What is your opinion of the New World Order/One World Govt theory?

What is your opinion of the New World Order/One World Govt theory?

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Two hundred and thirty three years ago our government gave us inalienable rights, since then they have been trying to correct that mistake.

actually, our inalienable rights are given to us by our Creator. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution put it in writing.
That makes more sense. I really do not think people need to get worked up about a New World Order, it will never happen. Most people identify way too much with their nation or their culture to suffer a unified world government.

I'm not trying to be snarky, but that comment is just a tad naive. The rest of the western world laps this collective crap up, and are doing everything they can to make this happen. It's that exact way of thinking that has gotten humanity in trouble in times past (WWII comes to mind right away for me) It's why the US are so hated across the board is because generally we as a country have refused to surrender any part of our sovereignty to the world courts. Do I believe in a NWO? No, not really. Do I believe the world will have one government one day? Yup, mainly because I do believe in the Bible and the prophecies therein. However, as the Bible also says I'm just living my life to the best that i can, and am not burying any buses any time soon.

I don't think Obama is the Antichrist or anything silly like that, however the one thing about the more liberal/socialist Democrats like Obama and Kerry is the fact that they really seem to want to surrender a bunch of our country's freedoms to those world courts. The Kyoto treaties, Copenhagen, and all that other world "treaty" stuff is a slap in the face of our sovereignty and the piece of paper no body seems to pay any attention to AKA Our Constitution. It's why I don't completely think W was a failure, because he had tthe balls to tell the world where they could shove it. Too bad his fiscal policies were so piss poor.
actually, our inalienable rights are given to us by our Creator. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution put it in writing.

Yeah, that was a pretty lame joke, but funny if you study current efforts by congress and dear leader, in an ironic sort of way.

You do make a good point, that's how the founding fathers saw things and wrote it into a constitution that has served this great nation so well for two and almost a half centuries.

Yet there are those who argue that Christian beliefs had nada to do with it.
Anyone ever read Changing Images of Man? It was published by a liberal think tank from the 70s called the Stanford Research Institute. The actual cover of the original printing described it as part of the "System Science and World Order Library". Basically, it discusses how man has historically viewed himself relative to the world/universe (from ancient times, through Greek, Roman, Egymption, Judeo-Christian concepts, etc.), how those various views have affected civilization, and how those views (especially the Judeo-Christian concept of man as separate from and superior to the earth/universe) must change if mankind is to survive. The authoris predict a great colapse of America and attempt to tell how we can avoid this great collapse, largely based on man changing his image of himself as separate from the physical world. Fascinating reading, and fodder for many conspiracy theories. Many say it predicted 30 years ago what is happening in American and the world today. And/or that it serves as a blueprint for the government (and/or shadow government) on how to direct where we are headed as a people. Highly recommended reading for all of you conspiracy buffs.
Anyone ever read Changing Images of Man? It was published by a liberal think tank from the 70s called the Stanford Research Institute. The actual cover of the original printing described it as part of the "System Science and World Order Library". Basically, it discusses how man has historically viewed himself relative to the world/universe (from ancient times, through Greek, Roman, Egymption, Judeo-Christian concepts, etc.), how those various views have affected civilization, and how those views (especially the Judeo-Christian concept of man as separate from and superior to the earth/universe) must change if mankind is to survive. The authoris predict a great colapse of America and attempt to tell how we can avoid this great collapse, largely based on man changing his image of himself as separate from the physical world. Fascinating reading, and fodder for many conspiracy theories. Many say it predicted 30 years ago what is happening in American and the world today. And/or that it serves as a blueprint for the government (and/or shadow government) on how to direct where we are headed as a people. Highly recommended reading for all of you conspiracy buffs.

The Bible predicted it over 2000 years ago. Read Daniel and Revelation. No biggie!
Your previous post included, what is happening in America an the world today.

That is what he was referring to.
I'm not trying to be an ass here. I was actually raised in a very religious home, and I have immediate family members that serve full-time in the ministry. And I have actually read the entire Bible cover-to-cover, including the books of Daniel and Revelation. When it comes to the so-called predictions made in those books, it is impossible to tell what the authors are talking about. Multi-headed dragons, winged creatures, etc. It just doesn't make any sense and you can't with any credibility say they were talking about modern-day America (or anything else coherent, for that matter).
The book of Revelations in the most misinterpreted book in the Bible. Only fools take it literally.
The book of Revelations in the most misinterpreted book in the Bible. Only fools take it literally.

