The Rod Wilks jokes need to go away and no one needs to take his place. Sorry...they just aren't funny and I bet if you took a vote the vast majority of posters would agree.
So none of these are even remotely funny:
Rod Wilks doesn't do push ups, he pushes the Earth down.
Rod Wilks made a burrito so hot God couldn't eat it.
Pilots have done away with the term "turbulence". from now on, they are to say, "We are experiencing a bit of Rod Wilks right now".
Rod Wilks owns a Unicorn breeding farm.
Rod Wilks is listed on the Tennessee Football roster as a "Designated Hitter".
In a fight between Kimbo Slice and Mike Tyson. Rod Wilks would win.
Rod Wilks once won the Daytona 500......on horseback.
Rod Wilks can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
Rod's schedule goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd, because no one fools Rod Wilks.
When questioned about the Vegas shooting incident, Pacman Jones said he was just giving dollars "making it Rod Wilks."
It is in the NCAA Football rules that if Rod Wilks is on the defensive side of the ball then only 3 down linemen and a line backer are allowed to be on the field with him.
Rod once broke the land speed record on a bicycle with no chain and no back tire.
Rod Wilks is the only man to shoot a hole in one during a football game.
Word going around that the bright 'meteor' in the sky that was supposodely seen in Texas the other day, actually turned out to just be Rod Wilks running the 40
Thor's hammer is on loan...from Rod Wilks.