Who could replace Buzz?



Senior Member
Oct 25, 2004
Seems like everyone thinks it would be hard to get a big time coach to TN. So which coaches make up your top three and why would one of them not want to be here, if we could lay down the money?
this will sound crazy and i cant remember which of us said it......but bobby isnt happy at texas tech....ive heard rumors of him dying to get out after this season......we would be smart to offer this guy whatever he requires......yes he's a jerk but he's one heck of a basketball coach......he fills thompson up every game just by his presence......kids would come here to learn from a basketball legend plus he would be a unique coach at tennessee (something the mens program hasn't had since i've been alive IMO)....What other big name coaches will be available guys?
Go after Bobby Knight? Are you serious?

That's all our reputation needs.

I can see it now. HEADLINE: "Knight throws student over salad bar."

I don't think we need to win in BB that bad.

Rick Barns could be a good fit. He and his wife are both from just over the mountain in Hickory NC. He's taken Texas to the sweet 16 about a million times. Texas was a football school and he made it happen there. He's been there about 7 years so, he's in a position where he needs to decide if he's going to die in Texas or not. Do we have enough money to get him out of the land of steers and beers?
Rick Barns could be a good fit. He and his wife are both from just over the mountain in Hickory NC. He's taken Texas to the sweet 16 about a million times. Texas was a football school and he made it happen there. He's been there about 7 years so, he's in a position where he needs to decide if he's going to die in Texas or not. Do we have enough money to get him out of the land of steers and beers?
the coach from virginia and indiana. both are under the hot seat.
Yeah take coaches who can't win where they are now and bring them to UT get serious. If UT hired Bobby Knight I would root against them every game.
Dennis Felton at UGA one of the top five coaches in the country. No probation might be attractive to him.
so you rather have a sorry team than bring in a coach that would win us a championship, then win it for us? i could care less who is our coach, buzz or knight or anyone, i just want to win.
I am glad someone see the Bobby Knight light just like i do. one he is a heck of a coach, 2 he can bring better talent than what we have here already, 3 he will put more the 11,000 people in the seats. 4 he will get all these slackers that we have now to play harder. We have some talented players here, they just don't play hard.I mean if he can win at texas tech, We will be a top 10 program in a year or 2. I know it won't be about the money with him so we will be getting a bargin.All of these people who say they don't want him is probably the same ones that don't like Duke. All they do is win and i am one of them that don't like Duke. I want to win and dominate every sport we play and it can be done.
who cares. our mens b-ball team is a joke and always has been. we worry about football and womens b-ball and the mens team gets :censored: on. so who cares?
i care, as a fan of mens basketball i hate having to root for other teams and look around to see who i should follow through the year. i get ticked off when we cant get to a ncaa tournament and teams like uab and valperasio can. buzz better hopw he gets to 15 wins, or he might be introuble.
Knight is nothing more than trailer trash. I don't care what he's done with his behavior being no better than a street thug. Bobby Knight would turn-off all respectable Vol fans and the AD knows it.

Pat was approached for the job before and said thanks but no thanks, she has spent too long build what she has.

LET me repeat BUZZ will still be coaching UT this time in 2006.
i dont know all about calling the best coach since john wooden a street thug. you might want to rethink that. also you that the hireing of bob knight would turn off all-respectable vol fans, so what are you trying to say about me. we would be lucky for him to come here and teach our boys a thing or two about basketball.
i garuntee that if knight came here then our record right now would be 14-6 or 15-5 instead of 10-10. just my opinion though.
You Bobby Knight haters can say what you want, like you know something about coaching basketball but # 1. He is a genius hands down....no disputing that......# 2. the man has made mistakes.....yes so has everyone....how would you feel if you suffered for mistakes the rest of your life.....outside of murder or something else just horrible....forgive the man and move on.....#3 he IS a legend who will fill our seats......his kids respect him and listen to everything he says....you dont hear of bobby knight players that have big attitudes.....i think tennessee would benefit so much greater than any other coach outside of coach k gary williams something like that....he would be a huge addiction and with his coaching ability and ability to make kids great ball players we could be a top 25 team year in year out by at least his 4th or 5th year here.....I'm with some of you guys on the fact he's a jerk and he gets what he deserves but he's also a wonderful coach with a passion for the game.....who knows maybe we can soften him up in good ol tennessee lol :rocks:
I care about the men's basketball program because i want to win at everything from baseball,tennis, volleyball etc..... We need a bigtime coach who will bring in recruits even if they won't hire Knight. I will tell you one thing if they get Knight, I will be at the games
I can name 10 coaches better than Booby Knight. He's a horse's @$$ and UT does not need him and as far as him being a genius --- Only in his own mind and maybe others whose minds are that weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I tired of people whining about the program when they obviously don't have a clue where Buzz started with this program. We'll see whose right and one other thing if you love BOOBY knight so much why don't you join him at Texas tech. I'm outta here you can have it you whiners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
before you go, name 10 coaches ever to have a better carrer than him. and you better give a good explanation why. he is the second best coach ever, aint no doubt in that
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 31, 2005 5:23 PM
at least bobby knight gets his teams to the tourney.

Check out his record at UI over his last 5 years or so - no other team so consistently bowed out in the first or second round.

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