What would get Fulmer fired?

What would it take to get Fulmer fired?

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i think no BCS games or SEC championship by 08 gets him fired... until then I think he's clear... which may or may not be a good thing.. like many others, i'm seriously searching.
Unless there's some type of performance clause in his contract that hasn't been made public, Fulmer won't get fired until his current contract is over. I'm sure there's a buyout clause though. Even then, depending on how many years are left in his contract UT may still balk at paying it.

Isn't UT still paying Jerry Green and Buzz Peterson?
I hate to break the news to everybody, but CPF will never be fired as long as he gets 8 wins per year. However, off the field issues could change that. So all the fire Fulmer people need to hope for more player scandals and arrests.
Yeah... I just don't see UTK having the stones to fire Fulmer. They may opt not to renew his contract, but that's about as close to a firing he'll ever get. We're most likely in it for the long haul.
And what's with this notion everybody has we'll lose to Vanderbilt or Kentucky? They suck. We don't.
Come on, even the diehard Fulmer supporters must realize that if UT loses to Vandy and Kentucky this season, he is gone. Not only are those losses to Vandy and UK, but that means UT will have dropped 4 of their last 5.
Even if he lost five games, I dont think he would get fired. Thats what I voted for, but thinking about it, I just dont see it. Not when just two short weeks ago you would see an article on some major website saying how Fulmer turned it around, etc. Considering last year, I think they were willing to take a winning record. The only way he gets fired is if we come into another season with high expectations and then lay an egg like we did in '02 (ranked #4, lost five games and the peach bowl) or last year (ranked #4, lost six games and no bowl).
I will state this for the last time. I like Fulmer, I think he is a good guy, that does not translate into wins, I know! I have said many times that he is at the only program where he could suceed. I do not think he will ever be fired! Having said that, I have seen the downward trend and as a fan do not like it! This season though better than last year is a continuation! I hate it for CPF but I think his train is at the end of the line. He has either got to comfortable and secure or just gotten stale. Whatever the reason, his pattern is still the same! Coaching changes where a start but he might have waited too long to pull the trigger! The problems start and end with him! Injuries be damned! There shouldn't be that big of a drop off between first and second teamers! I could roll on but everyone on here knows the issues and have formed their on opinions but you can now move me over to the "its time for a change" side of the isle.
Back to back losses to vanderbilt is enough to get anyone fired.

If he loses one of these last two games he's done. We're wanting his head for a loss to Arkansas, just imgaine the hoooooorah if he loses to Kentucky, or Vandy. The fire will be out of control and reach to you know out of cyber space.
A. Getting drunk at Goodfellas and starting a fight.
B. Cussing the young child of an influential booster
C. Pointing a watergun at Mike Hamilton on the interstate.
So, comparatively speaking, are coaches like product lines in that they reach a pinnacle and then their success begins to go on a steady decline? Examples of this are:

Bobby Bowden
Joe Pa
Phil Fulmer?
Frank Beamer
Larry Coker

These appear to be some staples that have seen their programs decline over the past few years. If this is the case, what do you think is causing it? With regard to UT, I see good to great recruiting classes coming in, getting mediocre player development, and receiving little discipline and accountability. Florida State is a program that seems to mirror Tennessee in these respects.
it would take a similar or worse repeat of last year for them to even consider canning him.
Only winning 4 out of 14 games against Florida should get you fired.
Well, Butch Davis is gone. If hteir going to plug him, they better do it before all the good ones are re-employed next year.
I sometimes wonder if the driving factor in CPF's job security isn't so much the cost of his contract or his record, as much as it's the idea....who would we (University of Tennessee's leadership) get to replace him and how much of an embarrassment would it be to fire CPF and not be able to get intrest from a big name successor. Kinda like how do we disengage from a battle and not lose face.
I will state this for the last time. I like Fulmer, I think he is a good guy, that does not translate into wins, I know! I have said many times that he is at the only program where he could suceed. I do not think he will ever be fired! Having said that, I have seen the downward trend and as a fan do not like it! This season though better than last year is a continuation! I hate it for CPF but I think his train is at the end of the line. He has either got to comfortable and secure or just gotten stale. Whatever the reason, his pattern is still the same! Coaching changes where a start but he might have waited too long to pull the trigger! The problems start and end with him! Injuries be damned! There shouldn't be that big of a drop off between first and second teamers! I could roll on but everyone on here knows the issues and have formed their on opinions but you can now move me over to the "its time for a change" side of the isle.

I agree.

As has already been said many times, Fulmer waited to hit rock bottom before he made some needed coaching changes.

Now he is trying to recover, while the alumni, fans, are getting restless. It has been a long time since UT won the SEC and played in a BCS bowl game. Fulmer definitely has that working against him.

I hate it for guys like Cutcliffe, Chavis, and Brooks. Who are all very good position coaches.
And what's with this notion everybody has we'll lose to Vanderbilt or Kentucky? They suck. We don't.
Keep thinking that.

Vandy missed the game winning FG against Arkansas as time expired and took Florida to the wire. Kentucky also led Florida at a little time I like to call halftime.
And since Vandy won't be bowl elligible , we will be their bowl game. Beating Tn for both these teams would be like the little brother beating the big brother.
And since Vandy won't be bowl elligible , we will be their bowl game. Beating Tn for both these teams would be like the little brother beating the big brother.
I'm hearing Vandy fans talk about extending their "streak". I'm sure that the Dores are coming to play ball. Interesting how their coaches can get them prepared for a game like this with nothing to play for but pride. Maybe Johnson has a book out that someone could give to CPF?
I'm hearing Vandy fans talk about extending their "streak". I'm sure that the Dores are coming to play ball. Interesting how their coaches can get them prepared for a game like this with nothing to play for but pride. Maybe Johnson has a book out that someone could give to CPF?
How pitiful do you have to be to think that 1 game is a streak? :no:

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