Who gave Netanyahu PowerPoint, Compact Discs and Tai Lopez's Bookshelves?

Sure thing homie. I just wanted your thoughts on the positives of them obtaining nuclear capabilities. Globalist rhetoric? Where da fug did you come up with that? I posed the question because some would argue against a country like Iran obtaining nukes because they have a history of supporting terrorism.

Worrying about some third world country obtaining weaponry is the definition of globalism. We are not the world’s police. If Iran has nukes, they have nukes. If them and Israel go to war, that’s not our problem.

If Iran fires a missile at us(assuming we don’t blow it out of the sky as it has to cross the ocean to hit us), we’ll send them back to the Stone Age.

Until then, I’d rather our government and military focus on keeping Americans safe instead of spending billions on being the world’s police, which does nothing to keep us safe.
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And just leave one of our staunchest allies in the whole world, Israel, to fend for themselves against a madman regime in Tehran? And if Iran gets nukes, how safe would you feel, no matter how well “defended” our own land was, considering Iran’s connections to multiple terrorist groups? There are multiple strategies available short of attacking Iran. But trying to appease them with pallets of cash and sweetheart deals the way Biden and Obama tried is most assuredly NOT a prudent game plan IMO.

Israel is not some weak nation. They’re a first world country with state of the art weaponry. I know this sounds radical, but I really do believe we as a country should mind our own business.
If Iran and Israel go to war, that’s their problem, not ours.
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Israel is not some weak nation. They’re a first world country with state of the art weaponry. I know this sounds radical, but I really do believe we as a country should mind our own business.
If Iran and Israel go to war, that’s their problem, not ours.
I think we said the same thing when Germany attacked Poland. I see a war between Israel and Iran quickly becoming a world wide problem. It would not be a repeat of 1967.
I think we said the same thing when Germany attacked Poland. I see a war between Israel and Iran quickly becoming a world wide problem. It would not be a repeat of 1967.

Should we bomb China too? They’re attacking Taiwan. Also don’t forget the Crimea/Russia conflict they had, should we have spent our tax dollars and American lives fighting those countries?

America is not the world’s police. Bad things are going to happen around the world, but that doesn’t mean we should interfere with other nations that are fighting each other.
Israel is not some weak nation. They’re a first world country with state of the art weaponry. I know this sounds radical, but I really do believe we as a country should mind our own business.
If Iran and Israel go to war, that’s their problem, not ours.
I don't care about them fighting and say they can do that without our interference,help or funding. However if countries, especially those without many safeguards, start shooting nukes at each other that affects our world. It would have to be addressed
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I don't care about them fighting and say they can do that without our interference,help or funding. However if countries, especially those without many safeguards, start shooting nukes at each other that affects our world. It would have to be addressed

We can address Iran and Israel should they ever decide to nuke it out. We need to focus on America first in the meantime.
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We can address Iran and Israel should they ever decide to nuke it out. We need to focus on America first in the meantime.
If they decide to "nuke it out" that will be the end of civilization as we know it. We can't even handle a pandemic of a weak strain of covid, what do think will happen when nukes go off?
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The point was that lonely voices in the wilderness pointing out threats shouldn’t always be ignored. Churchill got many things wrong, but he was dead right about the threat Hitler posed, even as Chamberlain and his team bent over backwards to appease Germany. I hope you do not disagree with that point?
right anyone pushing Iran is relying in the Nostradamus effect to be considered correct. Say enough things for long enough odds are you will be eventually proven right. Doesnt make them right 100%. Its more boy who cried wolf at this point. We have been saying Iran Iran Iran since we overthrew their government in the 50s. The nuke fear has been pushed since at least the 80s. Wmds anyone? How long are we supposed to be afraid?

Sure they are a serious threat, but not on the nuke front. All pushing the nukes does is belittle their not-insubstantial actual threat, and just make people fear weary.

They dont need nukes to shut down the Straight of Hormuz.
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Rosevelt, Truman and Stalin are more to blame.
British company got kicked (nationalized) out, Churchill calls up the gang looking for a way to overthrow the current gov. We may have been the muscle, but the Brits have long, deep, well established meddling roots in the ME. They wouldnt let go, admit they had lost control and power to rangle countries anymore so we got called up as the designated hitter.

I am keeping the majority of the blame on the Brits.
I think we said the same thing when Germany attacked Poland. I see a war between Israel and Iran quickly becoming a world wide problem. It would not be a repeat of 1967.
Why not Russia and Ukraine? Why not China and about a dozen nations. Why not India and Pakistan. Why not Israel and Egypt/syria/turkey/Saudi Arabia?

I dont see it getting that wide spread. Regional devastation a plenty, but not world wide. Only way it escalates is if someone else gets involved.

Let's say we jump in for Israel, who is jumping in for Iran? Russia? Maybe, but doubtful. China? More to lose with a war from us than the gain in a win. No one in Europe. India already has a Muslim problem on their border. North Korea? That's an issue until we take them seriously at all.
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Why not Russia and Ukraine? Why not China and about a dozen nations. Why not India and Pakistan. Why not Israel and Egypt/syria/turkey/Saudi Arabia?

I dont see it getting that wide spread. Regional devastation a plenty, but not world wide. Only way it escalates is if someone else gets involved.

Let's say we jump in for Israel, who is jumping in for Iran? Russia? Maybe, but doubtful. China? More to lose with a war from us than the gain in a win. No one in Europe. India already has a Muslim problem on their border. North Korea? That's an issue until we take them seriously at all.

You think China’s military build up is based on need of defense or future aggression?
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Plop it on top of a missile and our nation is in focus very quickly. If countries start nuking each other it also affects us in a big way
It is very hard to try to put a finger on where you stand. You sound like Bill Kristol right now. Tomorrow, you'll be sounding like Cenk Uygar. Next week, William F. Buckley...
If they decide to "nuke it out" that will be the end of civilization as we know it. We can't even handle a pandemic of a weak strain of covid, what do think will happen when nukes go off?

Just wear your mask I guess.
You think China’s military build up is based on need of defense or future aggression?
What's ours based on? What's it been based on the last 75 years?

Regardless of the why, they arent going to side with Iran over us.
And just leave one of our staunchest allies in the whole world, Israel, to fend for themselves against a madman regime in Tehran? And if Iran gets nukes, how safe would you feel, no matter how well “defended” our own land was, considering Iran’s connections to multiple terrorist groups? There are multiple strategies available short of attacking Iran. But trying to appease them with pallets of cash and sweetheart deals the way Biden and Obama tried is most assuredly NOT a prudent game plan IMO.
Haha with “staunch” allies like Israel, who need enemies? Shite stirrers.
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If they decide to "nuke it out" that will be the end of civilization as we know it. We can't even handle a pandemic of a weak strain of covid, what do think will happen when nukes go off?

There’s more to civilization than Iran/Israel. If they nuke it out, they’ll probably destroy each other. Even then it will still be their problem and not ours.
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Imagine being called a moron for not wanting to get involved in wars. Do us all a favor, go to Iran and fight them yourself if you’re so scared of them.
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