Who could replace Buzz?

Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jan 31, 2005 6:06 PM
Mike Anderson, UAB. "40 minutes of hell"

Once again - BHAMVOLFAN is dead on (why won't you listen to him :p )

I posted this in one of the other BP threads - you don't need a Bobby Knight, etc. There are outstanding assistants out there. Mike Anderson is strong - Auburn had a chance and blew it (Lebo looks more promising than Buzz - comments from Dean Smith back it up). MA is doing it right at UAB - no doubt he has a clear vision/system and gets his players to buy in. They (most) put it on the line every game.

We don't need a name - we need a coach.

Ark picked a good one with Heath. BP hasn't shown. Can anyone tell me what they have seen from him that shows he has what it takes? Rant...........
i love it when ppl say things they cant back up........SHOW ME 10 COACHES WHO HAVE HAD BETTER CAREERS? Cmon man you because you hate the guy doesnt mean he's a bad coach.....i hate his guts but he's amazing
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Jan 31, 2005 11:21 PM
i love it when ppl say things they cant back up........SHOW ME 10 COACHES WHO HAVE HAD BETTER CAREERS? Cmon man you because you hate the guy doesnt mean he's a bad coach.....i hate his guts but he's amazing

i agree
Bobby Knight, Mike Anderson, Rick Barnes and Dennis Felton. Are these the best out there? Do Texas and Texas Tech play each other? How does Bobby do against Rick?
I don't know what the true solution is to turning the men's team back into a competitor. I do know that Pat Summit is not going anywhere, so that is out (although fun to talk about).

Being in Dallas, I can tell you that Bobby Knight is not the person that is presented in the media. I've listened to him on his radio show and find him to be extremely intelligent and grounded. Unfortunatley, he's allowed his emotions to rule the day in certain situations and now it haunts him. As for him coaching the Vols, if he did, I assure you that he would get more out the players than they are currently exhibiting.

Whomever the next coach turns out to be, if he can get the team to be a consistent competitor in the SEC East, I'd be satisfied.
I would think that a good look at some of the outstanding coaches at the I-AA level who have dominated there would be a good place to start.

Many of the most successful coaches in 1A started in programs that didn't have major resources and worked their way up.

I would like to see a progressive semi-young coach who works the H--- out of the players and makes them want to excel and become championship caliber get brought in if Buzz can't cut it.

I think this guy could convince the vols to play defense if he said "pretty please?!"
Does anyone know how to post photos? All I know how to do is change my avatar image. I don't want to look at Bobby Knght everyday.
A list of guys who would be very good coaches that UT and we could get them for what buzz is making or less. Remember buzz makes good money, only third in the SEC behind Tubby Smith and Billy D.

Booby Lutz UNCC
Mike Anderson UAB
Gregg Marshall Winthrop
Dave Leito Depaul
Johnny Dawkins Duke <-- He is a long shot
Bobby Gonzalez Manhattan
Karl Hobbs GWashington <-- Not my favorite, but I have heard his name thrown out there
TBall, when you are posting a message scroll down and there should be a box labeled "file attachments".
I will say that Mike Anderson is not going anywhere&#33; He just got a huge raise and just built a brand new house and plus he is from bham and that is where his family is.

Now here is a name no one has mentioned Jonny Dawkins from duke&#33;&#33; He has been under Coach K for years&#33;&#33; And Coach K is not retireing till 2011 so we could get Jonny Dawkins till at least then when he leaves for Duke&#33;&#33;&#33;
Just testing here to see if my photo posted


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Bob Knight really does look like the Devil in that picture TBALL. I was a student at IU during his last incident there.
VFL Anderson is from Anniston. His huge new raise gets him about &#036;500k per year. I admire the loyalty he showed to UAB last year when he turned down the AU job and lots more money. His loyalty is the only thing that would keep him at UAB UT is only about 3 hours from Anniston, so that is not a great disadvantage.

I wasn&#39;t much of a UAB fan before MA. I like both Bartows but the team was BORING to watch. This MA/UAB team is awesome, and they don&#39;t have talent like most D1A teams. OTOH, MA would likely run off lots of players the first year. He believes in laying it on the line in practices and will take nothing but 100% for 40 minutes. This would be huge IF we have to replace BP.
Bhamvol...Anderson is from Bham he went to Jackson-Olin high school then went to Jeff State...But I like this UAB team I went to the UAB/South Florida game and it was just awesome&#33; I cannot wait till the UAB/Louisville game&#33;&#33;&#33;

But another coach that we should consider if Buzz is let go is Nolan Richardson and Jeff Capel from VCU he is an up and coming coach also Steve Lavin is also out there I am pretty sure he wants to coach again&#33;&#33;
Yep, he was riased here. Apparently, his family moved to Anniston, my apologies. Capel and Lavin are good ideas. How&#39;s UNA going?
UNA is Great&#33;&#33; But man I dont know what to do when Sept 3 comes around&#33;&#33; Cheer for my boys playing on the UAB football team or Cheer for my favorite football team?
Know what you mean. Dan Burks, Nolan Hughey, Sietz, Falany, Erwin, Hamby. Linsky and Newton all played at the local HS. Watson Brown lives up the street. But, I hope the local guys do well and the Vols win. This could be a good year for both teams. I hope UT doesn&#39;t overlook the Blazers.


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Yea man I&#39;m trying to go to the game&#33;&#33; But if I go do I wear Green or Orange?
Originally posted by Volman1970@Jan 31, 2005 6:55 PM
I am glad someone see the Bobby Knight light just like i do. one he is a heck of a coach, 2 he can bring better talent than what we have here already, 3 he will put more the 11,000 people in the seats. 4 he will get all these slackers that we have now to play harder. We have some talented players here, they just don&#39;t play hard.I mean if he can win at texas tech, We will be a top 10 program in a year or 2. I know it won&#39;t be about the money with him so we will be getting a bargin.All of these people who say they don&#39;t want him is probably the same ones that don&#39;t like Duke. All they do is win and i am one of them that don&#39;t like Duke. I want to win and dominate every sport we play and it can be done.

i could not agree more. i mean ut is a state school with a reputation for winning{i.e.football,womens b.b.,baseball,track......and we a have a huge,{if outdated}home court&#33;&#33;&#33; :

Since he is still on the payroll, we should have him helping Buzz. he could at least sweep and pick up the trash, maybe find a way to play defense.

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