who advises these kids to come out early???



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2009
I really want to know who these kids are taking there cues from when making these decisions. Hunter and Patterson were clear no brainers and first round talents. Bray, however, was clearly talented but no teams trusted his decision making skills. If the person advising him was worth a nickel they would have told that teams did not trust him. That should have been a key in him returning to school to squash those doubts in the minds of scouts. Instead he leaves and goes undrafted. I hope it works out for him, but I feel he lost out on millions as first rounder next year.

This was taken from a site I was searching to check out the Bears freee agent pick ups. Pretty much sums it all up, and speaks to why he should have never left:

Michael Schottey @Schottey

One scout just texted that his GM refuses to even consider Tyler Bray (QB Tennessee)…called his whiteboard interview the worst he'd seen.
7:52 PM - 27 Apr 2013
This says a lot about our former coaches.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I think they kept hoping it would click and were treading on delicate territory as he was the most popular guy on the team with his teammates. They were trying hard not to lose the team any more than they already had it was a lose-lose situation for them.
Chaney told bray he was ready and fuor him to be selfish and go to the draft. Per Tyler bray on grudens QB camp
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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. I think they kept hoping it would click and were treading on delicate territory as he was the most popular guy on the team with his teammates. They were trying hard not to lose the team any more than they already had it was a lose-lose situation for them.

Really cause I think other than Cheney Pittman and Graham, our last staff was completely incompetent. If they were at the very least competent, they would have commanded Bray's respect. They wouldn't have had to "tread on Delicate Territory."
Really cause I think other than Cheney Pittman and Graham, our last staff was completely incompetent. If they were at the very least competent, they would have commanded Bray's respect. They wouldn't have had to "tread on Delicate Territory."

If Chaney is one of the guys you view as competent, then wouldn't he have commanded Bray's respect and had him in the film room studying tape?
Consider these possibilities any of which would have forced their joining the draft (too early).

Their grades sucked and they wouldn't have been eligible.

One of them (Bray?) has a serious infraction of NCAA rules yet to hit the public and wouldn't be coming back anyway.

They were told flat-out by the incoming coaching staff they would not play (Bray) or allowed back on the team (Duhrickie).

One of them has a serious drinking problem (all).

Their idiots.

Other possibilities?
I think Bray realized his numbers during his senior year were probably not going to be as good as this previous year for a couple of reasons. First, he lost 2 receivers and the starting tight end to the NFL draft, and a 3rd receiver will be in an NFL camp also, so talent level will most likely be down. Second, Butch Jones is going to install his offensive style and that doesn't suit Tyler's skill set. This may have been his best year to turn pro. I appreciate the 3 years he was in Knoxville and hope he has a very successful NFL career.
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maxxx, in an effort to answer your question, here's my understanding of who advises kids to go pro early.

1. Friends who are often well-meaning but the last people you should listen to.
2. Sometimes greedy agents if a player has the 'it" factor.
3. Family members, but I think less frequently than one might tend to believe.
4. Sometimes a clique of players who advise or more often mis-advise each other.
Sort of a peer pressure thing.
5. The player himself due to an over-sized ego, familial situation, economic issue,
academic issues, or even out and out stupidity.
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Remember this...

We stole Bray from San Jose St.

We got exactly what I should have expected to get.

San Jose St probably doesn't get a lot of NFL quality "talent".
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It is interesting that it was a weak qb class - and the NFL teams just sat it out and everyone went 2 - 3 rounds lower than they likely were told initially by draft gurus. Bray fell from a possible 3/4 rounder to out of the draft completely. Each year is a different dynamic and sometimes teams get lucky - like Jason Witten falling to the 3rd round.

Bray has worked hard to gain weight and build his physical skills and if he works equally as hard on the mental preparation and film study - he could make KC a good 3rd qb and even a future starter at some point.

Obviously if he projects indifference and lazy habits, he will be on the first cut list and could end up on an intramural team at UT if he can get re-admitted to finish his degree.

I used to watch the Falcons practice down at Suwanee years ago and you could sure tell the rookies and free agents from the vets. The free agents busted their butts and lived week to week watching the posted list of roster cuts. One or 2 dropped balls or missed assigments and they might as well head on up the highway.
Remember this...

We stole Bray from San Jose St.

We got exactly what I should have expected to get.

San Jose St probably doesn't get a lot of NFL quality "talent".

Wow, the amount of speculation stated as fact in this thread is unbelievable. This was the icing on the cake. If your going to bash a man who donned the O&W, which I think is pretty classless to begin with, at least get your facts straight. San Deigo State....IIRC, they had 3-4 kids drafted this year as well...

We all know he probably should have stayed another year, it has been discussed ad nauseam. I'm sure none of you ever made any mistakes between the ages of 18-21. Shame on all of you. Lets wish him the best and move on.
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