What Other Message Boards Are Saying: Utah State Edition

90% of Tennessee fans are classy and win or lose with grace. If they want to judge based on the lowest common denomenator, mostly those with no chance of getting into UT (not exactly a difficult proposition with a 60%+ acceptance rate) then so be it. I don't believe one dumb Aggie is any more representative of the whole than one dumb Vol fan is of us.
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2 years out from Gary Anderson's departure and USU is beginning to regress to the mean. Matt Wells took advantage of Anderson's success and personnel last year. He looked clueless last night.
Perused the USU board last night and did some time traveling...especially on their priceless PREDICT THE SCORE thread...amid the gracious 23-20 and 17-10 Aggie predictions and the mongoloid 42-0 gems, you read the common justification for the anticipated triumph..."The Aggies are not INTIMIDATED by the Vols !" And even after last night's carnage, I still believe them. Point is we weren't INTIMIDATED by Oregon last season either...they didn't physically hurt us. ...like the Vols didn't last night...they just dominated and swamped us until they were bored with it! Welcome to big boy football USU faithful...don't be scared...just take your scheduled beatings! :aggressive:
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Perused the USU board last night and did some time traveling...especially on their priceless PREDICT THE SCORE thread...amid the gracious 23-20 and 17-10 Aggie predictions and the mongoloid 42-0 gems, you read the common justification for the anticipated triumph..."The Aggies are not INTIMIDATED by the Vols !" And even after last night's carnage, I still believe them. Point is we weren't INTIMIDATED by Oregon last season either...they didn't physically hurt us. ...like the Vols didn't last night...they just dominated and swamped us until they were bored with it! Welcome to big boy football USU faithful...don't be scared...just take your scheduled beatings! :aggressive:

I don't know man... In the second half, Chuckie looked like he would rather be anywhere but where he was.
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I don't know man... In the second half, Chuckie looked like he would rather be anywhere but where he was.

Well it wasn't exactly massage therapy for a rebuilt knee. :unsure: The threads I read this morning on their board, called for their OL and OC heads...that HC flaked out last night!...that was incompetence!
I lurked for a few days at the USU fan site, posted once...respectfully. I must say...that was the most thin-skinned, unrealistic, entitled fan base I have encountered outside of Vandy.

They would countenance no dissenting opinion about the outcome of the game or their star players...no matter how reasoned or tempered.

The thread questioning how we would react when we lost to them, meltdown or excuses, disappeared quickly after last night....amidst an epic meltdown and a barrage of excuses.

They seem to be a fairly uninformed fan base.
I honestly believe the guy has not completely recovered from the knee injury. It was painful to watch at games end.

He was definitely hurting by the end of the third qtr!! I agree with the announcers, shoulda yanked him and given the second string some reps!! All keeton did last night was get manhandled and hurt!
Agree. They made threads over there laughing at how "scared" we were over the line dropping. They deserve everything they got. And with them taunting our student section..... Hope a few cried on the way home

I really did not understand what happened there. They came out taunting our student section, and they all did it at once. It seemed like they were told to do it or decided ahead of time. When your gameplan is to "shut up Neyland" why IN THE WORLD would you make your first priority getting the student section fired up?
I really did not understand what happened there. They came out taunting our student section, and they all did it at once. It seemed like they were told to do it or decided ahead of time. When your gameplan is to "shut up Neyland" why IN THE WORLD would you make your first priority getting the student section fired up?

I'm fuzzy on this...who did the taunting? Fans or players?...and how did they do it?....signs and/or hand gestures?
I'm fuzzy on this...who did the taunting? Fans or players?...and how did they do it?....signs and/or hand gestures?

Their players. First time they walked out of the tunnel they walked directly over to our student section and were throwing their hands up to them and taunting them.
I lurked for a few days at the USU fan site, posted once...respectfully. I must say...that was the most thin-skinned, unrealistic, entitled fan base I have encountered outside of Vandy.

They would countenance no dissenting opinion about the outcome of the game or their star players...no matter how reasoned or tempered.

The thread questioning how we would react when we lost to them, meltdown or excuses, disappeared quickly after last night....amidst an epic meltdown and a barrage of excuses.

They seem to be a fairly uninformed fan base.

You mean to tell me that they finally have the internet in Utah?
Hickaggie - the number one trash talker of the USU fans has finally made an appearance about 20 minutes ago on USU board.

"Apologies to Natureboy and the rest. You guys were flat out right and Tennessee gave the Aggies

That said Weber needs to go now and I'm extremely disappointed in Wells mailing it in at the end of the first half. I think it demoralized the D. Doesn't matter though. They got their Asses handed to them in the second half by a QB and a team that should be very good.

Good Luck Vols. The SEC East is wide open and I love your D!!!"

Another one from him:

"I am pretty stupid. The Vols kicked our Asses. Didn't see it coming. SEC talent overwhelmed our O line and the D mailed it in the second half. Congrats.

I was flat out wrong about this team, Tennessee, and the ability to compete."

QuackAttackAggie was another huge one. Here's what he had to say.

"The state was a lot prettier than I expected. It really was nice. I loved the accents. One fan asked me if he sounded like a hick. I let him down easy but made sure he knew that yes, he does.

