Why does everyone assume selling beers automatically means people will be just black out drunk in the game?
Why does everyone assume selling beers automatically means people will be just black out drunk in the game? They sell alcohol in stores, but not everyone in the world is blackout drunk.
Will you have some people get sloppy? yeah. are some people already sloppy despite us not selling it? yeah.
I'd rather a guy come in and buy beers than sneak in airplane bottles of jack.
Possibly because many of us have seen it happen. There's nothing like the sound and stench of some poor sot wretching in a nearby seat because they're not personally responsible enough to handle it.
And while there is intense training for those selling alcohol because of the high level of liability involved, it's almost impossible to stop the morally bankrupt individuals who send their equally bankrupt sober friend to buy them more beer after they've been cut off.
Does that mean it shouldn't be sold? Absolutely not. It just means we should do a better job of policing each other and having the mature morale fiber to cut someone off even if we don't know them.
Booze would be great! During those hot September games we will have more rookie students passing out in the stadium from heat stroke, dehydration, and stupidity.
But for real booze at CFB is great. I went to a few USF games a few years back and they played in the Tampa Bay stadium. I was pretty awesome. I don't know who won that game though.
Booze would be great! During those hot September games we will have more rookie students passing out in the stadium from heat stroke, dehydration, and stupidity.
But for real booze at CFB is great. I went to a few USF games a few years back and they played in the Tampa Bay stadium. I was pretty awesome. I don't know who won that game though.
Responsible alcohol consumption is never a problem. Excessive consumption to the point of distractive public intoxication should be met with immediate incarceration and exorbitant fines.
Just think about it. Athletic Department needs money, sells alcohol at events to open up one avenue of revenue, partners with UTPD to gain a portion of fines from intoxication arrests for another avenue on the backside.
That way, you get money from the decent people once and the dregs of society twice. No more funding problems.
Why does everyone assume selling beers automatically means people will be just black out drunk in the game? They sell alcohol in stores, but not everyone in the world is blackout drunk.
Will you have some people get sloppy? yeah. are some people already sloppy despite us not selling it? yeah.
I'd rather a guy come in and buy beers than sneak in airplane bottles of jack.
The price could become a limiting factor of excessive consumption and encourage responsible drinking.
That was about as much as it was to get a drink at one of the budget resorts at Walt Disney World last year. All the drinks were eight dollars plus. It's getting expensive to drink anywhere nowadays.