I'm not suggesting it be taken literally. When you're talking about the things that are discussed in Revelation, the only possible way to read it is as a metaphor. That's why it's the most "misinterpreted" book in the Bible. The problem is, nobody knows whether their interpretation is correct or just a guess. It's virtually meaningless.
Some of the interpretation is hard for us to imagine, because it speaks of things that our generation (or any for that matter) has not witnessed.

It would be similar to trying to explain an airplane, or a cell phone, or a tv, to the native Americans in the 1600's.
Some of the interpretation is hard for us to imagine, because it speaks of things that our generation (or any for that matter) has not witnessed.

It would be similar to trying to explain an airplane, or a cell phone, or a tv, to the native Americans in the 1600's.

That may well be true, but it's still impossible for us to interpret with any level of accuracy. There is simply no way to know what they are talking about.
Revelations is like the US Constitution. People twist , bend and alter it to the way they see fit.
I'm not trying to be an ass here. I was actually raised in a very religious home, and I have immediate family members that serve full-time in the ministry. And I have actually read the entire Bible cover-to-cover, including the books of Daniel and Revelation. When it comes to the so-called predictions made in those books, it is impossible to tell what the authors are talking about. Multi-headed dragons, winged creatures, etc. It just doesn't make any sense and you can't with any credibility say they were talking about modern-day America (or anything else coherent, for that matter).

Didn't say anything about America. As to multi-headed dragons, careful reading tells you what those things represent. If you noticed, Jesus Himself is described in 7's. 7 stars, 7 candelsticks, 7 churches. The 7 headed dragon is satan. He will be a mimic of Jesus. Thats why the Bible says that if it were possible that he (satan) could fool the very elect. This entire thread has been on one world government. The Bible says that in the last days that the Roman Empire will be revised. If you over lay a map of the Old Roman Empire with the countries that make up the new European Union, it contains most of it. Countries wanting the U.S. to come under International Law to join the rest of the world. A President that ran on the promise of "Fundementally Changing America!" A power in the nation that wants the world to like us and for us to be like them? Yea, we are headed toward this one world government.

I'm glad you have read the Bible cover-to-cover. But did you understand what you read? Did you use a Greek/Hebrew dictionary? Did you apply scripture to scripture? Just reading it won't always give you the meaning, it must be studied.

Merry Christmas!!
Didn't say anything about America. As to multi-headed dragons, careful reading tells you what those things represent. If you noticed, Jesus Himself is described in 7's. 7 stars, 7 candelsticks, 7 churches. The 7 headed dragon is satan. He will be a mimic of Jesus. Thats why the Bible says that if it were possible that he (satan) could fool the very elect. This entire thread has been on one world government. The Bible says that in the last days that the Roman Empire will be revised. If you over lay a map of the Old Roman Empire with the countries that make up the new European Union, it contains most of it. Countries wanting the U.S. to come under International Law to join the rest of the world. A President that ran on the promise of "Fundementally Changing America!" A power in the nation that wants the world to like us and for us to be like them? Yea, we are headed toward this one world government.

I'm glad you have read the Bible cover-to-cover. But did you understand what you read? Did you use a Greek/Hebrew dictionary? Did you apply scripture to scripture? Just reading it won't always give you the meaning, it must be studied.

Merry Christmas!!

So the European Union is a reconstitution of the Roman Empire? Is that interpretation taken from the Greek translation, or the Hebrew?
So the European Union is a reconstitution of the Roman Empire? Is that interpretation taken from the Greek translation, or the Hebrew?

Is it or is it not made up of the same land mass? Land the old Roman Empire controlled. Remember, its not called the Roman Empire anymore, its just the area that was contained by it.
Revelations is like the US Constitution. People twist , bend and alter it to the way they see fit.

The main difference is that the Constitution is pretty clear on its face. The same cannot be said for the book of Revelation.
The main difference is that the Constitution is pretty clear on its face. The same cannot be said for the book of Revelation.

the Constitution is pretty clear on its face. I agree with this but to says the constitution is not intrupeted is not correct. Just one example: The seperation of church and state came from a letter to the Dansbury Baptist Assoc. and yet has been intrupeted into the constsiution.
I'm not trying to be snarky, but that comment is just a tad naive. The rest of the western world laps this collective crap up, and are doing everything they can to make this happen. It's that exact way of thinking that has gotten humanity in trouble in times past (WWII comes to mind right away for me) It's why the US are so hated across the board is because generally we as a country have refused to surrender any part of our sovereignty to the world courts. Do I believe in a NWO? No, not really. Do I believe the world will have one government one day? Yup, mainly because I do believe in the Bible and the prophecies therein. However, as the Bible also says I'm just living my life to the best that i can, and am not burying any buses any time soon.

