Cov't Motors will....
But gubmit mtrs won't insure your garage if you park a volt in it.
It is a red herring because you countered with an irrelevant topic in order to divert attention from my original question.
No matter what your red herring question is, the government mandated use of ethanol as a fuel is idiotic and it is based not only bad science but there is a huge nonsequiter in the equation.
Mandated use of ethanol doesn't accomplish the purpose that supposedly motivates the program, cease and desist immediatly.
Bottom line is that the responsibility lies directly at the feet of Barack Hussein Obama.
Then why do we keep doing it?
Why no public outcry that we stop doing it?
That does not make any sense. There is a lot of ice melting. Sea levels should be rising in some capacity. Again, I would have no idea how much. If they aren't, where the hell is the melted ice water going?
Well you can check with the latest satelite data, sea level has fallen slightly over the last few years.
You may have been brainwashed to believe differently but that is a factoid.
Refresh my memory.
They are both very different statements. Both can't be true. Empirical evidence would support one or the other.
Empirical evidence overwhelmingly indicates that CO2 caused global warming is a crock of sh!t!
Lindzen (the noted MIT scientist) and Choi proved by observing Earth's atmosphere that glabal warming wasn't happening as the theory states.
CERN successfully duplicated Earth atmosphere in a closed environment and then duplicated cosmic rays emitting from the sun.
The level of cosmic rays directly determined the temps.
Levels of CO2 from zero to much higher than we have ever experienced had zero effect on the temps!
End of story.
It all depends on how much we are talking about.
No it
Another thing, CO2 in the atmosphere IS NOT hazardous to human health, for nearly sixty years now our nuclear submarines have been using air that containes about eight times as much CO2 with no bad effect on crew members.
Also, there have been times in Earth's history where the atmosphere contained as much as eight times as much CO2 as we have now and it was much colder.
Bottom line is that CO2 does not affect glaobal temperatures, that is determined by other factors, primarily solar activity.
CO2 is a greenhouse gas. No doubt about it. The real question is the amount. As you alluded to, a little extra CO2 in the atmosphere can actually help plant life. However, there are better ways to deliver CO2 to our agricultural plants if we so wish.
CO2 is
NOT a greenhouse gas.
We are near the minimum of CO2 in the atmosphere for life on Earth.
BTW, the use of ethanol as fuel doesn't decrease CO2 in the atmosphere, in reality all things considered, it actually adds to the CO2 level when used as an alternative to oil based fuel, not to mention the dire effects it has on the economic production of food and feed. In other words all your food costs more because of ethanol mandates and in poor third world countries people starve to death and ethanol mandates are a contributing factor.
Blindly pumping CO2 into the atmosphere is just not a good idea.
Why not?
How about shipping 100 million tons of coal to China annually?
China is bringing on about 4 new coal fired elec plants on line per month and India isn't far behind while we are closing down the same at about the same rate, how does this make sense?
No sh*t?! I had no idea that I was exhaling carbon dioxide! I bet you don't the biochemical reaction which makes that possible.
I don't the biochemical reaction?
Maybe the oxygen is fueling my brain, I only wish I could say the same for you.
At any rate, I have never asserted that we should completely stop all production of CO2. Now, if we can safely reduce it in an environmentally safe and economically feasible way, why not do so?
It is already at an environmentally safe level.
Economincally we are committing suicide with present energy policies.
Again, I did not assert that we should do so. Quite the opposite actually.
Then why are we doing it and why do you parrot the same falsehoods that supposedly are the supposedly motivation to do so?
That is blasphemy. The Apology, Crito, and Phaedo are sacred texts in my eyes. Not only did he teach us about the essence of "justness" be also practiced being "just" on the highest level.
The only thing Socrates taught me, (no matter how much I hold him in high regard as a thinker), is that ultimately he was a fool to drink the hemlock to satisfy the demands of a bunch of jealous liars.
Raising the dead can be a dangerous business.