I expected a lot of noise all game regardless of the score. That was disappointing. Autzen is a lot louder before the game. The tailgate at Oregon also seems about twice as big as Tennessee. I didn't expect that at all. It is really spread out due to the hills and tiered parking at UT though so hard to get a good count. Tailgating overall May have been down. I was told the vol navy would reach bank to bank and there would be hundreds of boats. There couldn't have been more than 20.

The stadium was older looking than I expected. I really love the brick facade though. The interior is a little run down in places like concessions and bathrooms. The size is crazy. It's the best part of it all for sure. Not a single bad seat in that stadium.

There are so many cool traditions. It seems like every aspect of game day is a tradition. Rocky top, vol walk, vol navy, the T.

I was disappointed with how we played but the stats weren't as bad as I thought. We didn't allow very many big plays. We just couldn't get it going on offense. Too many drops, missed blocks, etc. I thought hill did ok. A lot of that was due to tennessee. Aj Johnson is very good. The corners are too. I had to ask a vol if maggitt was still playing. I felt like I didn't hear his name a single time after the lineups were announced. That was surprising to me because Tennessee fans told me he would have 8-10 tackles and 1-2 sacks. The line seemed to play well for you on defense. Wasn't impressed on offense. The quick passes worked so well that it didn't matter. Tennessee ran 20 more plays than usu and that shows the difference in the game. We couldn't sustain drives. Your punter also looked pretty good. Overall I think you're better than I expected on defense, a little worse on offense, and you'll probably win 6 games. I think next year you border on breaking out and 2016 is the year it either happens or tennessee doesn't return to greatness for a while. That's the best setup year though IMO."
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Regarding Neyland Stadium:

"It wasn't too loud on 1st and 2nd down but during 3rd down it was extremely loud. Probably the loudest I've every experienced. It definitely caused some problems for us."

"I thought the atmosphere was electric - but all about white noise. Wisconsin seemed to have activities to drive the noise - a song here or there, and such.
I really enjoyed the day - until about 5 min into the game I really felt terrible about our chances immediately after the fumbled the kickoff."

"We had a good time, the stadium was impressive, and it was what we expected from the fans; most courteous and respectful, with a few a$$holes here and there. For me as an non-religious person, I had to laugh at the Joseph Smith chants right before a Christian prayer was offered to begin the game."

"Atmosphere was great. More than a few a-holes where I was sitting, but while walking around the tailgate and stadium Vol fans were very nice and engaging. 3rd down noise and turnover noise was mostly impressive, but I don't think it affected the team. Pretty sure the Spectrum outdoes what we saw in Neyland tonight for intimidation factor, but that's a different shaped ball. I was disappointed that so many Vol fans left in the first part of the 4th...felt like a BYU crowd in that aspect. The town and people of Knoxville are awesome, and I'm glad we made the trip."

"Of Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, I thought last night was by far the loudest I've seen. That was an incredible atmosphere. The only thing I didn't like was that they seemed to boo every time we had an injury, thinking it was fake."

"We were on the sideline and I must say it was pretty deafening. I love the "3rd down what" that they do. USU should do something like that instead of just the bells. As for the fans, I was talking with a guy who was wearing a USU shirt and he said he had been flipped off quite a bit. But at that point we were still in front of the student section (so who knows how much they had been drinking and such). USU has our share of people who do the same crap so I'm not judging an entire fan base off a couple of bad apples. After the game we were in the press room when Coach Jones gave his press conference. He gave a lot of credit to USU. While he was talking I looked over and there was a lady with some kids. They obviously weren't with the press so I guessed correctly that it was Mrs. Jones. I went over and introduced myself, and told her why we were here. She said she "really hoped we enjoyed our time in Knoxville". Very classy lady. All in all, we had a blast here in Knoxville, enjoyed a great atmosphere and hope to make it back some day. Oh, and we got some killer pictures. Here is just one of many (it is shrunk down to a very small dpi so it may look pixelated)."
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Hickaggie - the number one trash talker of the USU fans has finally made an appearance about 20 minutes ago on USU board.

"Apologies to Natureboy and the rest. You guys were flat out right and Tennessee gave the Aggies

That said Weber needs to go now and I'm extremely disappointed in Wells mailing it in at the end of the first half. I think it demoralized the D. Doesn't matter though. They got their Asses handed to them in the second half by a QB and a team that should be very good.

Good Luck Vols. The SEC East is wide open and I love your D!!!"

Another one from him:

"I am pretty stupid. The Vols kicked our Asses. Didn't see it coming. SEC talent overwhelmed our O line and the D mailed it in the second half. Congrats.

I was flat out wrong about this team, Tennessee, and the ability to compete."

QuackAttackAggie was another huge one. Here's what he had to say.

"The state was a lot prettier than I expected. It really was nice. I loved the accents. One fan asked me if he sounded like a hick. I let him down easy but made sure he knew that yes, he does.

