What the Herd, Heard about Hurd

The issue of Jalen playing a position other than RB is a sure way to ferret out trolls in this board...hey rcvol..rival fans don't want this monster dude redefining the position at their team's expense...as for true worrywart Vol fans..I'm sure it's a childhood issue where you don't believe you deserve something so awesome....in the words of my sage Grandpa.."Shut up!...quit being a woman"...No charge for this therapy...fixing sports problems before dinner!
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From what I have seen of Hurd's video his running style makes no difference when all you see on defense is his back side. I will worry about style when they start catching him.
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he needs to not run standing straight up. it worhs in high school because of his size might not work in the sec

I can think of another 6'4" RB who ran straight up with blazing speed that tended to run a little high.... name of Dickerson.

Have no doubt the staff will teach him to run with better body lean, behind his pads once they get their hands on him.
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he needs to not run standing straight up. it worhs in high school because of his size might not work in the sec

I don't know what film you have or have not watched of Jalen, but I have watched several of his highlights. I see a kid that was taught by his high school coaches to run behind his pads. And shows a really good burst of speed and very shifty for his size. I'm no expert but I think he will be a really good running back at Tennessee.
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I think folks need to calm down. Hurd is already on the tall side for a RB. If he grows much more he may not end up being a RB. He is listed a 6'3'' Growing 2 inches your Senior year is not uncommon and I do not remember many 6'5'' RBs. .
He could grow 3" more and become a swing forward. The possibilities are endless.

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