What will we know after this season?



Nov 19, 2012
A season into his career at UT, what will we as fans know? Other than the obvious answer, would you say that we will be able to tell if he is the man to bing us back into the national spot light or is this truly an irrelevant year that he needs to pad depth and teach basics and as such cannot be judged? I'll hang up and listen.
What kind of mindset our team has. Whether or not they pack it up in the 4th quarter like we have seen so many times lately.
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That we hired the right guy and that our Football program is on its way to being relevant again
The direction we are headed and if we, as fans, should stock up on extra alcohol or not.
CBJ will need to pad depth and as far as basics go,the O will have to learn his system but the D should be OK, a lot of them were here when Wilcox was here,running a 4 3,so hopefully,it is just a matter of going back to what they know

hmmm makes you wonder what would of happened,if Wilcox had of stayed and didn't Hart not give out extensions over a year for that group of coaches?
That we hired the right guy and that our Football program is on its way to being relevant again

This X1000. I'm so sick of hearing how bad of a dumpster fire Tenn has been these past years. I'm ready to shut some of these rival fans up.
CBJ will need to pad depth and as far as basics go,the O will have to learn his system but the D should be OK, a lot of them were here when Wilcox was here,running a 4 3,so hopefully,it is just a matter of going back to what they know

hmmm makes you wonder what would of happened,if Wilcox had of stayed and didn't Hart not give out extensions over a year for that group of coaches?

If Wilcox stayed, Dooley would still be coach and we'd be staring another bottom echelon SEC recruiting class in the face.
#1 thing we'll NEED to know is that UT found a way to win at least 1 game of consequence and meaning. UGA or AUB come immediately to mind. Something to bring relevance back, something to point back to as "that was the moment when...."
#1 thing we'll NEED to know is that UT found a way to win at least 1 game of consequence and meaning. UGA or AUB come immediately to mind. Something to bring relevance back, something to point back to as "that was the moment when...."

Nice to have you aboard Fred
We will know which posters need to be banned forever after they post that CBJ needs to go after 2 losses.
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Before the season bUTch jones was known to. get it, after the season we will know he got it!
This will be an upper classmen led team in all positions but WR, as well as possibly QB and CB; although Worley may get the nod on the QB. that is a lot of experience to go with a up to date system. Butch may "get it", but he has to make sure those upper classmen do. I expect them to surprise the pundits and many posters starting in October. They will win 8 or more.
What will we know after this season? We will know what it feels like to win a bowl game again.
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