What would you do?

Sure it does. They're only about oil and cash. The religious thing just provides legitimacy to their forced caveman state.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Point taken. I should change my constitution to "forced adherence to iron age religious rules for everybody except those in charge".
Honestly? Women included?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

every male citizen of the kingdom has unlimited health care and gets a monthly check from the Sauds whether they work or not. Women fall under property of the men so they benefit from it also :)
every male citizen of the kingdom has unlimited health care and gets a monthly check from the Sauds whether they work or not. Women fall under property of the men so they benefit from it also :)

it helps to be sitting on trillions of dollars of oil. if we had developed our own souces of energy, they wouldn't be so fortunate.
I would love to get rid of Political Parties. Too many people voting for party lines when they have no idea what the platforms are.
a few more things I'd do as Prez..

1) defund NPR, PBS, and the National Endowment for the Arts
2) appoint Jerry Lewis as ambassador to France
3) outlaw any technology that could be placed in people's homes that monitors their usage of things like electricity, the internet, water, etc. in essence, lobotomize the so called "smart grid" and it's Big Brother aspect.
4) Issue an executive order officially suspending the McCain Feingold act
Add this to this:

And I think we may be getting somewhere. I would also add removing tax on foodstuffs. And make it up on luxury goods. Legalize Marijuana and tax the crap out of it. Increase alternate energy sources and make mandatory all new vehicles built by 2015 must be able to run on both gasoline and ethynol. No taxes on domestic fuel sources. Harder restrictions on immigration and tougher enforcement on illegal immigration.

Creation of a nation wide welfare workforce. If you receive welfare and are not disabled and under the age of 55 you must report to a location daily for community service. It may be mowing yards for the elderly or picking up trash on the side of the road but if we are paying you then you are working for us.

You might be surprised on just how difficult it already is. I know I have dealt with it for the last 2 years for my wife, who is the mother of our son, a U.S. citizen. I probably know more about the process than most immigration officers...a second career????
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I was meaning harder to get in illegally. I see where it looks
You might be surprised on just how difficult it already is. I know I have dealt with it for the last 2 years for my wife, who is the mother of our son, a U.S. citizen. I probably know more about the process than most immigration officers...a second career????
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I was meaning harder to get in illegally. I see where it looks

Posted via VolNation Mobile

I understand now. The frustrations of working with a U.S. embassy for two years have made me somewhat touchy on the subject. Most of my friends cannot believe the hoops they make you jump through, especially since we have been marrried for 7 years now. Anyway, I think it will finally happen in about a month....:thumbsup:
Start by downsizing federal govt. Cut a couple of "Dept of Xs".

Paycuts for politicans. Term limits also.

Completely redo the tax system.

Welfare cut back. Acutally pay attention to who gets what and for how long. Drug tests for welfare recipients. Cut free health care for illegal immigrants.

I could come up with more, but basically most anything that reduces federal govt influence on our everyday lives. Much smaller fed.

Make a statement to the world we (The US) grow tired of being the the cop of the civilized world considering the united nations are here, we assume most of the cost, and what we contribute is viewed as agenda drivin, and up to endless scrutiny as well as endless critism. Therefore the United Nations will now be headquartered in France, let them assume the role of the unloved and un appriciated as they don't seem to recognize or care if they are respected. Furthermore we will not hear the cries of the downtrodden, or the undefended. Those in need of defending seek out France, I'm sure they will answer.

Not just term limits but salary limits. Let some slicker get his pay cut by over 50% it's amazing how his patriotism dries up.

Let the world know that we as a nation seek no war with any other nation, however if attacked, we will without hesitation turn your nation into a green glass parking lot thousands of square miles wide.

Day 2 upon request.

