Who U Rooting 4

I'll pull for the gators if they are assured a shot at the NC after beating bama but if a bama loss somehow allowed the bcs to screw an sec team out of a shot at the NC then bama all the way. As long as the SEC continues to win NCs UT looks all the better when we start dominating again.
I hope Bama loses to Aub.(I know it's a stretch) then beats Fla. in the SEC champ. game. That way neither one will win the NC. We don't need these guys winning a championship, recruiting against them is hard enough without a NC.

That's what I have always thought. I never want an SEC team besides Tennessee to win the national championship. It can only hurt Tennessee in recruiting. However, I do pull for all SEC teams when they are not playing for the NC.
Just curious, our 2 biggest rivals are about to play for the SEC Title, who will you be pulling for? I will be going for the gators myself.:dunno:

I hate them both. Actually I hate the Gay-tors worse, bc/ I hate Oscar Meyers so bad, and their fans are total jerks. Most Alabama fans are really cool, like Tennessee people.

Lets' root for Bama. Florida can go BLOW me.
Well as most have already stated, I would rather see both lose and not root for either; but for the sake of the question, I believe I will be rooting for bama, tired of all the success of the gators in this decade, they really don't need another national championship in any sport for awhile. But after the SEC championship, I will root for the winner to lose in the NC.
I will put my $$$ on UF. They have better players and more speed than Bama. The only thing Bama has on UF is Nick S. and size. Speed kills.
UF. Having a hard enough time accepting all these Bama "fans" with their car flags that magically showed up in Chattanooga this year.
I dont care who wins, this thought just crossed my mind. If Florida lose, could Meyer play against Utah in a bowl game?
i'd go for florida. living in this s**thole, alabama the ppl who live here are retarded. one actually came up and said that Saban got Fulmer fired, what an idiot. Fulmer was done well before that, and not bc he couldn't beat bama. i'd love to see bama be undefeated and see the NC slip from their hands. it would bring a huge smile to my face

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