Where to stay and park in Memphis?

generally speaking the further east you are the nicer the neighborhood, but the further you are from the stadium. as for parking the mid south fair is in town this weekend, and is right next to the stadium, so park wherever you can. you'll probably have to walk good distance, so plan for it. hopefully the 11am kickoff will eliminate some of the fair traffic but i have no idea.
I advise to get there early because The Fair ends on Sunday, so Saturday will be packed. I will personally get there at 8 am to enjoy early morning tailgating, but I am headed to the fair after the game. Becareful and watch your surroundings without staring at people funny ( that will get ya azz kicked quickly) if person feels that you're staring them as if they're going to rob you ! Just a little inner city advice.
Becareful and watch your surroundings without staring at people funny ( that will get ya azz kicked quickly) if person feels that you're staring them as if they're going to rob you ! Just a little inner city advice.

I think you can apply this advice anywhere, anytime. No need in running Memphis down. :vava:
I can tell you where not to stay.You know that show that comes on A&E, First 48 hours, it showcases homicides that have occurred in Memphis,Miami,Dallas,normally just Memphis and Miami.Don't stay in any of those neighborhoods in Memphis where people have been murdered.:)
If u get there early, there is usually plenty of parking off of Central on a street called Early Maxwell across from Christian Brothers College it's on the left before u get to an elementary school or before Parkway or u can turn on Hollywood away from the stadium and park at the Board of Education
I would recomend staying in Nashville and watching the game at a bar downtown.
I advise to get there early because The Fair ends on Sunday, so Saturday will be packed. I will personally get there at 8 am to enjoy early morning tailgating, but I am headed to the fair after the game. Becareful and watch your surroundings without staring at people funny ( that will get ya azz kicked quickly) if person feels that you're staring them as if they're going to rob you ! Just a little inner city advice.
I lived in Memphis six years and the thuds were not out at 11 am, though I was talking with my brother, who lives in Memphis and he said there were a lot of robberies recently around the fairgrounds area so don't leave valuables in your can but lock them in your trunk. I'd also recommend carring a cyanide pill with you in case you get lost and wind up in Orange Mound (nothing to do with UT) take it because you are DEAD.

Just kidding, actually the Liberty Bowl area is IMO safer that the Legion Field area when we used to play Bama and, wayback
, Auburn there. Anyone remember having to pay those punks aroung Legion Field to "guard your car"?
Don't freak out. Like rockydoc, I spent some of my "formative years" in Memphis. There's lot of cool stuff to see, and parts of the downtown area have been renovated (e.g. the ballpark, area just south of Beale. . . .). If you want the best ribs in a very historic restaurant, make sure you eat at the Rendezvous. I stayed in the renovated Adam's Mark hotel (big glass cylinder-shaped building) in midtown -- I think it's now a Marriott -- when I took my boards and it's a safe, nice area with good restaurants nearby. There are always bands a-plenty on Beale.

Wow. I can't believe I just spent a paragraph of typing on the positives of Memphis. Do be careful where you park (auto-theft capital, at one time) and stay away from the fair. You won't want to move there, but you can surely have fun for a weekend.
I think you can apply this advice anywhere, anytime. No need in running Memphis down. :vava:

Read real closely between each and every line once again. It's not running Memphis down, it's called awareness 101 and if you're doing that ( staring at people, as if they're going to rob you ) then please, stop !

Pay attention a little more closely next time, there is always a hidden message !
I lived in Memphis six years and the thuds were not out at 11 am, though I was talking with my brother, who lives in Memphis and he said there were a lot of robberies recently around the fairgrounds area so don't leave valuables in your can but lock them in your trunk. I'd also recommend carring a cyanide pill with you in case you get lost and wind up in Orange Mound (nothing to do with UT) take it because you are DEAD.

Just kidding, actually the Liberty Bowl area is IMO safer that the Legion Field area when we used to play Bama and, wayback
, Auburn there. Anyone remember having to pay those punks aroung Legion Field to "guard your car"?

Orange Mound has alot of UT ties, how could you say nothing to do with UT ( Cedrick Wilson & Andre Lott )

The funny part about is it that I just left a Melrose JV football game about 2 hours ago. They have a JV team that is a monster, watch out Maryville in about 2 years, this group may get ya !
Read real closely between each and every line once again. It's not running Memphis down, it's called awareness 101 and if you're doing that ( staring at people, as if they're going to rob you ) then please, stop !

