Who was misled?



Oct 21, 2004
With the constant democratic drumbeat of this administration's "misleading and lying" I began to question -- Just who was misled?

Who on this board was misled - what did you think and how were you surprised?

The only thing I can think of is that I definitely thought the WMD's were there. I wouldn't put this in the misleading category though since it was such a world-wide consensus opinion.

Things that didn't surprise me:

1. I never thought Saddam was connected to 9/11 (Admin never claimed it)

2. I knew the Iraq war was for multiple reasons including WMD, pre-emption, remaking the Middle East, making a statement about UN efficacy (all things that were stated by the Admin)

3. I knew this would be a long conflict (stated by Admin)

I thought we would be in better shape 3 years out than we are. I think the admin thought that too.

So what say you VolNation - were you made to BELIEVE something that was not true.
With the constant democratic drumbeat of this administration's "misleading and lying" I began to question -- Just who was misled?

Who on this board was misled - what did you think and how were you surprised?

The only thing I can think of is that I definitely thought the WMD's were there. I wouldn't put this in the misleading category though since it was such a world-wide consensus opinion.

Things that didn't surprise me:

1. I never thought Saddam was connected to 9/11 (Admin never claimed it)

2. I knew the Iraq war was for multiple reasons including WMD, pre-emption, remaking the Middle East, making a statement about UN efficacy (all things that were stated by the Admin)

3. I knew this would be a long conflict (stated by Admin)

I thought we would be in better shape 3 years out than we are. I think the admin thought that too.

So what say you VolNation - were you made to BELIEVE something that was not true.

nah i pretty much knew it would end up a borderline disaster.
I feel misled every single time that Bush opens his mouth..
That's just your inner voice telling you that you know you should be a Republican.
I feel misled every single time that Bush opens his mouth..

You are only misled if you believe what is being said, it turns out not to be true and it was intentional.

My guess is that you fall out at the first criteria!

For example - when Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi say they have a plan to fight terrorism - they are not misleading me since I know they are full of crap...
You are only misled if you believe what is being said, it turns out not to be true and it was intentional.

I'm sorry, but I think that statement is funny coming from someone who supports Bush.. :acute:
You are only misled if you believe what is being said, it turns out not to be true and it was intentional.

My guess is that you fall out at the first criteria!

For example - when Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi say they have a plan to fight terrorism - they are not misleading me since I know they are full of crap...

it's funny, you know democrats are full of crap, democrats know republicans are full of crap.

and i know, you're all correct.
I feel misled, I had the odd notion that the leadership of the Democratic Party were Americans first and members of a political party second.

My bad.
I feel misled, I had the odd notion that the leadership of the Democratic Party were Americans first and members of a political party second.

My bad.

That's true OMG, Bush does put America first. Just ask all those people in New Orleans. :whistling:
OK, just what was he supposed to do during Katrina? Stand on the shore of the Gulf and tell it to go away? Walk the streets of the 9th Ward and tell those idiots to get out of town? Drive one of Ray Nagin's school buses? Travel to Baton Rouge and beat Gov. Blanco with a ClueBat? Gone back in time and stopped various Louisiana Democrats embezzling funds from contracts to build/fix/maintain the levees in the 70s and eighties?

The world awaits your reply.
No, but he could have had a clue as to what to do after it hit or at the very least, hired someone capable and competent to run FEMA and get the people some help.

But I understand that the Republican doesn't care about the little people. As long as big business is making that money, it's all good.
OK, just what was he supposed to do during Katrina? Stand on the shore of the Gulf and tell it to go away? Walk the streets of the 9th Ward and tell those idiots to get out of town? Drive one of Ray Nagin's school buses? Travel to Baton Rouge and beat Gov. Blanco with a ClueBat? Gone back in time and stopped various Louisiana Democrats embezzling funds from contracts to build/fix/maintain the levees in the 70s and eighties?

The world awaits your reply.

if you are trying to imply that the administration did their jobs in response to Katrina, you are fighting a battle that is already lost. As for the levees, you ever wonder why the levees closest to the rich, white neighborhoods stood firm? the FEDERAL government is responsible for the levee system, and they cut funding in the years preceeding Katrina, and most of the cuts were pushed through under a republican congress and administration, and they were told all the while that this would happen.
That's true OMG, Bush does put America first. Just ask all those people in New Orleans.

Of course, the local and state level of government had nothing to do with it. Why, because both are controlled by democrats........

Democrat and Republican politicians are scum, you just have to figure out which is the lesser of two evils.
As for the levees, you ever wonder why the levees closest to the rich, white neighborhoods stood firm? the FEDERAL government is responsible for the levee system, and they cut funding in the years preceeding Katrina, and most of the cuts were pushed through under a republican congress and administration, and they were told all the while that this would happen.

