Who is Ray Epps?



He/Him/Gator Hater
Nov 19, 2008
I keep hearing about this guy and seeing how he was prodding people to enter the capitol building, but apparently he was just let go. So who is this guy? Feel free to add info about this man.

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Let go from what?

The right wing conspiracists theorize that he must have been a plant of some sort because they have clear evidence that he encouraged folks storming the Capitol but they decided not to indict him. Personally I'm going to need more evidence before jumping on that
I don't know, but the fact that no one has found him is odd. Doesn't mean he's an asset though.
I’m fairly certain that he isn’t being held with all the other political prisoners held indefinitely for 1/6.

Wonder why…?
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Anyone else see the clip of the FBI refusing to answer Ted Cruz about their involvement in January 6th?
To be fair is that something they would comment on at all?

I don't know, just asking the question.
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Cruz broiled the FBI spokeswoman. All answers should have been “NO” yet she couldn’t say it without being subject to perjury.
Cruz' last question was about whether the FBI had any plants and that is one of the few questions she answered. Her answer was a denial, "not to my knowledge"

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