Who would be on your top 5 list of worst fans?

1. Bama - this has nothing to do with their success but more to the fact they never acknowledge their bad years. They bash Manning for not beating Florida but fail to remember he beat them 3/4 times.

2. Duke hoops - 99% of their fans have never been to Durham nor would Duke ever allow them on their campus. Add Vitale and this is a no brainer.

3. Cowboys - true fans remember Dorsett, Staubach etc but most people only know Aikman and Smith. Plus they act like they're football royalty, give me a break..1 playoff win in like 20 years.

4. Florida - no explanation needed.

5. Miami - hate to inform but Irvin, Sapp, Toretta, Testaverde etc was a long time ago. You're no longer the U, now you're a 2nd rate team in a 3rd rate conference.

I do love LSU and actual ND fans (not people who have never been to Indiana). Both groups are always very hospitable anytime I've been to a game there.
My only experience with Maryland fans was the 2002 Orange Bowl, and they were loud and rowdy up until the point where we took a 3TD lead in the first half.

My first impression of Maryland fans will always be the "f*** you JJ!" chant back when JJ Redick played for Duke...the entire student section, loud and proud on national TV as Duke was spanking that ass in College Park.

Even before JJ they had "**** Duke" t shirts where it wasn't even censored. They cheered when a Duke player got hurt during a game, ala Philadelphia Eagles fans. The "**** Duke" chants are just dumb. I don't care about vulgarity, but at least be creative. The Cameron Crazies are dorks, but they are at least creative and clever. That's what pissed me off about the UT student section this fall vs you guys when they started chanting FU Florida. It's just dumb.
1. Ohio St
2. Georgia
3. Carolina (they are the Yankees of college basketball. The real fans are amazing, but 75% of the fan base has no idea about anything with the program and just shouts UNC, Tarheel Blue baby. That, or they regurgitate something they heard on ESPN three weeks that has no relevance anymore.
4. Notre Dame
5. Florida
3. Cowboys - true fans remember Dorsett, Staubach etc but most people only know Aikman and Smith. Plus they act like they're football royalty, give me a break..1 playoff win in like 20 years.

So anyone under 35 or so can't be a Cowboys fan?
You will get your fair share of crap, "tiger bait" and whatnot. But I've been to Tiger Stadium many times, and the majority of those folks are great. I've been invited into more tailgate tents in Baton Rouge than I have in any other opposing town.

Nailed it....if you can handle LSU fans getting within a foot of your face and yelling "TIGAH BAYTE!!!" without going soft like vols4evah, that very same LSU fan will likely invite you to his (or her) tailgate where you will be treated to some of the best tailgate grub on the damn planet.

We had a group of LSU fans invite us to their tailgate before the 2001 game, and we returned the favor in '02 when they came to Gainesville.

Yes, throwing beer bottles at the team bus is being very hospitable.
Being a UK fan from Knoxville my 5 worst fan bases would be:

1. Louisville
2. Alabama
3. Tennessee
4. Vanderbilt
5. Indiana
It's not fair to generalize an entire fanbase over some rotten apples. I've had fans in Neyland yell obscenities at me and my son (who was 10 at the time), and others who were very friendly.
Yes, throwing beer bottles at the team bus is being very hospitable.

The fans who would bother to congregate around the opposing team's bus are members of the small percentage of bad fans. Painting an entire fanbase with that brush isn't terribly fair.
The fans who would bother to congregate around the opposing team's bus are members of the small percentage of bad fans. Painting an entire fanbase with that brush isn't terribly fair.

You seem to be taking up for them.... embarrassed over the Teabagging incident, are we?
In no particular order:
Bama - tea bagging, tree killers, arrogant
Vandy - too big for their britches
Notre Dame - still think their relevant for some reason, probably gets the most unwarranted attention
Florida - bias on this one, I just hate them
USC - Like Notre Dame, just with more recent success. Bama west IMO.
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You seem to be taking up for them.... embarrassed over the Teabagging incident, are we?

I've seen more people trying to pick a fight with an opposing fan in Knoxville (1), then I ever have in Baton Rouge (0).

I've been to every SEC stadium, and many outside the SEC. Maybe I'm just well-traveled to the point that I don't like painting with a broad brush unless more than half the fans I encounter act like idiots.
I've never had a bad interaction with a fan of another team to be honest. I wore a blue shirt to a FSU alumni get together and thats where I got the most grief.

From what I've seen via social media/TV

1. Ohio State -Massive, massive bandwagon fan base, stupid "THE Ohio State University"..They become enraged when you call them Ohio.
2. Bama - fans poisoned trees at an opposing school..that about sums it up.
3. Michigan - another massive bandwagon fan base..nary a peep from them when they suck but man oh man they are gods gift to football when they win a game or two.
4. Vandy - Fans act like they came in second at the special olympics and are mad proud.
5. Florida - Most fans can't spell Florida. Most fans dont know why they are fans. A guy taking my coffee order this morning saw my lanyard and said "Texas fan huh?". My lanyard actually says TENNESSEE all over it. I reply, "No,..Tennessee"..then I get "Aw man I'm a gator fan yeah SEC maaan!".........

Honorable mentions:

Notre Dame / Penn State / Clemson / Miami. Miami is like a poorly funded criminal organization that underachieves.
Most fans are usually pretty chill if they are sober. This thread got me thinking though..I made a girl almost vomit with rage when I told her Tebow was gay. I was at an FSU alumni gathering for their game versus Clemson a few years back..said game sucked balls..she was ready to kill me. But like a good guy I just ignored her and kept drinking. I got booed by USF fans for wearing a UT polo to one of their games versus Cincinnati years ago..meh I deserved that one.

You're problematic fans are the ones living vicariously through the sports program.
It's not fair to generalize an entire fanbase over some rotten apples. I've had fans in Neyland yell obscenities at me and my son (who was 10 at the time), and others who were very friendly.

I've seen that. I was at the buffalo game a few years back and there were some kids who drove down from Buffalo to see the game. They knew they were going to get killed, they got all liquored up and where having a good time. They kept yelling things like "We still have time for a comeback" etc. Nice guys, loved the town, amazed by the stadium. Yet some dolt behind me kept yelling at them to STFU and calling them other offensive names. It was the fourth quarter and the Buffalo fans were yelling "We still got a chance, blah blah etc etc". It was pretty funny. Again..people taking sports way to seriously got all uptight about it.
i would say the best and worse I have seen out of fans have been UT fans. but that is probably because I deal with them the most.
This, by far.

The UF-UT rivalry and fan interaction was downright toxic in the early 90s, but it doesn't hold a candle to UF-Miami.

I had some family friends (college kids at the time) jumped on University or 13th (can't remember) after the 2008 game by a couple Fidel's who were grown-ass men. Bloodied and bruised them up pretty good.
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It's not fair to generalize an entire fanbase over some rotten apples. I've had fans in Neyland yell obscenities at me and my son (who was 10 at the time), and others who were very friendly.

Exactly. If we went by the worst fans, I've met some really rude OSU fans. Three guys up in Ohio, one in particular really awful. By far the worst experience I've had with another fan based solely on him not liking UK. Almost got into a fight with him if we hadn't been held back from each other on the court. But I've spent time up in Columbus the last few summers, worn my UK gear, and everyone other than him has been great. Similarly, I know some really bad UK fans, but overall I'd like to think most bases are mostly good people.

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