Term limits for Congress

Partial privatization or lock-box approach to Social Security with goal of moving away from program to individual responsibility/control over time

Tax simplification - reduction; possible removal of corporate taxes

Budget balancing via spending cuts

Reduction of size, scope and intrusion of Federal Government in daily life and global affairs
All of these :good!: Funny how downsizing government and cutting their wages keeps coming up over and over again. Its about time america took back their country from the blood suckers in washington.
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it helps to be sitting on trillions of dollars of oil. if we had developed our own sources of energy, they wouldn't be so fortunate.

You can blame the Democrat party and the environmental nutcases for that problem.

This was an article from the St. Petersburg Times
Newspaper on Sunday.

The Business Section asked readers for ideas on

"How Would You Fix the Economy?"

This guy nailed it!

Dear Mr. President,
Patriotic retirement:

There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work
force -pay them $1 million apiece severance with the
following stipulations:

1) They leave their jobs.. Forty million job openings

- Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered

- Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house/pay off their mortgage

- Housing Crisis fixed.

Can't get any easier than that!

Everyone had some good ideas in this thread which I agree with except for mandatory ethanol use and I disagree with that in every way.
Why do you disagree with ethanol use? From what I have read it appears to be the best alternative to gas.
Why do you disagree with ethanol use? From what I have read it appears to be the best alternative to gas.

ever seen the figures on how much energy it takes to make a gallon of ethanol as opposed to a gallon of gas?

natural gas is actually the best alternative, but the enviro nazis won't let us extract our own.
No I have not. I was under the impression that it was a very similar process as making moonshine only more exact on the specs. I guess I assumed that it would be easier to make than gasoline.
Ethanol is a boondoggle.....complete and utter waste of time. We would be better served switching over to natural gas. And as MG pointed out, that has its own problems.

I would love for us to go completely off foreign oil, whatever it takes to do it.
In no particular order:

I would be demonized after the first day.

1.) Explain social security is going to bankrup the country and tell a lot of people sorry about your luck.

2.) Strict guidelines and deadlines on those who receive government assistance.

3.) Abolish the IRS

4.) All the madness that is government. Move research toward the model of the Hughes Medical Institute.

5.) Stop all the madness that is save marriage or whatever this stuff is. We are either free or we are not. If two dudes want to poke each other in their private life I could care less. If they want shared medical benefits, I could care less! The government is not responsible for churches being lazy!

6.) Push faith based programs because generally these people actually want to the help the poor. Screw government workers who want a cake job and could care less about these people!

7.) Surprisingly, I would give all the illegals a chance to stay but only after they complete the immigration guidelines for citizenship. Seriously, if I am in Mexico and my family is in need, why wouldn't I do every thing possible to get here? I would do any thing I could to help my family!

8.) Screw the Fed and every thing that comes with it!

9.) Repeal every thing and any thing Woodrow Wilson ever done!

10.) In any practical way get government out of every ones every day life. No one should have to apply for a permit and wait 2 months to build on your own private property!
OE, what about an executive order banning jokes involving cops and doughnuts?
1. legalize drugs
2. take the right to vote away from anyone on welfare
3. term limits for congress
4. no more free trade with china
5. make congressmen and presidents wear lie detectors during debates and whenver they speak to the public :lol:
Getting off of Fossil Fuels will happen, but I think they are trying to set an arbitrary number on it that no one has any clue on what that number actually will end up being. I mean go back to the 1800's and imagine congress of that time mandating that by 1910 all transportation be done solely by internal combustion engines... or by airplane.

Anyway... some points made earlier.

Cut budget by major amounts. IE goal to get it under a Trillion dollars

Make social security just a law saying that a percentage of your income needs to be invested or saved in some way, your choice. For those on it now, sorry, ya'll ignored the warnings for the past three decades.

Eliminate Corporate Taxation
Reduce Capitol Gains Taxation
Eliminate Payroll Taxes and Income Withholding
Institute consumption tax (sales Tax)
Make it a Punishable Crime to dip into a fund for anything other than what the fund is meant for (IE dipping into Road Funds to pay for over bloated Education Budgets)
Evict the UN from New York
Quit the UN and all funding

Eliminate government agencies or shrink them and their authority: EPA, ATF, FDA, and others of their ilk. I'm aware that laws and rules need to be in the books to protect from greedy people with no morals but those rules should be decided by elected officials, not some appointed activist in a government position whose just as greedy or power hungry. Then use branches from law enforcement to enforce those rules.

