“Congratulations to UT for finally finding a coach who represents his university perfectly. The historic conundrum for the Vols has been reconciling it’s role as a small-time institution with the fact of big-time football. In the person of Jeremy Pruitt they have finally found someone as small-time as the institution itself. His lack of sophistication and dynamism is a perfect match for UT.
Never heard of asparagus? Well, your average Vol doesn’t believe in high falutin vegetables either. What’s next? Jicama?
You like to stand around on the sideline with a slack-jaw and glazed eyes trying to camouflage your paunch with a billowy orange rag that looks like it was cut from the mainsail of a schooner? Welcome to Knoxville on any saturday night.
Low ACT score? Yep. Slow in thought and speech? Bring it.
Win or lose on Saturday, God bless our Vol neighbors for finally getting a coach who represents them perfectly.“
From vandymania after OP already made this thread. This elitist snobbery and use of big sophisticated words on a message board (probably from a Pellissippi State grad to boot, no offense) is why I hate Vanderbilt as much as I do. Nice campus, my kid had ear tubes from the hospital there, etc., but it’s the fan base that really makes me hate that place. Ironically, when they do lose, I guarantee you they will use the same excuses they said UT fans will use - the refs threw the game. It’s a Saturday night ritual as old as time on that board. By the way, somebody tell that nut that deep down Pruitt bleeds crimson.