Who U Rooting 4



Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
Just curious, our 2 biggest rivals are about to play for the SEC Title, who will you be pulling for? I will be going for the gators myself.:dunno:
Neither. But if one has to win I suppose Bama, as much as it pains me. They would be a shoe in for the NC game. Another shot at a SEC NC would be nice.
around the ncaa board make sense? but I will go with Bama. I hate bama, but I hate Teblow and Urban Myer Wiener with a passion.
Definitely the turds. I would actually like Tebow if he played for anyone but Florida, Bammer, and UGA.
I hope they go into 13 overtimes and both teams collapse...I don't really care who wins or loses because I can't stand either one...but if I had a gun to my head and had to choose, I would pick Bama.
Alabama....I cannot stand either team, but there are many "Fans" of the Gators that I know
gators, i live in bama country and am getting real tired of bama fans already crowning themselves national champions like its a foregone conclusion.
I gotta go with Gators.They represent our side of the SEC. I don't care who beats bama,just so they lose.:banghead2::realmad:
I hope they go into 13 overtimes and both teams collapse...I don't really care who wins or loses because I can't stand either one...but if I had a gun to my head and had to choose, I would pick Bama.

I hate both with a passion but agree with VOLnMiami.:)
Un You gotta be kidding me, Never For neither, I will watch the game but NEVER ROOT FOR EITHER< NOT NO BUT HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO BIG ORANGE
Hated Bama way way before I hated Florida. so gotta hope Florida Breaks saban and all those dillusional Tide fans hearts. One thing is for sure If Bama wins the trailer parks will be rockin.
I hope Bama loses to Aub.(I know it's a stretch) then beats Fla. in the SEC champ. game. That way neither one will win the NC. We don't need these guys winning a championship, recruiting against them is hard enough without a NC.
i hate these 2 teams so much, the only thing i can hope is that some how they manage to wear each other out so much that the victor is to beat up to win the NC.
Like most I hate both teams, but I live around more UF fans so I wanna see them cry about losing the SEC. So with that being said I hope Bammer wins but I think the Turds will be too much.
Even tho I hate Alabama more all the recent media attention on Florida it would be nice to see them lose. So I will say Alabama. But then I hope Texas Tech runs over Alabama in the NC game and we get Mike Leach at Tennessee lol just a fun scenario

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