Pay attention a little more closely next time, there is always a hidden message !

I read your post again. Enjoy the fair. Living in Memphis, you shouldn't be so negative about others visiting. People should follow the same rules they follow going to ANY away game. No more, no less. No need to be scared - they'll be about 20,000 Vol fans to party with. Go Vols.
The CBU parking lot by the dollar store is a safe parking lot, but the majority of spots close to the stadium will be by the coliseum on the South side of the stadium due to the fair taking up most of the parking. The houses on East parkway are also good spots, but be careful they don't block you in due to the Fair. DO NOT park in the neighborhood to the East of the Stadium. It can be confusing and I have some friends who have had some bad experiences during Liberty Bowl games in that area. If you want to stay close to downtown head down Union and you have a Red Roof Inn, Motel 6 and La Quinta right near downtown. I know they are not the greatest, but they are inexpensive and relatively safe. Downtown by Court Square and Morgan Keegan you have two hotels, I believe Sleep Inn and Days Inn which are nice and a quick trolley ride to the Beale Street area. However, Beale Street is not the best place to be on a Saturday night anymore. Instead I would suggest hitting the Cooper Young area which is located one mile West of the stadium. There are several bars including Young Avenue Deli, (over 200 beers and full bar), the Celtic Crossing, Cafe Ole, and the Beauty Shop all within a block of one another. It is definitely the best entertainment district in Memphis. Parking can be a problem, and you need to watch yourself after dark in parts of the neighborhood. Downtown, the Flying Saucer( best beer selection in Memphis, over 70 on tap), Swig, the Majestic, and Blue Fin are right next to Peabody place. Memphis is safe if you pay attention to your surroundings just like most cities of it's size.
I read your post again. Enjoy the fair. Living in Memphis, you shouldn't be so negative about others visiting. People should follow the same rules they follow going to ANY away game. No more, no less. No need to be scared - they'll be about 20,000 Vol fans to party with. Go Vols.

Okay let me break it down for you, because obviously newcomer you simply don't get it ! Whether you're in L.A., Chicago, New York, Houston, Miami, or Memphis, just don't look at people as if you're afraid of them ,if you're not from a big city. After the news media released it's national poll last week that Memphis is the 2nd most violent city in the U.S. Memphis is great, but it has it's issues, especially with the crime element that came because of Hurricane Katrina. You have people crossing the Miss. state line and committing crime here and not to forget about the crime element that was already here before that started. I love Memphis. I have been here all my life. It seems if you have negative confused with reality. It's a real world out here and we live in it. From Trigg & Lauderdale to Shelby Drive and Hacks Cross, crime has no biases ! This is a big city, so of course crime will come with that ! Hope you understand a little better now !
Okay let me break it down for you, because obviously newcomer you simply don't get it ! Whether you're in L.A., Chicago, New York, Houston, Miami, or Memphis, just don't look at people as if you're afraid of them ,if you're not from a big city. After the news media released it's national poll last week that Memphis is the 2nd most violent city in the U.S. Memphis is great, but it has it's issues, especially with the crime element that came because of Hurricane Katrina. You have people crossing the Miss. state line and committing crime here and not to forget about the crime element that was already here before that started. I love Memphis. I have been here all my life. It seems if you have negative confused with reality. It's a real world out here and we live in it. From Trigg & Lauderdale to Shelby Drive and Hacks Cross, crime has no biases ! This is a big city, so of course crime will come with that ! Hope you understand a little better now !

Thanks for "breaking it down" for a "newcomer". I understand completely what you're saying - I did from your first post - I'm just saying that there is no need in anyone acting any differently at this game than any other. Trust me - oldtimer - Memphis is not a big city. And don't let a "big city" scare you too much. I lived in Fort Sanders for 4 years and had my car stolen twice. I've lived in Memphis (in the city) for eleven years with no crime problems - at all. I'm not looking to pick a fight as it seems you are looking for one talking down to people on a message board. I just want UT fans to have fun and enjoy the city I call home. Enjoy the game and the fair, but most of all, Go Vols.
Nothing but love for you UT IE 95, we're all family here and just like family, we do have a little in house fighting from time to time, lol !
I lived in Fort Sanders for 4 years and had my car stolen twice. I've lived in Memphis (in the city) for eleven years with no crime problems - at all.