Yeah...........in your own little world, the money from the last 15-20 years went where?

Yeah the New Orleans Levee Board members live quite well........

Why does it always have to be Republican vs Democrat.........?

Oh, there is one good thing that will come from Katrina.....The Orleans Levee Board will cease to exist on January 1, 2007.

Investigations after the disaster revealed that the levee and flood wall system was apparently mis-designed by the Army Corps of Engineers, and that the inspections by the board were perfunctory at best. As of December 2005, legal investigations of possible criminal negligence are ongoing.
Yeah...........in your own little world, the money from the last 15-20 years went where?

Yeah the New Orleans Levee Board members live quite well........

Why does it always have to be Republican vs Democrat.........?

Oh, there is one good thing that will come from Katrina.....The Orleans Levee Board will cease to exist on January 1, 2007.

i'm not a democrat, but it is being politicized whether i do it or not. the federal gov't HAS cut funding on the levees, it was definitely noted many, many times when the storm was approaching. it is the federal governments responsibility for the upkeep of the levees, whether or not funds are being skimmed. if you invested in something wouldn't you keep an eye on the people you gave money to?
Essentially the whole issue in NO was that the levees failed. Had the levees held, there would only have been minor flooding that the city pumping system could have handled. Funding for the levees has been cut repeatedly. The Corps of Engineers have made some stupid decisions that affected this as well.

When it all comes down to it, if the funding that was originally promised by the government and asked for by the experts HAD been given, odds are this would not have happened and all we would be talking about is one wiped out AL and MS coastline.
No, but he could have had a clue as to what to do after it hit or at the very least, hired someone capable and competent to run FEMA and get the people some help.

But I understand that the Republican doesn't care about the little people. As long as big business is making that money, it's all good.

But it's not the government's responsibility to take everyone to raise, either. Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin, as Boortz calls him, simply can't admit fault in any of the Katrina happenings (especially the dome)...the fact he was re-elected certainly says something about the people in NO. "Somebody please take care of me...I can't wipe my butt."
When it all comes down to it, if the funding that was originally promised by the government and asked for by the experts HAD been given, odds are this would not have happened and all we would be talking about is one wiped out AL and MS coastline.

How about this - if the decades of funding hadn't been squandered by seedy local politics this wouldn't have happened either.
How about this--if over half of New Orleans was not 5 feet or more below sea level, none of this would have happened. The reason NO flooded was because it is surrounded by water and it is below sea level. It is as simple as that. Any and all manmade structures will eventually fail when placed against the awesome fury of mother nature. If the levees were stronger, they might not have failed during Katrina. However, one can only delay the inevitable for so long. Wherever people live, they must realize the risks they are taking by living there. Florida gets hit by a lot of hurricanes. California has wild fires, earthquakes, and land slides. Anybody living downstream from the Hoover Dam had better have a well thought out quick reaction plan for the day that Dam gives out. In the midwest, everyone has basements in the event of a tornado. Most people take pretty small and manageable risks, however, living in an area of NO that is below sea level and not having an individual escape plan is negligent and irresponsible.
How about this - if the decades of funding hadn't been squandered by seedy local politics this wouldn't have happened either.

Considering most of the funding for the flooding concept comes from the federal government, I'd weigh them much greater than the seedy locals. The levee system and flood control in this region is an Army Corp of Engineers domain. Their funding and oversight comes from DC. They dropped the ball on much of the coastal flood controls in the delta that could have prevented much of the actual flooding. The levees have been promised an upgrade to at least cat 4+ level for years. Had they been stronger, they could have lasted long enough for much of the Ponchatrain levels to recede. Even if they failed at that point, much less water would have made it in the city itself.
Considering most of the funding for the flooding concept comes from the federal government, I'd weigh them much greater than the seedy locals. The levee system and flood control in this region is an Army Corp of Engineers domain. Their funding and oversight comes from DC. They dropped the ball on much of the coastal flood controls in the delta that could have prevented much of the actual flooding. The levees have been promised an upgrade to at least cat 4+ level for years. Had they been stronger, they could have lasted long enough for much of the Ponchatrain levels to recede. Even if they failed at that point, much less water would have made it in the city itself.

I put more weight of it on the people living there. If you live near a problem such as this, you are much better off solving your problem than relying on soomeone far off solving it.
I put more weight of it on the people living there. If you live near a problem such as this, you are much better off solving your problem than relying on soomeone far off solving it.

only so much you can do when they cut your funding. again i have to bring up the fact the the levees around the poor neighborhoods were the ones that were damaged the most, were they supposed to plug the holes with their dead or something?

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