Who moved from offense to defense

I had dinner with Drae Bowles former high school coach this past week and he said he always thought Bowles would end up on the defensive side of the ball. Said he hit harder than any defensive player he had and

That was a bit anticlimactic...

Wasn't he a top rated kicker out of high school?

Yes, I want to say he was #1 or 2.
Like the move. He seemed really out of position to me last year. We could have used him at linebacker last year.
The VIP room...

Are we burying the lead here? What is this "VIP room" of which you speak?

And don't give me the line from fight club.

Drae Bowles got an alert he was being talked about. Came in and hit Weee'rre Baaccckk into next week.

So, we'll find out then.

Two super witty posts...back to back :)
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