Who should be the next 2 or 6 SEC Teams

I believe most conferences are locked down for a while with higher exit fees but I would like to see the SEC get either two or six more teams. Then they could have two extra revenue generating games. But that could hurt (or help) an SEC team attempting to enter the big 4 playoff scheme.

Then we could have either four 4-team divisions or 4 5-team divisions.

There are two ways to do this one is to load up with more Southeastern/Southern teams. The other is to go to new markets that don't have an SEC team such as NC, VA, OK, etc. I think that is the prefered method because more TV markets means more revenue.

For two more teams I would like:

NC and VT but NC and Duke are tied at the hip, so maybe NCST and VT. This would allow Missouri to move to a more Western Division.



Ole Miss
Miss St


Swamp would be a tough one Bama would do fine, TN ok.
I suppose you could swap out SC for KY to balance.

For 20 teams:


Clemson or Miami

Ole Miss
Miss St.


What do yaw think?

Let's just cut to the chase and create a farm system for the NFL so that we can get back to academics. The "student-athlete" concept is a joke.
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I hope no one. But I will play along. I would like VT each year at Bristol. So VT and Ohio State.
No one.....I'm still mad that Mizzoo and A&M were invited in.

They aren't southern teams, what about SOUTH eastern conference do you not get?

But hey!!! Screw tradition , mo money right?

I guess this is just the price of progress. Over the past 10 years college sports have ballooned into nothing more than a huge business to the point that the have almost no resemblance to the college sports I grew up watching, and I'm not quite even 30. Why should fans care that UT will now barely play LSU, Ole Miss, Miss. St and Auburn more than once a decade? I mean, in exchange we also get a once a decade game with aTm and a yearly game with Mizzou. What a sweet deal!! It's also a near certainty that the next time the SEC expands, yearly games between long standing rivals like UT/Bama and Auburn/UGA will be on the chopping block to make room for more schedule rotation in a massive, bloated conference. I know the universities will all collect more money, but conference expansion doesn't benefit the average fan in any way.
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UNC and Duke would be my personal picks...They would be super for the conference as far as basketball goes and academics...Plus from a selfish point of view I would LOVE to renew the UNC/UT rivalry.
NC could make the move in football only

Or the SEC could bring Duke along with them. No big deal for Football but the SEC Basketball side goes through the roof. SEC's been trying to pull a team from NC and VA for years because the ACC has that TV market locked down. It's all about the dollar.

In terms of good Football, I always thought Clemson and FSU were good candidates.

Or maybe just stop tweaking the conferences completely, I'll hold my breathe on that one...
UNC and Duke would be my personal picks...They would be super for the conference as far as basketball goes and academics...Plus from a selfish point of view I would LOVE to renew the UNC/UT rivalry.

I wanna see this game, but with a Butch coached UT!
Since they bringing back the football...How about them East Tennessee State University Bucaneers !!!
6 more teams would be the worst thing in the world for the SEC, I would never in my lifetime want to see a 20 team league SEC.
The SEC is plenty big enough as is. If they add too many more teams, they'll have to eliminate cross divisional games all together, which would be ridiculous.

My point exactly. These "super conferences" would be the death of college football, because then it truly is about only the money, not that it isn't already bad enough about being a money sport.
No one.....I'm still mad that Mizzoo and A&M were invited in.

They aren't southern teams, what about SOUTH eastern conference do you not get?

But hey!!! Screw tradition , mo money right?

Did you really say that A&M is not a southern team? Im guessing that by tradition you are referring to the civil war south. If that is the logic you are using then Kentucky would be forced out. Texas though voted to secede so again using the tradition logic, A&M would stay.

I absolutely am glad that A&M was brought here, but I agree with Mizzu. I think WV, or VT would have been much better grabs football wise.
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I already know how this thread is going to go. One guy is going to name his dream line up based on competition. Someone else is going to quote him and say that it will never happen because of TV markets. A third guy will argue that Tennessee's recruiting will be hurt and so the SEC shouldn't do it. And finally a fourth guy will take an opposing view to the recruiting argument by saying that when water is added all the boats raise up.

End thread.
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