1. Texas - Austin is a great city with lots to do outside of the school, lots of young people, and warm/hot weather. Great degree value, and big time football atmosphere when they are playing well. Cons: Hearing that the homeless problem is starting to be a real issue around the city. Really hot summers.
2. Stanford - Probably the most prestigious degree from a P5 school (sorry Duke, Vandy, and Northwestern), fantastic year round weather, gorgeous campus. Cons: Apathetic fan base, low attendance, and how does a college student afford going anywhere off campus in Palo Alto/Menlo Park?
3. Washington - I love the idea of living in the Pacific Northwest, and have enjoyed my visits there. Solid program with borderline CFP potential. Great degree value. Beautiful campus and stadium setting. Cons: Not sure how much all the rain would bother me. Have heard Seattle is not the friendliest of towns. Seems like if Chris Petersen leaves they might slip back into irrelevance.
Respect my decision!