Whole new attitude on defense.

After UT had 4 picks against NCSU last year against a pretty good QB this place thought that D got it as well....
After we had forced all those turnovers in the 1st half, I just assumed that we keep forcing them and have a lot more. That being said, the effort on D is very pleasing and has that killer instinct that we as fans love to see. :yes:
if you guys can't see a team coming together, playing for each other and holding each other accountable, I don't know what to tell you. This will bring wins. Not this year. But soon.
All the individuals that ostracized staff and players are gone. If it happens again, we have the staff and players that will fix the problem now instead of letting if fester and ruin a locker room/team.
It's fun to watch a team that plays for each other, even when we lose.
This was all I was saying. It's evident. Of course they have weaknesses of course they will be more tested as the season goes on. Of course they will struggle at times. What is clear to me though is that this team has unity and is getting back to the basics of having fun and playing for each other.
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We DID NOT MANHANDLE WKU for 60 minutes. A middle of the road SEC team should have shut them down period. This game should have been much like last weeks game but it wasn't. That is what has everyone concerned. Am I or the others on here unhappy? Hell no! Are we concerned about getting our heads handed to us in Eugene? Hell yes! The sunshine pumpers can't live in reality, you have to either be all in 100% win every game take no prisoners. Everyone else are unhappy negavols. Back off the crack pipe boys, it's gonna be a bumpy ride this season and possibly next, but it is gonna be a ride!

I predicted 6 wins- if that is a sunshine pumper, then so be it. But I enjoy the wins, especially when we hang 52 on someone and our defense actually looks like it has a coach. It is always funny around here. People talk up the opponent all week and then when we win by 32, people say the opponent sucked. Like him or not, Petrino is a good coach. His scheme is good for a touchdown or two- he knows how to create mismatches. This place is bipolar and we have some ridiculous fans.
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You do realize last year Troy ran up and down the field and had about 700 yards? And we kept hearing last week about how this year's WK team is better than Troy? Are our fans ever happy? Damn.

Agree,well spoken.

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