Where will you be?



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2013
I would love nothing more than to be in Neyland this saturday. But im deployed right now to southwest Asia. I will stay up late and listen to the game via I Heart Radio. I am just curious where you will be watching/listening the the Vols kick the crap outta AP? Brick By Brick GO VOLS!!!!
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I'll be in section Q row 52. . and thank you for your service sir I wish you could be home here with your family and all of us vol family I'll remember you and I'll cheer on our boys twice as hard for you sir thanks again
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I will be at home with my wife in front of the computer monitor (espn3) as she complains of how much beer I'm drinking....

If we win things are wonderful, if we don't, then it turns out I drank too much...
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Section N....... Thank you and all others for your service to this great nation.
I will be at home with my wife in front of the computer monitor (espn3) as she complains of how much beer I'm drinking....

If we win things are wonderful, if we don't, then it turns out I drank too much...

I am fortunate enough to have tickets to the game but every game I watch at home is as you describe. Winning= a great time while losing = "why did I keep slugging those Heineken Lights".

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