Whiteness as a parasitic condition now?

It's not a blog; it's a peer-reviewed academic journal (not a top journal in the field but not a trash journal either). That's the craziest part; that this passed peer review

Jesus. It must be obscure af, I can't find anything but references to the article.

I stand corrected, badly. So long to any credibility that "medical" journal may have had - they'll be relegated to a blog after this I'll bet.

Jesus. It must be obscure af, I can't find anything but references to the article.

I stand corrected, badly. So long to any credibility that "medical" journal may have had - they'll be relegated to a blog after this I'll bet.

don't count on it - like I said, it's considered a respectable journal in the field although not a top tier one.
Calling that a "Medical Journal" is like calling a Yugo a reliable automobile.

Mr. Moss, is clearly a self loathing nut-job riddled with white guilt who was given some space on a blog to get reactions. Not much different from the whackos posting on twitter, 4 chan etc.

It's working.
Dr Moss (not Mr) is also:
a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

I have no idea the caliber of facility of either of those places. But to try to minimize him and his stupidity is silly for you.
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Dr Moss (not Mr) is also:
a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

I have no idea the caliber of facility of either of those places. But to try to minimize him and his stupidity is silly for you.
In order to be a legit psych, you need to have fantasies about killing whitey.
Dr Moss (not Mr) is also:
a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

I have no idea the caliber of facility of either of those places. But to try to minimize him and his stupidity is silly for you.

Lighten up Francis. This guy needs to be minimized, it's silly that you'd believe otherwise given his article.
Lighten up Francis. This guy needs to be minimized, it's silly that you'd believe otherwise given his article.
I want to minimize his ideas. You attempted to minimize him. There is a difference.
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I want to minimize his ideas. You attempted to minimize him. There is a difference.

In this scenario there's a distinction without much difference if you ask me. Your sudden affinity to the high road is noted however.

A bozo that puts this kind of drivel out should be minimized from every angle and at every opportunity, irrespective of where he works or what his title is.
Distinction without much difference if you ask me. Your sudden affinity to the high road is noted however.
Not quite the small distinction you're going for. And, I understand why you would want to distance yourself from it after your stumble on the "blog".

You wanted to mock the posters who were discussing (up in arms over) the topic. It's one of the things you bring to the forum. Minimizing the dude, gives you a valid road to do so. But in this case, he's a nutjob with somewhat of a platform in his respective field.
Not quite the small distinction you're going for. And, I understand why you would want to distance yourself from it after your stumble on the "blog".

You wanted to mock the posters who were discussing (up in arms over) the topic. It's one of the things you bring to the forum. Minimizing the dude, gives you a valid road to do so. But in this case, he's a nutjob with somewhat of a platform in his respective field.

Nah, I owned my mistake. You can tell by the way I immediately acknowledged my error.

I wasn't mocking anyone but the author and my belief his article was clickbait. Interestingly enough, it would appear now that you're the one looking for reasons to get offended - kind of like Dr. Moss.

If anyone is looking to try and be contrarian, it's you - looking to dunk on me because I mistakenly called him "Mr. Moss."

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