Who do I need to contact?

^^^^^ VFL imo. Good luck, and don't let your liberal professors who can't hack it in the real world poison your mind. Liberalism sounds good in the classroom, but fails miserably in real life.

Not sure about that. A lot of skybox donors are Democrats in good standing. I know, I've sat with a lot of them over the past 20 years. They all seem to be doing just fine....:hi:
I will be attending the great University of Tennessee this fall and I have been curious about something for a while. As I'm sure many other students do, I would love nothing more than to be a part of our wonderful football program. People keep telling me to get involved in something you are passionate about and this is definitely something that fits that criteria! My question is, does anyone know who I need to contact or where on campus I should go to try and get a volunteer spot within the program. Whether its cleaning helmets or washing jerseys or whatever, I just want to do something to get involved. Can some of yall in Volnation help me out here? Again, just wondering who I need to talk to in order to find out about this possibility. Thanks in advance!

You don't want to do that, it may ruin it for you, sounds too much like work.
Maybe not the advice you want to hear, but the junior "team trainers" usually begin by washing the jockstraps and work their way up from there. I think that's how Saban got his start.
I e-mailed Roger Woods (team chaplain) once asking if I could come on and volunteer with team ministry and that kind of stuff.

......... he never e-mailed me back......

Hope this helps! :eek:k:

Moral of the story: if you want something bad enough, try more than once to get it....
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Not sure about that. A lot of skybox donors are Democrats in good standing. I know, I've sat with a lot of them over the past 20 years. They all seem to be doing just fine....:hi:

Most financially successful democrats and liberals built their success on free enterprise and unfettered capitalism.....conservative ideals, but it doesn't make them conservatives, it just makes them hypocrites.
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I will be attending the great University of Tennessee this fall and I have been curious about something for a while. As I'm sure many other students do, I would love nothing more than to be a part of our wonderful football program. People keep telling me to get involved in something you are passionate about and this is definitely something that fits that criteria! My question is, does anyone know who I need to contact or where on campus I should go to try and get a volunteer spot within the program. Whether its cleaning helmets or washing jerseys or whatever, I just want to do something to get involved. Can some of yall in Volnation help me out here? Again, just wondering who I need to talk to in order to find out about this possibility. Thanks in advance!

Call this guy.


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walk in to the athletic office and ask them about helping. they have a ton of managers and they could help you too.

This is the best advice, unless you know someone that can help get your foot in the door. An email or a phone call is mostly a waste of time. Places like this have very good gate keepers.

Walking in cold may not get you anywhere, but it's your best shot! It tells a manager/owner that you're not lazy and looking for the easy way to do everything.

Good luck!

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