Welcome to all the Vols headed to Norman or who is already here. I have some family in Tennessee so I have some heart for that part of the world and planning on making the return trip next year to Knoxville. I hope all are made welcome and enjoy some delicious food and beer and enjoy that atmosphere.
I don't think we could ask for better weather this weekend. It's a little cooler and rainy today but tomorrow is expected to be around 70 tomorrow with little wind and partly sunny. Great day for Football.
I'm in the Tulsa area and will be headed to Norman tomorrow but it sounds like the vols are well represented by what I have seen and heard at this point. How many fans are you expecting? 10,000?
As far as the radio chatter this week, it's been more about the Bob Stoops and Oklahoma vs the SEC more than X's and O's about the game this weekend. The overall consensus is from a skill position perspective there is not that big of a talent difference between the two teams. However, Oklahoma seems to be that much better on both sides of the line than Tennessee and that is where the difference in the game will lie.
Safe travels to everyone making the journey