Who was actually at the game?



New Member
Oct 8, 2006
I'd like some insight to the Georgia fans reaction when they saw that the game was slipping away.:) I hope that's not too mean of me.
I couldn't tell you. I was in the Upper Deck in Section 602 and was completely surrounded by Volunteers! I am sure there were a lot of long faces in the lower levels!
I was right in the endzone in the UGA student section. Other than me, I saw one other person wearing orange a few rows down. I won't repeat the nastier things that were said to or directed at me, but i will tell a few things i heard.

"Joe T is the MAN!!!"
same guy, later in the game: "Joe T SUCKS!!!"

U-G-A!!! U-G-A!!! U-G-A!!!
same group, later in the game: (silence).

I hate that f-in song!!!

Pretty quiet when TN scored just before halftime... I could tell they were nervous... a lot of the smack talk started dying down.

"We GAVE you that one".

"Put Stafford in!!!"

"Your team sucks"
"Yeah, that's right, your team still sucks"
"I don't have to tell you because you KNOW... your team sucks"
(Same guy, later on: hanging head down between his legs, refusing to look up. he knows HIS team sucks).

block that kick! block that kick! block that kick!

whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DAWGS, sic 'em, WOOf WOOF WOOF
(choke, choke, choke... just a bunch of scared little puppies).

some female walking along the sidewalk past someone's tailgate and asking a 9-10 y/o UGA kid after the game "i thought you were a georgia fan!"
kid: not any more after tonight
kid's dad: (pausing long enough to stop his cellphone conversation) boy, don't you EVER say that again or I'll whip your a$$!.

it was interesting being in athens this week. not much smack talk... they all were scared. then, they jump on TN a little bit, and lo and behold, hines ward is blocking for herschel walker as he's wearing hobnail boots in Athens. Then, TN scored just before half... they really shutup and started getting nervous, even with a 10 point lead. although i won't be the one chanting it around the stadium, it must truly suck to a georgia bulldog.

me: ain't nuthin' but a T thing, Ba-by, bunch a low down dogs goin' cra-zay, puttin fiddy on the board at U-GA, get back on the porch and stay-ay.

One guy bitched the whole game long about UT's coaches being on the field.
haha ya i was there in section 305 pretty much surrounded by GA fans, they just seemed to sit there and look in awe, a comment every now and then would be "i hate tennessee", but pretty much around me they were just sitting there and watching, nothing else they could do
I sat in 305, some obnoxious Dawgs nearby, but mostly orange. The most interesting comments I heard were from UGA students after the game. They were really poor mouthing their team, as well as Richt, and had an attitude as if their season is over. I'm glad our team after a loss didn't respond (i.e. fold) like the UGA fans expect the Dawgs to.
For the people that were there . . . are the things they show on the UGA jumbotron not some of the goofiest things you've ever seen? Watching those Hershel Walker/Garrison Hearst "I am Georgia" things that were supposed to pump up the crowd were so comical that it was almost embarassing.
Heard a lot of trash talking during the first half...didn't hear much of anything after that. Georgia's students were dressed like they'd showed up for a funeral, and they got one. Looked like their best friends had just died on their way out with their heads down.
Okay, what's the deal with the Hobnail Boots thing?

I'm completely out of the loop on this one.

In 2001 we scored on a long screen pass to go ahead with less than a minute to go. Then GA flew down the field and scored a TD and Larry Munson went nuts in typical Munson style and said something to the effect of "We just stepped on their face with a hobnail boot."
Okay, what's the deal with the Hobnail Boots thing?

I'm completely out of the loop on this one.
I remember UGA announcer Larry Munson used that reference whenever UGA beat us back in early 2000 when UGA QB Greene made a come back and they won with about 1 min. to go.That is when Munson said something about putting a hobnail boot to the face and winning the game.
Here is the quote from Munson.

"Tennessee playing what amounts to a 4-4, fake, and there's somebody. Touchdown! My God a touchdown! We threw it to Haynes. We just stuffed them with five seconds left! My God almighty, did you see what he did! David Greene just straightened up and we snuck the fullback over! We just dumped it over 26-24. We just stepped on their face with a hobnailed boot and broke their nose. We just crushed their faces!"
I remember UGA announcer Larry Munson used that reference whenever UGA beat us back in early 2000 when UGA QB Greene made a come back and they won with about 1 min. to go.That is when Munson said something about putting a hobnail boot to the face and winning the game.

