I assume you were fine with people speaking out against Bush during regarding the war in Iraq, right?
I assume you were fine with people speaking out against Bush during regarding the war in Iraq, right?
As was I and I stated more than once in this forum that it was BS to question someone's patriotism if they were against the war.
I think an argument can be made that political point scoring does help the enemy in some ways. There's no doubt that some the political rhetoric against the war may have encouraged the enemy to drag things out or change tactics - it is what it is. That certainly doesn't mean one side should just shut up though
So now that the shoe is on the other foot, it's getting old? "Mission Accomplished", "No War for Oil", "Bush lied, People died", anyone?
This is another assault on the 1st Amendment. Speak out against Obama and you're supporting terrorists.
As was I and I stated more than once in this forum that it was BS to question someone's patriotism if they were against the war.
I think an argument can be made that political point scoring does help the enemy in some ways. There's no doubt that some the political rhetoric against the war may have encouraged the enemy to drag things out or change tactics - it is what it is. That certainly doesn't mean one side should just shut up though
Crazy talk. The military is a tool of the people and, as such, answers to elected civilian authority.Leave our military to their own devices and we'd be much better off. Unfortunately, Washington has always liked to meddle in the military's affairs, to the detriment of the nation
My problem with the Bush administration in this regard was they seemed to paint anybody who was against the war as against the troops, all under the cloak of being patriotic, which is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Questioning policy and leaders is the most patriotic right we have. The sooner Obama learns this the sooner these pathetic PR tactics will cease. It's almost like presidents have to learn the same leasons every 4 or 8 years.
My problem with the Bush administration in this regard was they seemed to paint anybody who was against the war as against the troops, all under the cloak of being patriotic, which is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Questioning policy and leaders is the most patriotic right we have. The sooner Obama learns this the sooner these pathetic PR tactics will cease. It's almost like presidents have to learn the same leasons every 4 or 8 years.
Once again, loose and imprecise language dooms this entrie "story" (posted originally by Drudge, of course) as well as the majority of posts in this thread.
The criticism of Bush was that he was using terrorism as an excuse to launch and perpetuate a war with a country not nearly as related ot terrorism against the US as was being claimed at the time. The argument was that, in doing so, he gave the actual terrorists more to work with in terms of brewing hate against the US.
The story above is given the - extremely misleading -headline " White House says critics helping Al-qaeda."
But if you read the quote, he is saying that whipping people up into a frenzy by bashing the Obama administration's handling of the war on terror plays into the hands of the terrorists and their goal of causing our citizens to worry all the time, even though chances of the citizen being involved in an attack are extremely remote.
There is nothing wrong with telling the American people not to stop living their lives because of this. That is what is meant by fear-mongering.
Now, you might disagree with that. And that's fine. You might want alarms going off constantly. Okay, I get that. But the rights continuous deliberate misstatement of what has been said by the WH and its officials so as to spin up contrived outrage is just getting so old. They need to find a new ploy.
Just another good old example of the classic American double standard, the pillar on which our nation was founded. White slave-owners who wanted to be free...In all seriousness, should this even be a surprise to anyone. I know al-Qaeda seems to be the evil force behind every one of this country's problems, just as it was during the Bush administration. Yeah, it was al-Qaeda that flooded New Orleans, started the AIDS epidemic, started the Ice Capades, and ofcourse, now they're the reason Obama's approval ratings are down. What a joke. <---------I'm really sick of saying that.
And Obama detonated the earthquake bomb in Haiti