeous Columbia University for 28 straight years.

"Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries." -- Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University (who didn't buy into Quigley.)

Over the course of evolution of mankind, there has been one consistency: We've become less and less cloistered.

It's just about inevitable and is probably a requirement for the advancement of mankind as a species as we move more and more into being a galactic civilization.

I'm using a bit of imagination, but, keep in mind if you told someone 500 years ago all of Europe will be, for the most part, one government and has just about abolished religion and people are communicating using 1" screens and boards they'd probably string you up and burn you to death.

So you are saying the cephalization of civilization is in cursing Ceres or seeking her blessing?

Orwell wrote of which you speak and knew what he was talking about.


Or maybe you are referring to "the restaurant at the end of the universe?"


"You can't get good chinese takeout in China and cuban cigars are rationed in Cuba. That's all you need to know about socialism." - P.J. ORourke

Both would be disasterous IMO. A happy medium would be ideal, somewhere around middle-right.

Where on the mobious loop would you designate to be the middle-right??


I've never been able to get you to think outside your box, my bad.

"If government were a product, selling it would be illegal." -- P.J. O'Rourke

so you want either capitalist-friendly Che supporters or a green lefty military :question:


Because everyone knows peace is just garbage!

The socialists say peace is the absense of resistance to socialism.

Muslims say peace is the absense of resistance to islam, (submission.)

I say piece is a nice thing to have in your hand if you need it and it's sighted in and loaded.

It is coming...................................................... it will be ushered in under peace and all of that other garbage.

"A motion to adjourn is always in order."
Parimentory rules.

"What this country needs are more unemployed politicians." -- Edward Langley

"The American political system is like a gigantic Mexican Christmas fiesta. Each political party is a huge pinata -- a papier-mache donkey, for example. The donkey is filled with full employment, low interest rates, affordable housing, comprehensive medical benefits, a balanced budge and other goodies. The American voter is blindfoled and given a stick. The voter then swings the stick wildly in every direction, trying to hit a political candidate on the head and knock some sense into the silly bastard." - P.J. O'Rourke,"Parliament of Whores"

"When a government controls both the economic power of individuals and the coercive power of the state ... this violates a fundamental rule of happy living: Never let the people with all the money and the people with all the guns be the same people." -- P.J. O'Rourke

“Today we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”
President John F. Kennedy

I'm a half second guy mself. :hi:
Free market (with fiscal responsibility), strong military, liberal social agenda, and I couldn't care less about the green stuff until it costs me money, then drop it.

Have I told you lately how much I respect you?

Peace through superior firepower isn't. Peace through UN dictate is.

I agree. The UN is useless, and I always want the United States to have to biggest stick on the playground. It just struck me as weird that the previous poster said that a new world government would come about because of peace.
I agree. The UN is useless, and I always want the United States to have to biggest stick on the playground. It just struck me as weird that the previous poster said that a new world government would come about because of peace.

I think his point was it would come under the guise of peace.
I think his point was it would come under the guise of peace.

That makes more sense. I really do not think people need to get worked up about a New World Order, it will never happen. Most people identify way too much with their nation or their culture to suffer a unified world government.

People really should not get too worked up about Obama either, the Democrats will lose seats in Congress in 2010. It will be very difficult for Obama to get anything done after that. If the economy does not improve quicker than expected Republicans have got a real shot to oust him in 2012 as well.

Many of you may not believe this, but the Republicans are running a very efficient effort to counter anything the Democrats are trying to do. As was said before, Pelosi and Reid had to buy off a few people to get the Health Bill through, even with a super-majority. As I said on another thread, Liberals (and I include myself in those ranks) are really upset with the Health Care Bill and feel like the best parts were scuttled just to get it passed.
That makes more sense. I really do not think people need to get worked up about a New World Order, it will never happen. Most people identify way too much with their nation or their culture to suffer a unified world government.

People really should not get too worked up about Obama either, the Democrats will lose seats in Congress in 2010. It will be very difficult for Obama to get anything done after that. If the economy does not improve quicker than expected Republicans have got a real shot to oust him in 2012 as well.

Many of you may not believe this, but the Republicans are running a very efficient effort to counter anything the Democrats are trying to do. As was said before, Pelosi and Reid had to buy off a few people to get the Health Bill through, even with a super-majority. As I said on another thread, Liberals (and I include myself in those ranks) are really upset with the Health Care Bill and feel like the best parts were scuttled just to get it passed.

How many people would have believed 20 yrs ago Europe would be united as one union? But it happened.

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