I don't think Obama is the Antichrist or anything silly like that, however the one thing about the more liberal/socialist Democrats like Obama and Kerry is the fact that they really seem to want to surrender a bunch of our country's freedoms to those world courts. The Kyoto treaties, Copenhagen, and all that other world "treaty" stuff is a slap in the face of our sovereignty and the piece of paper no body seems to pay any attention to AKA Our Constitution. It's why I don't completely think W was a failure, because he had tthe balls to tell the world where they could shove it. Too bad his fiscal policies were so piss poor.

The rest of the world is much more than just the Western World. I simply do not believe that isolationist countries like Iran and North Korea, or a rising superpower like China, would want to be part of a one world government. I am also confident that many other countries in the middle east would balk at this. What about Russia? Most Russians are nationalists who take great pride in their tradition, their sovereignty, and their national strength and influence in the world.

The WWII comment has me baffled. Your understanding of the cause of that war must be very different from mine.

This next part of the post is what will get me in trouble. The U.S. is so hated in the world in part, because we are the biggest, richest kid on the playground, and let everyone know that. The bigger part is that we interfere with other countries sovereignty, and have a bad habit of just slapping people around to get our way in the world (see the many Ron Paul comments about blow-back, he says it better than I can).
Anyone ever read Changing Images of Man? It was published by a liberal think tank from the 70s called the Stanford Research Institute. The actual cover of the original printing described it as part of the "System Science and World Order Library". Basically, it discusses how man has historically viewed himself relative to the world/universe (from ancient times, through Greek, Roman, Egymption, Judeo-Christian concepts, etc.), how those various views have affected civilization, and how those views (especially the Judeo-Christian concept of man as separate from and superior to the earth/universe) must change if mankind is to survive. The authoris predict a great colapse of America and attempt to tell how we can avoid this great collapse, largely based on man changing his image of himself as separate from the physical world. Fascinating reading, and fodder for many conspiracy theories. Many say it predicted 30 years ago what is happening in American and the world today. And/or that it serves as a blueprint for the government (and/or shadow government) on how to direct where we are headed as a people. Highly recommended reading for all of you conspiracy buffs.

Carrol Quigley did a good job in his "Tradgedy and Hope", he was for them, and that was forty years ago.

Does this sound familiar:

"For animal rights to succeed, we must destroy the Judeo/Christian tradition." Peter Singer [father of the animal rights movement], The Deweese Report, November 1998.

“Fundamental, Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit in.” —Peter Hoagland, Nebraska State Senator and Humanist, speaking on radio in 1983 with Pastor and Patriat Everett Sileven.

What everyone needs to know about "liberals."

"No matter how paranoid you are, what they're actually doing is worse than you can possibly imagine!" —Ralph J. Gleason.

“Language is a field of battle, the media is the artillery, and vocabulary is the ammunition. The NWO (New World Order) has taken the field by storm, and is proceeding with coordinated attacks on several fronts, using all the latest high tech vocabulary ammunition. They’ve laid a bed of mines that cripple us when we try to stand on them; “liberalism,” “conservatism,” “prosperity,” “democracy.” —Richard Moore, Doublespeak.

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill… All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” —Alexander King Bertrand Schafer – founder and secretary respectively of the Club of Rome – The First Global Revolution,
pp. 104-105.

The rest of the world is much more than just the Western World. I simply do not believe that isolationist countries like Iran and North Korea, or a rising superpower like China, would want to be part of a one world government. I am also confident that many other countries in the middle east would balk at this. What about Russia? Most Russians are nationalists who take great pride in their tradition, their sovereignty, and their national strength and influence in the world.

The WWII comment has me baffled. Your understanding of the cause of that war must be very different from mine.

This next part of the post is what will get me in trouble. The U.S. is so hated in the world in part, because we are the biggest, richest kid on the playground, and let everyone know that. The bigger part is that we interfere with other countries sovereignty, and have a bad habit of just slapping people around to get our way in the world (see the many Ron Paul comments about blow-back, he says it better than I can).

“The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” —Albert Einstein.

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