I expected a lot of noise all game regardless of the score. That was disappointing. Autzen is a lot louder before the game. The tailgate at Oregon also seems about twice as big as Tennessee. I didn't expect that at all. It is really spread out due to the hills and tiered parking at UT though so hard to get a good count. Tailgating overall May have been down. I was told the vol navy would reach bank to bank and there would be hundreds of boats. There couldn't have been more than 20.

The stadium was older looking than I expected. I really love the brick facade though. The interior is a little run down in places like concessions and bathrooms. The size is crazy. It's the best part of it all for sure. Not a single bad seat in that stadium.

There are so many cool traditions. It seems like every aspect of game day is a tradition. Rocky top, vol walk, vol navy, the T.

I was disappointed with how we played but the stats weren't as bad as I thought. We didn't allow very many big plays. We just couldn't get it going on offense. Too many drops, missed blocks, etc. I thought hill did ok. A lot of that was due to tennessee. Aj Johnson is very good. The corners are too. I had to ask a vol if maggitt was still playing. I felt like I didn't hear his name a single time after the lineups were announced. That was surprising to me because Tennessee fans told me he would have 8-10 tackles and 1-2 sacks. The line seemed to play well for you on defense. Wasn't impressed on offense. The quick passes worked so well that it didn't matter. Tennessee ran 20 more plays than usu and that shows the difference in the game. We couldn't sustain drives. Your punter also looked pretty good. Overall I think you're better than I expected on defense, a little worse on offense, and you'll probably win 6 games. I think next year you border on breaking out and 2016 is the year it either happens or tennessee doesn't return to greatness for a while. That's the best setup year though IMO."

Kudos to HickAggie. Quack just really couldn't find it in himself. lol
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Their players. First time they walked out of the tunnel they walked directly over to our student section and were throwing their hands up to them and taunting them.

It had to have been organized with the knowledge of some coach or something. I'm glad we took them to the woodshed. The handful of fans in person that I saw seemed fine, but their players and their internet fans were awful. Awful awful awful.
Agree. They made threads over there laughing at how "scared" we were over the line dropping. They deserve everything they got. And with them taunting our student section..... Hope a few cried on the way home

I went over there and read some of the posts this afternoon. They are in some pain now and someone is talking about how UT are bad fans. Hahaha. Who cares? I probably won't even think of Utah State again until the next time I go skiing in Utah.

As for the line dropping, that was the easiest money I'll make all season.
Hickaggie - the number one trash talker of the USU fans has finally made an appearance about 20 minutes ago on USU board.

"Apologies to Natureboy and the rest. You guys were flat out right and Tennessee gave the Aggies

That said Weber needs to go now and I'm extremely disappointed in Wells mailing it in at the end of the first half. I think it demoralized the D. Doesn't matter though. They got their Asses handed to them in the second half by a QB and a team that should be very good.

Good Luck Vols. The SEC East is wide open and I love your D!!!"

Another one from him:

"I am pretty stupid. The Vols kicked our Asses. Didn't see it coming. SEC talent overwhelmed our O line and the D mailed it in the second half. Congrats.

I was flat out wrong about this team, Tennessee, and the ability to compete."

QuackAttackAggie was another huge one. Here's what he had to say.

"The state was a lot prettier than I expected. It really was nice. I loved the accents. One fan asked me if he sounded like a hick. I let him down easy but made sure he knew that yes, he does.

I expected a lot of noise all game regardless of the score. That was disappointing. Autzen is a lot louder before the game. The tailgate at Oregon also seems about twice as big as Tennessee. I didn't expect that at all. It is really spread out due to the hills and tiered parking at UT though so hard to get a good count. Tailgating overall May have been down. I was told the vol navy would reach bank to bank and there would be hundreds of boats. There couldn't have been more than 20.

The stadium was older looking than I expected. I really love the brick facade though. The interior is a little run down in places like concessions and bathrooms. The size is crazy. It's the best part of it all for sure. Not a single bad seat in that stadium.

There are so many cool traditions. It seems like every aspect of game day is a tradition. Rocky top, vol walk, vol navy, the T.

I was disappointed with how we played but the stats weren't as bad as I thought. We didn't allow very many big plays. We just couldn't get it going on offense. Too many drops, missed blocks, etc. I thought hill did ok. A lot of that was due to tennessee. Aj Johnson is very good. The corners are too. I had to ask a vol if maggitt was still playing. I felt like I didn't hear his name a single time after the lineups were announced. That was surprising to me because Tennessee fans told me he would have 8-10 tackles and 1-2 sacks. The line seemed to play well for you on defense. Wasn't impressed on offense. The quick passes worked so well that it didn't matter. Tennessee ran 20 more plays than usu and that shows the difference in the game. We couldn't sustain drives. Your punter also looked pretty good. Overall I think you're better than I expected on defense, a little worse on offense, and you'll probably win 6 games. I think next year you border on breaking out and 2016 is the year it either happens or tennessee doesn't return to greatness for a while. That's the best setup year though IMO."

Haha, he said "I love your D."
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I really did not understand what happened there. They came out taunting our student section, and they all did it at once. It seemed like they were told to do it or decided ahead of time. When your gameplan is to "shut up Neyland" why IN THE WORLD would you make your first priority getting the student section fired up?

Boy, they showed us.

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