What kind of President would Ross Perot have been?

He would have had Newt's 1994 congress in the latter part of his first term.

And LOL at Jamie Dimon as POTUS. Fox in the henhouse.
His ideas did not align with any congress. Newt wasn't interested in blocking NAFTA or raising gas taxes.

Is Jaime one of the interdimensional pedophile demons that Alex Jones warned us about?
I was a kid both times he ran, but I vividly remember my Dad lecturing me about how great Perot would be and the endless charts. My Dad still talks about him randomly when we talk politics. lol
I was a kid both times he ran, but I vividly remember my Dad lecturing me about how great Perot would be and the endless charts. My Dad still talks about him randomly when we talk politics. lol
You probably heard your dad talk about the giant sucking sound of the jobs leaving the US going to Mexico then.
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My favorite Perot line, and this is not exact, was about how if you owned a McDonalds then there is no way you would trust Clinton to work your cash register. But you want him to be president?
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My favorite Perot line, and this is not exact, was about how if you owned a McDonalds then there is no way you would trust Clinton to work your cash register. But you want him to be president?
Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana could learn a thing or two from Ross.
You probably heard your dad talk about the giant sucking sound of the jobs leaving the US going to Mexico then.
Yes, but that was to strengthen their economy and greatly reduce the number of illegals coming to the US. That was a good one!
He would have easily been the best modern-day president.

More importantly, he would have blown a gigantic hole into the political duopoly. His presidency would have paved the way for permeant, competitive third (fourth, fifth, etc.) parties. This would allow more nuance in our politics, less extremes from either major party, and remove the inclination for the opposing party to mindlessly adopt an opposite platform on every conceivable issue merely to be contrarian.
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He would have easily been the best modern-day president.

More importantly, he would have blown a gigantic hole into the political duopoly. His presidency would have paved the way for permeant, competitive third (fourth, fifth, etc.) parties. This would allow more nuance in our politics, less extremes from either major party, and remove the inclination for the opposing party to mindlessly adopt an opposite platform on every conceivable issue merely to be contrarian.

I don't share your optimism for the success of his presidency, but I do believe you are 100% correct on the effect his presidency could have had on the landscape of American politics.

Truthfully, I wish Trump had taken the independent route. He could have had a similar legacy. He had the money and stage. He could have really done some damage as an independent. He's not married to any views and that position would have allowed him to pander to the greatest number of people. It is a rare combination for an individual to have that opportunity to run successfully as an independent.
He would have easily been the best modern-day president.

More importantly, he would have blown a gigantic hole into the political duopoly. His presidency would have paved the way for permeant, competitive third (fourth, fifth, etc.) parties. This would allow more nuance in our politics, less extremes from either major party, and remove the inclination for the opposing party to mindlessly adopt an opposite platform on every conceivable issue merely to be contrarian.

He'd have been completely ineffectual and opposed by the establishment in both parties, they would have treated him much the R congress in 2017/18 treated Trump and blocked his major initiatives. That's just the reality of it, outsiders are not allowed to play in the DC sandbox.

Now, had Perot been elected along with a cooperative congress he would probably have ranked in the top 5 best at the end of his terms.
I don't share your optimism for the success of his presidency, but I do believe you are 100% correct on the effect his presidency could have had on the landscape of American politics.

Truthfully, I wish Trump had taken the independent route. He could have had a similar legacy. He had the money and stage. He could have really done some damage as an independent. He's not married to any views and that position would have allowed him to pander to the greatest number of people. It is a rare combination for an individual to have that opportunity to run successfully as an independent.

He would have given the WH to Hillary and that's why you think he should have ran 3rd party.
I voted for Perot when he was running against Bush Sr and remembering Perot voters being blamed for Bush losing the election. All I know is something has to change, the 2 party system isn't working.

I agree. I fully believe Perot was threatened into dropping out of the race, a lot of shenanigans went on in that race to make sure he didn't win.
We need a legit 3rd party and there are not a plethora of really rich folks wanting to make the run.

I think we need a legit 3rd party too but Trump was not the man to do that. And giving the WH to Hillary would have ensured no legit 3rd party would exist.

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