Where to stay and park in Memphis?

This is the first time I will be staying over night for a game. Any suggestions on where to stay, close enough to take a cab after a few beers? Also where is a good place to hang out after we beat Bama? Thanks in advance for the info.
You have people crossing the Miss. state line and committing crime here and not to forget about the crime element that was already here before that started. I love Memphis.
I was seeing on the news that the bordering towns in Mississippi are saying that the criminals from Memphis are coming to Mississippi to do their deeds..... :whistling:
I was seeing on the news that the bordering towns in Mississippi are saying that the criminals from Memphis are coming to Mississippi to do their deeds..... :whistling:

Well trust me it is about 50/50 down the middle. The Robbers have become like drug dealers, they have marked territory.

And since you're in Cordova hmanvolfan, and have Asians with automatic weapons shooting at police, would your next move be to Olive Branch ?
Well trust me it is about 50/50 down the middle. The Robbers have become like drug dealers, they have marked territory.

And since you're in Cordova hmanvolfan, and have Asians with automatic weapons shooting at police, would your next move be to Olive Branch ?
Naw, there's too many drunks passed out on their lawns... :zeitung_lesen:
The best place to stay would be the Hampton Inn on Beale Street. You can walk to 100's of restaurants and clubs in the area. Much improved downtown than 5 or 10 years ago.
Here's some local Memphis advice from a Memphis VOL fan resident. His quote:

"Please make sure you place all valuable belongings in your trunk. Don't leave anything in the car in plain sight. I love my home town and hate to say this but there has been a rash of car break-ins the last two or three weeks. Be smart. Lock your car and place anything valuable in your trunk. I don't want to see any VOL fans have a bad experience.

Keep in mind also the Liberty Bowl is not in the greatest part of town.

To end on a positive note, your ticket to the game gets you into the Mid-South Fair for free. The fair is always a lot of fun. Especially after a big orange victory! "

I tried to be nice earlier, but you do not want to be downtown on Beale Street on a Saturday night. There are plenty of bars to hang out in close enough, Flying Saucer, Swig, Blue Fin, etc., but Beale Street is not Bourbon. No reason to be ther after dark, especially on a Saturday night. Go to the Fair after the game and then back to your hotel in East Memphis or to the Cooper Young area. Just remember to pay attention to your surroundings and be smart.
When I was in Memphis back in 2000 for the game, I found the City to be very enjoyable. It was easy to get around in, and never experienced any problems or threats. We parked west of the stadium by the RV parking. (evidently there was no fair going on) We went to Beal street Saturday night and had a good time. I have always found the places people tell me not to go to never turn out to be that bad. You just have to be self confident and act like you belong there. By the way I am not immune to crime in Kansas as I live in a metro area and have had my front window shot out in a drive by, and also have had my car stolen downtown at my place of business. Such is life today. I say go to Memphis and enjoy the city.
Memphis is great. They planned THE largest football game in the city for the year at the same time the Memphis fair is going on.:crazy: .

And by the way the fair the stadium are side by side.

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