Nice trying to take the high road now. But, Boorish refers to your insulting statement regarding a new thread for every little idea that pops into my head. There is no way around the demeaning nature of that comment. And if I wanted to sit around and calculate or search for these stats Id not need a discussion board. But thats what this is. This is a fine topic that merits discussion, and its nice to see you apply some worthy bits of information rather than boorish insults. Thank you
On another note, why are you so opposed to a dedicated topic such as this? If you dont like it-dont read it. I for one have had enough of the 650 South Carolina posts droning on about Holly is good, Holly is bad.
Get over yourself.
Okay I will do that. I am now totally over myself. thank you.
To the point of contention,you wanted to start a new line of discussion on the topic of what "went wrong."
Fine, but hasn't that very topic been a constant topic of discussion on this board, (including complaints about Mercedes' athletic limitations or lack of intensity)?
Amidst all the "fahr Holly" posts are recurrent debates about Holly's presumed shortcomings, including lack of discipline, lack of coaching knowledge, an inability to create an effective offensive system, failure to take timeouts and make in-game adjustments, inability to develop players, failure to utilize her line-ups effectively, (with folks having diverse views on who should be playing more or less or in what positions -- e.g., is Evina a better fit for shooting guard or PG).
Oh what else? There is the argument that Holly is stuck in an assistant coach mindset and can not make the leap to running a program; that she does not hold players accountable or demand excellence from them.
We also have had many, many discussions that would trace the problems to specific players lacking drive, not working hard enough to develop their skills, being overrated as recruits.
There have also been discussions on shortcomings on defensive schemes. It goes on and on.
So, a new thread about what "went wrong" that wants to open a different or more productive line of discussion needs to be framed a bit more effectively. For example, since the board is always fighting the "last war" (rehashing the last game), you could have perhaps started a future looking thread about what can the team do to be more successful in the NCAA tournament.
But that would have required a little more thought and some consideration of what the board has been debating all season, or just looking at the most recent "game thread."
So, you may find it boorish but I don't think you put much thought or effort into this post.
And I don't understand why the existence of a message board relieves you of the obligation to learn something about the topic you are starting a new thread on. In fact, the opposite is the case. When you started a thread, it is signal indicating "I have something important to add to the ongoing conversations." So, if it is too much trouble to look up relevant stats and info that are readily available on the LV's website, then maybe, just maybe you have not put enough thought or effort into a post ironically complaining about Mercedes not putting forth enough effort.
As many have pointed out, though, Volnation is just a message board and you are free to start all threads you want.
However, it struck me as counterproductive to start another rehash thread in the midst of massive post-loss rehashing of everything wrong with the team and the coaching staff. And maybe I am old school, but I think it is a little "hey look at me" to start a new thread when an existing one is already going on that topic.
Also, you simultaneously started another new thread, "sign of the apocalypse" whose main point could have been easily incorporated into the "what went wrong" thread you had just posted (not taking charges would have been part of what went wrong, correct?)
Starting two threads that were redundant with each other seemed let's say unnecessary and counterproductive (you are cannibalizing your own threads).
And I am sorry the phrase "pops into your head" upset you. (and I did not use the adjective "little," that is your imposition). In the grand scheme of message board dialogues, though, I think that is a pretty tame phrasing.