You have a bad memory. :p
The fans around me were mad at UGA's soft zone and lack of pressure on defense. They also were upset with the lack of running by Georgia.
I was down in Sec. 137 on the lower level, just surrounded by UGA fans. Got a lot of smack talk toward me at the beginning of the game. That section really emptied out after our blocked punt and TD. But it was music to my ears when that stadium fell silent... and ROCKY TOP came roaring from the band!
I was in sec. 120 behind the goal posts. UGA fans were cursing me as I hit the can at halftime. One guy cupped his hands around his mouth and just started yelling "TENNESSEE SUUUUUUCKS" over and over and over from 5 feet away. Class act.

Didn't hear much out of him after the 3rd Quarter.

The UGA fans I was with were pretty cool, though. My friend who is a Assoc. Prof. there shouted down some guy in our section who was berating me out of frustration after the blocked punt. She screamed at this 200 pound drunk that he was a disgrace to the University of Georgia by shouting at me; I was just being polite and enjoying the game. Everybody in the section backed her up. Good stuff.
Overall, great experience. We were in 115, the corner where most of the second-half heroics occurred. One drunk guy in front of us got pissed when we were jumping up and down after the blocked punt, but that was the exception. There were some fairly intoxicated students after the game near us on the walk to Broad, but -- interestingly enough -- the girls seemed more obnoxious than the guys. Most of the fans we met later were polite and basically accepted that we beat them up in the second half.

During the game, the deflation turned to shouting for a QB change and some interesting remarks about Richt. Joe T looked SHAKEN toward the end. And yes, GAVol, the goofy "We are Georgia" videos are retarded. However, the rest of the stadium (on the inside) was pretty impressive to me. It's a more modern, professional feel, especially with all the high-tech visuals.
I hated their fans. Me and a buddy were in the middle of a bunch of UGA fans with one UT fan about 7 rows down. Their fans kept hitting my and my buddy with anything they could find to throw. At one point one guy gets up from one row below us and walks to the row behind us and starts clapping right in our ears like he was hitting us in the heads with his hands. I dont even want to talk about the things they were yelling at halftime. They even tried to push my buddy out of the bathroom line at half telling him the game was over and to go back to UT. Needless to say once we started winning and whippin up on them we returned the favor. It all just made it that much sweeter when we won.
I was looking for somebody to talk smack to after the game, but all the Georgia fans left with about 5 minutes to go.
I was all over the place with many UGA fans I work with and are friends with. Needless to say about halfway through the 4th quarter I was running out of UGA friends to talk to.

I do have to say that after the game I have never seen so many poor sports in my life in ANY game. We parked on South Campus and anyone with a UGA flag, sticker, etc. was given the right of way to get on the road. Anyone with orange was basically blocked out and cussed out. Before the game, I don't think I've ever been smack talked to like I was.

I think this was a nice little reality check and slap in the face to bring some very bloated egos back down to earth. The bloggers down here are calling for Martinez's and Richt's head. I swear we were the most violent in words against Fulmer for the whole last season but the people here after this one game made all last season even just on this board look like child's play.
The call for Richt to relinquish the play calling duties is definitely getting pretty loud down here.

As far as the post game smack talk, I've got to agree. It was pretty rough coming out of the stadium. I attribute most of it though to a late kickoff.
Definitely to the late kick-off. Everyone was pretty well lit for game time. The UGA fan behind me did nothing but cuss the entire time because he lost his cigarettes, lighter, cell phone, drink, etc. All of it was tucked up under his seat....

Well Martinez I think is getting more flack than Richt. I think the offense did their job considering what the score was with a rusty QB. But the best D in the nation giving up 51 points? And 37 in the second half?

I've been driving the car decked out in orange all weekend. I took my daughter to school decked out in orange. She has her UT shirt on. I haven't seen a single car flag or anything UGA since...
I've been driving the car decked out in orange all weekend. I took my daughter to school decked out in orange. She has her UT shirt on. I haven't seen a single car flag or anything UGA since...

Awesome. Has Shockley sung Rocky top on 790 the Zone yet?

I've still got the magnets on my ride.

I think I might take them down before spring practice :good!:

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