General score predictions have them winning by 17-21.
I would love for us to win but...if we kept the game this close to a Top 5 Ranked Team, I would be happy.
That's ALOT better than the Dog S#$t beating we took against Oregon last year.
That score would gain us some attention.
I think that OU looks at us like a lot of us looked at USU and ASU. We felt that we would get their best and it wasn't beyond the realm of either of them catching lightning in a bottle. I hope that it's one of those days where everything goes right and we can create the perfect storm in Norman.
Anything is possible in college football. But not very probable. Get ready for a learning moment for Tennessee on Saturday.
We're gonna ass-**** these clowns by 50 and not get one mention on ESECPN....and you know what, I'm over it. Couldn't give less of a ****.