Why Are You A Vol Fan?



Senior Member
Sep 12, 2004

Does anyone have any particular reason of being a vol fan besides growing up near them or that they are the best program in the country?
Me, well i grew up here, what about you guys?

im gettin kinda bored :geek:
Well, i've grown up about 20 mins from there and my family are big fans. So i guess i've always just been a fan! :thumbsup:
When I was young my mother used to lock me up in an all orange closet. There were speakers in there that played Rocky Top over and over with a faint "Touchdown Tennessee" in the background. Sometimes a TV would appear and play old football games. I used to hate it, but now I wish I could go back because in retrospect, it was heaven.
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@May 19, 2005 9:53 PM
When I was young my mother used to lock me up in an all orange closet.  There were speakers in there that played Rocky Top over and over with a faint "Touchdown Tennessee" in the background.  Sometimes a TV would appear and play old football games.  I used to hate it, but now I wish I could go back because in retrospect, it was heaven.

are you serious? :eek:
Borned and raised in God's Orange Country!!

:worship: :worship: :worship:
It was ingrained in me at an early age. Then after I moved to GA, I was accepted at Tennessee, but ended up playing NAIA golf at Berry College and later graduated from GA State . . . neither of which is remotely renowned for their strong athletic department, so my allegiance to the Vols never changed.
Originally posted by Volsguy12@May 19, 2005 10:54 PM
are you serious?  :eek:

Are you seriously asking if he's serious?
Ainge went to my high school, and watching to see how our hometown guy did from week to week quickly turned into habit and then eventual fanship of the program.
Well, I visited East Tn in 98 and fell in love with the area. So, we started going back twice a year or more and it just kinda grows on you. There is something about the place that just sucks you in!! The "spirit" I guess. So, I have been following them for about 6 years or so and try to make it to one game a year!!!!! :thumbsup:
My uncle and cousin played FB at UT. Started listening to the Vols before John Ward was around. Now have another cousin playing there. Also went to school there for 2 years.
This is a good topic!

As a kid growing up in swva, football is big!

At maybe 5? I decided the Cowboys was my team.
Down the road a few years i started watching CFB and being on the VA/TN border picked the Vols as my CFB team.

By the time i was in jr. high school id had 4-5 years of football experience of my own. That lead me to understand the game i so loved.

As the years past i just found my bedroom etc turning orange with flags and anything else i could get. Now as much of a football fan i am id watch a college game anytime over an nfl game. My first time to Neyland(age 9) was the last time i wondered to myself why i love the Vols.

God couldnt have picked a more beautiful place for his team!

Early in HS the most obnoxious people were Bama fans, so I started rooting for UT and then I attended there to get away from my parents.
I grew up a UK fan and made several family trips to Neyland to see UK get killed. UT kinda became the "other" team that I liked. In the late '90s, UT basketball got exciting, and I gradually figured out that I liked UT more than I thought I did. Sorry, Dad.
:D Grew up in Alcoa/maryville TN. Went to many games as a kid and try to get back one or two times a year. Always been a Huge vol fan, always will be. Although I live in Alabama I wear orange UT stuff all the time. they call me Tennman thusly the screenname. I miss living in God's country. By the way, I spent 22 years in the US army and everywhere I went even in Panama there were VOL fans everywhere, and I mean everywhere. GO VOLS COME ALIVE IN 05
Its great to be a Tennessee Vol, especially living in Bama country haha

Just a trivia note. I have only seen Tennessee lose one time in person and that was in Auburn year before last. They are 77-1 when I go to the games. My brother will kill me for telling this, its a family secret and dont want to jinx it.
Love the sport of football and living in Nashville, Vandy didn't really provide any good football entertainment. I even went to vandy. My uncle played qb in the mid 60's (Dewey "The Swamp Rat" Warren) and I went to hs with Troy Fleming.

College football is my favorite sport to watch and follow, bar none.

I don't know about you guys, but I find myself watching random SEC replay games during the summer. Hey, if you don't know who won, it's practically live.
lived in north alabama all my life. all of my dads family is from kville so he was a die hard ut fan. i was a bama fan when i was younger and didn't know any better just to irritate my dad. when ut lost all those years to bama and i saw all the crap the bamers gave my dad and how obnoxious they were i soon switched my alliance. so maybe i should actually thank all those bama fans for helping me see the light. :D
I first moved from Austin, TX to Morristown, TN in the summer of 85. football was huge in Texas and didnt even know what a Vol was at the time. Unable to get any SWC games in east Tennessee, i was forced to watch local broadcasts of SEC football.

my first love for the vols came from Tony Robinson during the UCLA game. He was a one man machine!! and an individual 400+ yard game to boot. Amazing player.

could this game be topped? you bet your azz!!

#1 auburn coming into Knoxville, TN with a man called Vincent Jackson. Went to Knoxville to watch the game with my dad at a local bar and i was flat out floored. The score was 24-0 at half time...VOLUNTEERS!! They never looked back and held of the tigers to an impressive home game win. My dad and i talked about the game all the way home and from that moment on, i knew i was going to be a volunteer fan for life.

then came the Alabama game. Black Saturday. i really didnt know how passionate people were over this rivalry until hearing from tons of loyal fans that this was the biggest game of the year no matter what the records are. this was the game that decided bragging rites and to Tennessee having bragging rites over a Alabama was more important than just about everything else. (ok. maybe going to the sugar bowl but im getting to that.)

one of the worst hits i have ever seen and the spark for my hatred towards Alabama. the game was rough but the hit on Tony Robinson's knee was crippling. I saw Tony in pain that could only be matched by the Tennessee loyal watching. my newest favorite hero was laying there with the whole volunteer nation watching. wondering. waiting.... it was a moment that only my father and I could share in an empty house but we knew we were not alone in our misery and sympathy for Tony.

low and behold a scrappy #11 Daryl Dickey took the field and held off Bama with a win that I still believe was more than a win for the team. it was a win for Tony.

the rest of the season was a dream come true. Doug threw for the vols last 5 wins in the last half of the regular season and solidified a Sugar Bowl birth and and SEC title.

now, you wanna talk biast against UT? Never i had seen a bigger under dog than UT going into this game. Lead by a great Miami QB and solid players around the ball Tennessee wasn't even given a chance to win this game.... well, we all know what happened.

(time restricting me from finishing this)

another cool thing about 85 season.. Doug Dickey became athletic director. maybe other things happened that season that other long-time vol fans can add.

Grew up in Cleveland, TN - always have been and always will be. Never known anything different and sure don't want to.
My dad introduced me to the Vols when I was six years old and the great Condredge Holloway was quarterback. I've been hooked ever since and can't imagine being a fan of anyone else.
my family were UT fans when I was growing up, I attended UT as an undergrad, and have worked for UT for going on 16 yrs, really started being obsessed in 88' and '89
We moved to Knoxville when I was 5. My dad worked at UT. I earned my B.S. and MBA there.

I never had a chance to like another team :p
I didn't have much choice growing up. My granddad, mom and dad were all UT alums. My parents bought their set of season tickets in '72 when they graduated and my dad still sits there in X3. I lived in Knoxville until I graduated from UT too.

I guess there's not much of UT I haven't experienced. I sold cokes in the stadium when I was 10 yrs old. (and volaholic I was selling them at that same Auburn game in '85) I even played soccer tourneys on the artificial turf. I've watched many of my friends play for UT and have cheered for every sport there. The UT campus is one of my favorite places on earth.

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