I was right in the endzone in the UGA student section. Other than me, I saw one other person wearing orange a few rows down. I won't repeat the nastier things that were said to or directed at me, but i will tell a few things i heard.
"Joe T is the MAN!!!"
same guy, later in the game: "Joe T SUCKS!!!"
U-G-A!!! U-G-A!!! U-G-A!!!
same group, later in the game: (silence).
I hate that f-in song!!!
Pretty quiet when TN scored just before halftime... I could tell they were nervous... a lot of the smack talk started dying down.
"We GAVE you that one".
"Put Stafford in!!!"
"Your team sucks"
"Yeah, that's right, your team still sucks"
"I don't have to tell you because you KNOW... your team sucks"
(Same guy, later on: hanging head down between his legs, refusing to look up. he knows HIS team sucks).
block that kick! block that kick! block that kick!
whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DAWGS, sic 'em, WOOf WOOF WOOF
(choke, choke, choke... just a bunch of scared little puppies).
some female walking along the sidewalk past someone's tailgate and asking a 9-10 y/o UGA kid after the game "i thought you were a georgia fan!"
kid: not any more after tonight
kid's dad: (pausing long enough to stop his cellphone conversation) boy, don't you EVER say that again or I'll whip your a$$!.
it was interesting being in athens this week. not much smack talk... they all were scared. then, they jump on TN a little bit, and lo and behold, hines ward is blocking for herschel walker as he's wearing hobnail boots in Athens. Then, TN scored just before half... they really shutup and started getting nervous, even with a 10 point lead. although i won't be the one chanting it around the stadium, it must truly suck to a georgia bulldog.
me: ain't nuthin' but a T thing, Ba-by, bunch a low down dogs goin' cra-zay, puttin fiddy on the board at U-GA, get back on the porch and stay-ay.
One guy bitched the whole game long about UT's coaches being on the field.