The Fort has its share of problems, but Memphis can get a little rough, especially in certain areas. I would say that over half of my friends that lived on Mud Island, downtown, or in Midtown had their cars broken into or stolen. One had his car stolen twice within a month. That being said, aside from panhandlers, I never had any trouble during my 4 years, and there ARE a lot of things to do there.
The VOLS are staying at The Marriott -- I-240 & Perkins Rd.

i dont recommend that neighborhood. the mall of memphis used to be there, until it was called the mall of murder, and subsequently torn down. probably alright for the team cause whose gonna mess with a football team? it is fairly close to platinum plus, if that is your idea of post-game entertainment.
i dont recommend that neighborhood. the mall of memphis used to be there, until it was called the mall of murder, and subsequently torn down. probably alright for the team cause whose gonna mess with a football team? it is fairly close to platinum plus, if that is your idea of post-game entertainment.

When will The Vols head back Saturday or Sunday ?
I live close to memphis and my advise is to stay either at Collierville,Germantown, or Cordova in TN. or go across the state line into Mississippi and stay at either Southaven or Olive Branch. There are plenty of nite life spots in the area, Beale st., Cooper and Young area, .
I grew up in Memphis, lived in Knoxville for six years, and currently reside in Little Rock. I lived in Fort Sanders when Job Corp. took over the old Holiday Inn on 17th. The crime rate skyrocketed in the Fort during this time, late 80's early 90's. Yes, Memphis does have parts of town which are not safe, but please get off your East Tennessee high horses about how bad crime is in Memphis. No one seems to remember the random beatings of UT students in the mid 90's by random groups of young men cruising the campus for unsuspecting students or the drive by shooting that occured on Cumberland at the location formerly know as Gaby's, I don't remember the actual name of the club at the time but it was the late 90's. Read my earlier post, come tailgate, be smart and have fun. There are plenty of areas in Knoxville that are not safe as well. Remember, the Tigers are our foe, read the Commercial Appeal post's from this week, not the city.
Here's some info:

Memphis Police Department Issues Traffic Suggestions for This Weekend's Game

MPD, Park Services, & MATA urge motorists to plan ahead.

Sept. 26, 2006


The City of Memphis Parks Division, Memphis Police Department and Memphis Area Transit Authority, (MATA) urge the public to plan ahead to avoid parking and traffic congestion in the area of the Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium and the Fairgrounds this weekend.

This weekend's activities include Saturday's 11 a.m. match-up at the Liberty Bowl featuring the University of Memphis Tigers vs the University of Tennessee, and the culmination of the Mid South Fair.

Traffic Alerts:

Avoid the East Parkway Bridge (Airways) north and south bound lanes between Spottswood and Central Avenue as it remains under construction. Travelers using this route will encounter major traffic delays. Officials urge travelers from the south to utilize I-240 North to Lamar, east on Lamar to Central Avenue to the Fairgrounds/Liberty Bowl Complex.


Public parking at the Fairgrounds is limited. See Fairgrounds Map.

• Arrive at least 2 hours early to park at one of the 3 lots on Early Maxwell. See Fairgrounds Map. Cost for parking is $7.00/vehicle.

• Arrive at least 1 hour early to park in School Board/Tobey Park area, north of the Stadium on Hollywood.

• If all lots are full, there are public streets in areas adjoining the Fairgrounds that are the best bet.

Officials strongly suggest carpooling or using the MATA shuttle service to the University of Memphis football game.


MATA will provide shuttle service to Liberty Bowl Stadium beginning Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 9:15 a.m. The cost of the shuttle is $7.00.

There are six shuttle locations:

Germantown Village Square on Poplar

Eastgate Shopping Center (the Germantown bus also stops here on the way to the stadium)

Halle Stadium

Raleigh Springs Mall

Highway 64 in Bartlett (behind Colton's Steakhouse)

Collierville on Market Street (next to Perkins Restaurant)

For more detailed information, please call MATA's Information Center at 901-274-6282.

After the game FREE FAIR ADMISSION with your ticket stub.

Remember with the Mid-South Fair going on the Memphis Park Service is saying there will be between 95-105,000 people in the Liberty Bowl area which is designed to hold 55-60,000 people...so space will be at a premium.


Tenn Alumni Assn Tailgate Info

VN Store