Reduce all pay for congress by at least 50% and instill stiff term limits of no more than two terms... proactive. Eliminate all retirement benefits and other cushy stuff and make them live off of my new Social Security....

Oh ya legalize pot, it's stupid that it's not. And I don't even use the stuff... but who am I to tell someone it's perfectly ok to destroy their lungs or liver but not get high off the bud?
1. legalize drugs
2. take the right to vote away from anyone on welfare
3. term limits for congress
4. no more free trade with china
5. make congressmen and presidents wear lie detectors during debates and whenver they speak to the public :lol:

Haha on point 5 and to take it a step further to make them actually entertaining to watch: hook electrodes from a 20amp source to their groin areas....
1. legalize drugs
2. take the right to vote away from anyone on welfare
3. term limits for congress
4. no more free trade with china
5. make congressmen and presidents wear lie detectors during debates and whenver they speak to the public :lol:

I was for this until TRUT brought up a good point. If the people want to vote the nut in, why should we take that right away from them?
I can see your point on the term limit both pro and con. I think there needs to be a way to educate people more easily on how there congressman votes. Then term limits would not be a issue.
Why do you disagree with ethanol use? From what I have read it appears to be the best alternative to gas.

(sorry I took so long to reply)

Main reasons;

1. a;There were food riots in at least 22 countries last year, largely because of the ripple effect of mandatory ethanol use. Likewise when they ran out of yellow corn and started to ferment and distill white corn they made it tougher on poor Mexicans and other Central American peoples who depend on that commodity to make tortillas and many of those decided to relocate in America, exacerbating another problem. It's insane to take so much needed food and burn it up. The Immorality of Ethanol

1. b;The price of feed corn tripled in a short time, so when you see the price of beef and other meats rising like a hot air balloon at the market, that is the main reason.

2. a; Doesn't cut down on CO2 emissions, on the contrary, when you consider all the fuel burned to produce the raw product, plus the energy used to produce the final product, plus transporting and mixing it with gasoline, plus the CO2 emitted by the ethanol itself, any gain is negligible.

2. b; Less dependence on foreign oil, ditto 2a.

No I have not. I was under the impression that it was a very similar process as making moonshine only more exact on the specs. I guess I assumed that it would be easier to make than gasoline.

And I suppose you have a local shiner who will sell you top quality goods at less than $2.00 a gallon???

Not more exact on the specs except that an additive or process is required that renders it undrinkable.

Ethanol as fuel is only feasible with large government subsidies.

Other problems;

Decreases life of internal combustion engines.

Corrodes fiberglass tanks on marine vessels.

Will separate from gas and cause engine failure in two cycle engines and problems for four cycle engines.

Corn is very hard on land and must be rotated with other crops like soy beans to replenish nitrogen in the soil. Alternatives to corn haven't proven to be successful except for maybe sugar cane.

Just the tip of the iceberg as to why I am totally against government mandates on ethanol use, as a matter of fact I didn't vote for Alexander last election because he voted for it, I didn't vote for his opponent but he didn't get my vote.

Here is more on how you have been deceived about ethanol.
1. Reform the drug laws.
2. Build more nuclear power plants
3. Upgrade the infrastructure for roads, rail, power lines, etc.
4. Downsize I.R.S. and create a tax code that is simple by eliminating most deductions, and have tax rates of 15-30% depending on level of income.
5. Downsize the military and stop policing the world.
6. Back states rights by doing less at the federal level, and empower the states by devising the federal budget into block grants for states that spend it on what they see as necessary.
7. Tort reform.
8. Actually respect the Bill of Rights.
9. Work to stop illegal immigration, and allow many more legal immigrants.
10. More funding for education, especially at the college level.

Just my 2 cents...

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