A pro-style QB is code for a guy who can do it all. He may be able to run maybe not. If he cannot move then he better have a quick release and excellent pocket presence. He has to be able to learn a playbook, audible at the line, read Ds-thus he must know the Defense paybook as well. I guy who is going to be a good Pro-style QB is likely to have a high IQ and for a fans perspetive the SAT and ACT are the best ways we can judge.
Just cuz a guy runs does not exclude him from being pro-style. Pro-style is a mix of everything.
A guy who makes an 18 on the ACT for example, unless facing serious hardship in his education,-like coming from another country where there are no schools-is not a pro-style QB. In the end, if you are counting on a guy like this you better hope he is a far superior athlete that can do things with his legs that make it unnecessary for him to make proper reads or be very accurate. Vince Young is an example of this. Boyd to me does not seem like a Vince Young athlete and will do decent in the ACC but would of been beated down weakly as a QB in the SEC. Much like Young was in the NFL. JMO :hi: